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Amber Danielle

LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Amber Danielle

  1. Amber Danielle

    7 weeks pregnant

    OMG! Thank goodness I am not the only one that is feeling like complete poo! I am 6 and a half weeks pregnant and I have had my lapband a yr as of July 30th. Found out I was pregnant like 4 days before my year anniversary, so I almost made that recommended year date LoL! I have lost 2lbs, which is good but IDK how long thats going to last. When I am nauseated the best thing is to try and eat. Weird...but hopefully I don't gain too much. Hope everyone has a great pregnancy and can't wait to share stories and help each other out! I haven't been on this forum in awhile and have totally missed it! :drool: Anyones OB recommend unfilling right away?
  2. Ok, so I went to my Pre-Op class and talk with my surgeon today. Now I am totally discouraged. It's not that me surgeon isn't nice or anything but I guess I should fill you in on the whole story. So since my BMI is 60 I needed to be on a longer pre-op diet which is totally understandable. So I started on July 9th like they told me and today is the 17th so its pretty much been a bit over a week. Well I have only lost like 3 pounds. Pretty depressing. I was told to drink 2-3 Atkins shakes a day, and have two meals with 4-6oz of lean meat (chicken, turkey, extra lean ground beef, or fish) and green veggies only! If I I feel I need more I can have a cup of fruit...like peaches or pineapple pretty much anything but bananas. So yeah...I did sorta go off a tad the 3rd day and has a tiny salad as my veggie (lettuce only) and like 1tbs of fat free ranch on it. So I am pretty much following it to a T. I even completely cut the soda out even though they said as long as I cut down (and only diet) and completely cut out after surgery I will be fine. Anywho...enough with the back story...so now my surgeon tells me for the next week and a half he wants me on no more than 800 calories a day with 60g+ of Protein. The protein isn't a problem but I think its been hell with the 1000-1100 calories a day ive been doing now....what now?! Anyone have any suggestions of what meals I can have or things what will satisfy me and have like no calories? PLEASE HELP!!!! Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated! - Amber
  3. Amber Danielle

    HELP!! Pre-Op Diet!!

    Hey!! You know what I figured out that really works? I put my shakes in the freezer for about 30 minutes and it thickens them up and the coldness really kinda soothes me for some reason. I know that might sound kinda weird but for some reason it does the trick. Idk if you can only have liquids, but if not I found this Protein bar by atkins thats called chocolate Peanut Butter. OMG its FABULOUS!!! Its alittle high in calories 240 but the protein is like 17g and it actually for the most part taste like Reeses. Maybe I am just so craving Reeses that it does it for me but even my mom (who is also having the surgery, just 2 weeks after me) said its really good. They are expensive (atleast for me they are) but they so help with the sweet tooth in me. Also, another thing that has seemed to help is like sticking to a schedule if at all possible. If I do happen to get hungry I just tell myself...next time I can have something is for example at noon and I just kinda have something to look forward. Most of the time though unless I didn't get a chance to eat around the set time, im not all that hungry anyways. But even if you aren't hungry you still gotta stay on track or you will become so hungry you want to stuff your face LoL. I made that mistake. Oh yeah...two last things...try drinking a variety of things. Iced tea, crytal light, Water, diet snapple, etc. It doesn't make things seem so just plain....and gum...OMG GUM ROCKS!!! They have the sugar free by extra and they fruity flavors and the flavor lasts a long time and there are only 5 calories. I snack on one or two a day if I need to trick my brain and stomach into not being hungry. Hope my little experiences help you or atleast someone. Again thanks for all the support everyone! :-) July 30th is almost here! YaY!
  4. Amber Danielle

    HELP!! Pre-Op Diet!!

    Thanks for all the support everyone! It really does mean alot! Its funny...on my 30minute drive home from the doctor I kept thinking about how I couldn't wait to get on here and get feedback because I knew that there are other people that know how I am feeling and it makes me not feel like such a loser. LoL! Thanks again everyone! Now just the count down til' July 30th and I will be home free :-)
  5. Amber Danielle

    Had pre-op today and

    Hey! I totally know what your going through. So many things have come and and things with the money for it to not thinking I can succeed to not waking up from the surery that I have been driving myself crazy. I get my surgery July 30th and my pre-op appointment is tomorrow. Hopefully I can get the reassurance along with you, but it got to the point where I broke down last night and just balled telling my mom I would rather just be fat LoL! I know I am only 21 but if you ever wanna chat don't hesitate to send me a message! - Amber
  6. Hey Everyone! So about the whole fake nails thing. From what I have heard from other people that have had surgery including the lapbad is that they can tell if your getting enough oxygen from you body or not by looking at your nails. Maybe some doctors go by this and some don't. Who knows....I won't have to worry about that because I have been too poor saving up for the surery to get my nails done in awhile! LoL! Good Luck to all! I am only on day 6 of PreOp diet of 3wks so pray for me! LoL! - Amber
  7. Amber Danielle


    Hey everyone!!! I started my Pre-Op Diet today and so far it's not going so well!!! The shakes are BLAH!!!! Any suggestions would be great from anyone! They are just so like gritty and leave a funk after taste and I have only had one of them LoL. Totally dreading the next. Anyways, my surgery is scheduled for July 30th and I can't wait. My BMI is 62 and weight is 370 (wow ive never told anyone that but my mom!). My Pre-Op appointment is scheduled for July 17th so hopefully I can loose a few pounds before then. I am so happy to have found this site. :smile: - Amber
  8. Amber Danielle

    21st Birthday Party

    From the album: Me

  9. Amber Danielle


  10. Amber Danielle

    No caption

    From the album: Me

  11. Amber Danielle

    No caption

    From the album: Me

  12. From the album: Me

  13. Amber Danielle

    No caption

    From the album: Me

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
