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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by John_Yeti

  1. Hi there, i am looking into getting the Lap Band surgery. I am looking for any recommendations on a doctor in the shreveport or Northwestern part of Louisiana?
  2. ty very much for your input. I will keep him in mind when deciding what to do. i do not have insurance... lol but before you gasp, it's okay. I have been blessed with funds to help get me the surgery. I wonder if without insurance, i will not need a pre-surgery diet... not that it matters... i'm so ready for it to happen, i'd do anything to prove i want this.
  3. I am looking into the Lap band surgery, and was just wondering if anyone can give me a heads up on what the doctors are looking for when figuring out if one is right for this type of surgery? A little background. I am 6'3 and about 430 lbs. lol figure that is good enough for it, but wanted to know. Thanks.

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