I can completely identify with you. Two fills ago, I had great restriction for a few days and then not much. Then the last fill, everything seemed to get stuck but when it wasn't getting stuck, I could eat a TON! So I was very leary to get another fill this past Tuesday. However, it has been GREAT! Finally, for the first time in months the scale is moving and I can tell a big difference.
The stuck episodes had gotten a little less the last week or so of that last fill, but I kept thinking why would I need a fill when everything seemed to be getting stuck. I guess it is the speed we're eating and the size of what we're swallowing. I think I've probably slowed down my eating with this fill and been very aware of portion size. Also, I'm being very careful not to eat dry meats. I just hope it lasts! It's so nice not to be hungry all the time! Slow down your eating and make sure you're taking small bites and chewing. It helped me a lot.