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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by John_Yeti

  1. John_Yeti

    Confused about my plateau

    i've also wondered that as well, but every time i talk to my nurse about it.. they tell me to stick with what i've been doing. I see lots of people who get about 800 to 1000 calories and lose it.... i just can't figure out why i'd be sticking around the same area. But, i think you might be right, or at least i'm hoping this will be the topic of discussion with my nurse. I'm wondering if different foods along with a fill will be my answer.
  2. John_Yeti

    Long Plateau

    Here is my situation. I started at 470 lbs (Sept. 2008) and now (Feb. 2010) i'm at 320ish lbs. So far so good. But, i've been floating around 315 to 323 lbs area since Sept. 2009. I've been sitting at a huge plateau for a while now, and it's really started to get frustrating. I'm going in for a fill in about a week, but my question is: Has anyone else had a plateau this long, and come out of it? Don't get me wrong, I'm happy about the weight i've lost, but i've been getting pretty much about 1000 to 1500 calories on average per day, and i exercise usually around 4 to 5 times a week. So, it's not like i'm slacking off a bit. I'm just confused. Can anyone give me any advice or give me some sort of story that will encourage me? lol Thanks. :smile:
  3. John_Yeti

    Long Plateau

    Thank you for your help and inspiration. It is nice to hear from someone who has had this problem, and broke free from it. I know deep down inside i will not give up, and i will break free. It's just hard to have a positive attitude while in this state.
  4. John_Yeti

    Band Genius app for iPhone and iPod

    LoseIt is an awesome application. I recommend it to anyone. i can track all my calories / weight progress and all other information and then compare daily / weekly intakes. Very nice, and free!
  5. John_Yeti

    Question about a Plateau and Protein Shake

    ty for the advice, and i will give it a try. :frown:
  6. Hi everyone, i have a question for you all. I've hit a huge plateau over the summer. I started out at 470 in Sept. 2008, worked my way down to 325 in May 2009. Since May, until now (Sept. 2009), i've been staying between 320-325. I don't go over nor under. I eat a good Breakfast (usual egg whites and turkey bacon), for lunch i usually have a Protein / veggie or i will have a Protein shake. And for dinner, a protein and 2 veggies/1 cheese. I've been drinking a protein shake from the smoothie King brand called "Gladiator." Here are the nutrient facts: Calories 187 Sodium 150mg Carbs <1 Fiber <1 Sugar <1 Protein 45g My question, would this shake everyday be causing me to stay at my weight? I'm barely getting 1200 calories total a day, but i thought that maybe the shake is somehow bulking me up and doing this... not sure. I do walk / bike / weight lift, so it's not like i'm not doing anything. I also know i'll get the usual "You're gaining muscle and losing weight", but eventually i'm gonna lose more weight than the muscle i gain.... because i'm no Arnold, nor am i even close. So, your thoughts are welcomed, please let me know what you think. Thanks! :thumbup:
  7. John_Yeti

    Question about a Plateau and Protein Shake

    Yeah, I'm walking / cardio workout / lifting weights at least 4 times a week. And i am replacing a meal with the shake.... just not sure why i've stopped... for such a long period. I could understand stopping, but for so long? lol i was having fun going down in pant sizes.... :thumbup:
  8. John_Yeti

    pain around port area

    I know i had some discomfort after my surgery with my port area, and i still do, but that is due to exercise and other activities that work or stretch my muscle in that area. So, it's nothing uncommon to have these pains. But i guess, i feel your pain... :thumbup:
  9. John_Yeti

    The Yeti's Journey!

