Hi, I've just come across this website and need some help. I've also got bipolar 2 and am not as stable mentally as the doc wants me to be. i am just switching to lithium after two years of various cocktails of mood stabilizers and antidepressants which haven't worked. In those two years I've put on 60 pounds--this can't help mood/self image can it? Also I now worry about other health worries--I don't have any yet, but you never know, being obese like I am--I could develop diabetes, high blood pressure etc. I was always very fit, have no energy now--partly illness, partly meds, partly laziness.
How long did you actually have to wait before the psych doc ok'ed you for surgery? Did you have to have their permission before the surgeons would go ahead? I'm in England, so laws may be different, but perhaps you could give me some ideas/help. Thanks, Vix:crying: