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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by shrinknme

  1. I was banded on 7/25 as well and I went to the doc yesterday for my 1 wk check up. I think they felt bad for me because I have lost 11 lbs since surgery.. I am breastfeeding my baby and basically starving on freakin liquids! So they progressed me early to mushies.. the only problem is I am scared to death to eat much of anything because I dont want to throw up.. I HATE THROWING UP.. I threw up everyday for 7 months with my pregnancy and that is why I ended up with a hiatal hernia repair when I got banded. :wink2:
  2. I am sure this question has been asked a million times before. I tried doing a search for other posts on the subject. I am 5-6 days post op and I have some pretty severe left shoulder pain. I am assuming this is from the gas but I dont know.. I am a little ticked because I have walked soooo much and taken every gas medicine there is, not laid flat and now I have this! is it normal? has anyone asked a doc about this?.. I vauguely remember while still druged the doc saying something about left shoulder pain.. but hello... I was drugged.. anyone have suggestions on how to make it stop? Help!
  3. shrinknme

    Shoulder Pain Question

    thanks all.. the pain is much better.. and yes I did have a hiatal hernia repair, man did it hurt to breathe that first day!! I still get the shoulder pain.. but it is not as frequent.. thanks for sharing.. and I'll pray for the rest of you who still suffer from that pain.. its terrible. my husband would pray for me every time it got severe and I would burp a bunch and it would get better! :biggrin: yay God!
  4. shrinknme

    friday 7-25 please pray

    hello all, I am 5 days post op and still dealing with gas. I guess I didnt expect to still feel crappy on day 5. its the worst in the morning.. times like right now where I am choking down tea to try to start my day. I hope this is gonna be over soon. blah!
  5. shrinknme

    Pregnancy & Lap Band

    Hi.. I just got banded and one of the main deciding factors to finally saying yes is that you can have a totally healthy pregnancy.. you can keep the fluid in if you are getting enough nutrients or they can open it totally up so you can eat normally and then refill it after you have the baby. (which was important to me because my first preg I threw up everyday for 7 months!) so yes its totally safe.. I also know people who had the band and then got preg immediately after (not planned) and everything went fine.. its a very low risk thing.
  6. shrinknme

    New to this Forum

    Hi i was banded on Friday July 25th too! how are you feeling? I am still sore and dealing with GAS! haha but its getting better. hang in there!! Hebbs
  7. shrinknme

    preop diet and slimfast

    I used the low carb slimfast shakes.. they were recommended by my nutritionist.. they have lower sugar..
  8. I am up at two am with gurgling and pressure, gas and most likely hunger pains, I guess I am just trying to get used to my body after surgery, I am 2 days post op and I think my stomach is a little confused, just was up and thought I would share.
  9. Hi there, sorry if I scared you.. first off.. everyone is different.. so you cant take other peoples recoveries and expect that it will happen to you.. I went on this site and tried to prepare myself for everything that would happen.. you are unique.. you may or may not have a hard time.. the real thing to focus on is past the first few days.. the lifetime of healthier living.. I believe in the end it is worth anything you may go through. I have had a lot of gas pain and pressure.. so I have been trying to walk it off.. it was more pain than I thought I would have.. but it has been getting better. when I am up at 2am.. I just walk.. or wake my husband up for support.. and just wait it out till I am tired enough to fall asleep again.. its more annoying and discomfort.. its not like I am doubled over in pain. . day 3 has been the hardest so far.. but I think its getting better. I heard some people walk out of surgery and dont have any gas pain or discomfort at all!! lucky them!! haha. just keep remembering this is like a week of my life where I have to go through some discomfort.. but in the end it will be so much better.. hang in there.. you will do great.. make sure you have some support.. someone who will empathize with your discomfort.. a back rub and a hug go a long way. :mad2:
  10. shrinknme

    Should I get the lap-band?

    Eve, have you had the band placed yet? if so when?
  11. hang in there I am on liquids for 2 weeks before mushies!! haha.. 1 week seems lucky.. man I cant wait to be out of the woods with the surgery healing.. I am looking forward to feeling great! I think the hardest part is I am breastfeeding my 10 month old and I am able to get hardly any nutrients down.. so I feel crappy and hungry.. but I cant do much about it.. sigh.. I guess thats what fat stores are for! haha
  12. I actually loved my expierence at Day One, I found the staff, nurses and Dr. Galvani to be very helpful and caring. I was impressed with the number of staff that themselves had the band and quit where they were working to come work for day one. I guess I just have had other bad medical expierences and found this one to be amazing compared to that, Dr. Galvani was 100 times better than the last surgeron I had, I find that surgeons usually have terrible bedside manner and I was very pleased and comfortable that he even took the time to come and get me for surgery, to himself roll me down the hall, walk me into the room and be there as I was put under, I think we have to remember that people are people and we all have bad days, I am sorry you had a bad expeierence, its terrible to feel wronged, especially with something as sensitive as this.
  13. shrinknme

    July Butterflies Master Thread

    ya the nurse told me to not even bother weighing myself, she said my body is so confused from surgery and all the fluids it wont know whether to gain or loose. ( the nurse was also a bandster)
  14. shrinknme

    Who's Getting Banded in July?

    orea, thanks for your help I was using the wrong code!! right place , wrong code.. :tt2: also those who have yet to be banded and those with gas pains.. walk walk walk!! I was banded yesterday and had horrible gas pains and I forced myself to walk.. in the evening I was up walking every 30-45 mins and I would stop and drink hot liquids along the way. and then last night I was up every 2-3 hours with the pain and I walked and drank and today Praise God its so much better.. its still there mildly and I still need to walk.. but its not killing me like before!.. just a little advice.. when they say walk.. walk!:biggrin2:
  15. shrinknme

    Who's Getting Banded in July?

    hey since someone is always posting on here can someone tell me where you are susposed to put the html code for the weightloss ticker so it can show up when I post? I looked on the signature page and I cant figure it out.. thanks.. I know I am lame :tt2:
  16. shrinknme

    Its almost here! EEEEK!

    ps.. anyone know where I put the weightloss ticker to show up???
  17. Hi everyone.. its almost here.. I have to be at the surgery center at 530a tomorrow morning!! someone please tell me this is all worth it because I am so nervous!.. my husband who is a medical student was explaining intibation to me yesterday and I was like a little kid with my hands over my ears going 'lalala' its interesting stuff.. until it happens to you!! I have so much to do to get ready and I am fighting off all these fears.. eeeeek!
  18. shrinknme

    Its almost here! EEEEK!

    Hey guys, dont let the gas pains worry you too much. (some people dont even get them.) its day 2 and I am feeling much better.. last night was a little rough.. but do-able.. just walk walk walk.. even if you dont feel like it.. do it.. I got up and walked through my house every half hour in the evening.. while I walked I used the little spirometer for breathing they give you.. and I put a station of hot liquid (like tea or just hot water) and every time I passed I took a sip.. susposed to be good for the gas. and then last night I ended up sleeping in my chair propped up and then every 2 hours got up and walked and sipped hot water.. and today I have some gas discomfort in my chest.. and my incisions are more sore than yesterday. but its much better.. so when they say walk.. force yourself! its only been 24 hours and I am still sore and in pain but not like yesterday. (oh and I took chewable gas pills and some liquid stuff too) keep me posted on how you do!
  19. shrinknme

    Should I get the lap-band?

    Hi.. I just got banded today and one of the main reasons I got the band is that it you can have a safe preg. my daughter is 10 months old and I know some people say their docs tell them to wait but I guess it just depends on if you are at a healthy enought wait.. I heard someone at our clinic was banded 2 months and got preg.. they just opened the band and she will get fill after the baby comes.. good luck and I say its worth it.. even though I am not the most comfortable right now :thumbup:
  20. shrinknme

    friday 7-25 please pray

    lacey how are you doing?
  21. shrinknme

    friday 7-25 please pray

    hey all! your prayers were very evident as I was nervous until 630 and then peace just rushed over me.. thanks so much.. which was a great thing since I had to wait two more hours for the doc who was late! gas pain is terrible..please pray that it would subside soon.. thanks so much and blessings to all of you!
  22. shrinknme

    Its almost here! EEEEK!

    hey all I am out and the gas pains are terrible.. but so far so good!
  23. shrinknme

    July Butterflies Master Thread

    Hey July bandsters, I am gonna join the ranks tomorrow at 630a. a little nervous, but I know it will be over before I know it.. go to sleep, wake up, ride half asleep to the clinic, get put on a bed, get knocked out and wake up banded!! I am so glad they are doing it soooo early!! I should be home in time for the cubs game! blessings to all who are waiting or recovering!
  24. shrinknme

    Its almost here! EEEEK!

    thank you for all your comments.. I will get on here to let you know how I do!
  25. shrinknme

    friday 7-25 please pray

    thank you so much your words are a blessing to me!

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