    From the Summer of 2008 until present day. 121 lbs lost so far!
  10. John_Yeti

    Confused about eating and being full

    I know another problem i have had are coldish foods. If your sandwich, bread / mayo / meat, is made of cold foods, this may cause slow/stuck feelings. Also, bread is one of the top foods that give us problems, unless it is toasted. Usually breads or pasta types foods will swell up in our pouch or along the way, that's why doctors usually tell us to toast our bread first. Hope this helps, btw it gets better. Usually what happens between fills is this: 1st week, whatever your doctor puts you on, mine puts me on 1 week liquid again 2nd,3rd,4th --> normal eating, feeling good restriction 5th week --> starting to notice i can eat more. 6th week --> time for another fill, because i can eat a bit more than the beginning of the fill. This is why it takes a few fills to hit that 'sweet spot", i've been told it's because there is fat between our band and our stomach, so when we lose more weight / fat between the band/stomach, it gets loose again, so that's why we get fills until we've burned enough of that fat to be comfortable with where our band is. Mine took 4 fills to reach. Good Luck! :scared2:
  11. John_Yeti

    Men who have been banded

    Hey there Jacksdad, I was banded on Dec. 19th of 2008.. I know it's not recently, but didn't see any other replies. WHen i started my journey in Sept. 2008, i was at my heaviest of 470 lbs. By my surgery date, i was at 410 lbs. As of today (July 29, 2009) i'm at 319 lbs this morning. So, i can say without a doubt that this is the best thing i've ever done. Good luck with your journey!
  12. John_Yeti


    I actually still take fish oil pills sometimes, when i remember. I've had 4 fills now, and don't seem to have a problem. I'm sure that i will have a problem with them eventually.
  13. John_Yeti

    Protein ideas?

    Turkey breast, Bison, Wild Salmon, all White Fish, Eggs, Beans, hummus, goat cheese, low fat cheeses, peanut butter, almond butter, most any kind of nut butters, etc.
  14. John_Yeti

    First fill

    I started thinking that 1 Fill would do it for me. I think the average is 3 to 4 fills for each person. I know that with each fill i have, it seems to cut off the amount of food i can take in at a time. During the last few weeks of each fill, you will notice that you can eat a little more than usual. I have been told that this is due to the fat that is between your stomach pouch and band. WHen you burn that fat, the band is sort of loose again, so that's why we get fills.. until we've lost most all that fat in that particular area, and the band is tight enough for our pleasure. Once you have reached this point, this will be where you don't get a fill for a while. So, with each Fill, don't be scared that you're eating too much, or you're hungry. You will eventually get to that "Sweet Spot" as they call it eventually. Trust me, I was expecting results instantly.... it just takes time. :cursing:
  15. Thank you very much, and good luck to you also.

  16. Here are two pictures showing what i looked like at the starting of my Lap Band Journey. The first is from Sept. 2008, when i started going to my Doctor. I was at 469 lbs. I had surgery in December of 2008 and I was 410 lbs at that point. The 2nd picture is from today (June 24th, 2009) at 325 lbs. :bored:
  17. John_Yeti

    Pro-Nos protein shake powder

    I've searched for many different kinds, for flavor & nutritional value. I think I may have found my favorite one. If you have a smoothie King near you, they sale a product called "Gladiator" Protein Powder Meal Replacement. It has about 180 calories, <1 sugar, <1 carb, and pretty low fat from what i remember. It comes in Vanilla, strawberry, and chocolate flavors.... so vanilla can go into a shake sugar, or you can put it in milk / coffee / Water.... whatever you prefer. I usually add two scoops to 1 banana, hand full of cranberries, and some water blended up for a shake. Really good Breakfast. They also sale a smoothie there called "The Gladiator" which uses this Protein Shake.... you can add two fruits, and your choice of flavor.... so pretty much a Hugely low in sugar, medium calorie meal for breakfast to go!
  18. So here is my problem..... Before the Lap-Band surgery i was on the diet from Sept. to Dec. I went from 469 to 410 up until Surgery day. After the surgery, i am on the 3 meal only per day.... it is 3 months so far, and I'm down to 365, which is really good, but i've been in the 360's for about 3 weeks now... My 2nd fill is coming up, but my question is: Did anyone seem to burn weight faster when having 3 meals and 2 Snacks per day, rather than the 3 meal only diet? It sure seems like it for me.... so I'm kinda wondering if anyone out there does 2 snacks per day? Thanks for your time and help.
  19. John_Yeti

    Back Pain?

    I've had my Band in for almost 3 months now... i'm starting to have severe pain in my back from loss of weight in my shoulders and back, and skin/fat hanging in front. My doctor/nurse say this is normal, but has anyone else had this problem? Anything that can be done besides exercise?

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
