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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by shrinknme

  1. shrinknme

    July Butterflies Master Thread

    Hey all just checking in... I get my second fill next friday.. I cant wait because I seem to be stuck.. the lbs flew off in the first 2 weeks and I have been at the same weight for about 7 weeks. I have been keeping active and last saturday I went for an 8+ mile bike ride.. and I lost the pound that I gained back from right when I switched to regular foods forever ago..oooo its so frusterating!! :blink:well at least the scale hasnt moved in the opposite direction... good to see your all doing well.. cant wait to start losing again....
  2. shrinknme

    August 2008, at 133 lbs. The day I got filled.

    thanks for the pictures.. they are truely inspiring!
  3. shrinknme

    Extremely Depressed

    the only thing I can add is that there may be nothing wrong with the band.. because everyone is different.. and some people may take 2 fills and some may take 8.. it depends on the size of your band and the aggressiveness of the doctor who fills it.. some docs go really slow and try to creep up on the sweet spot so that you dont expierence over fill.. other docs are agressive and go for it! it depends on how much you get each fill and so on.. so its hard to say that if you are not there at 4 fills that something could be wrong.. I dont know if you get fills with flouroscopy.. but I cant imagine how they do them without it!! when I get my fills I am standing right in front of the flouroscopy machine and they can see how fast or slow the barium moves through. without that they are just guessing.. and I think thats why they may be less aggressive. some docs also go slow so it give you time to work on your eating habits. I know sometimes they fear if the person hasnt resolved those habits that if they fill a person tight and then they binge eat they can hurt themselves.. I dont know.. all I know is every doc and every person is different.. bottom line.. hang in there!! you'll get there!!
  4. shrinknme

    Extremely Depressed

    I just have to chime in and clear something up.. if you were told that the band limits the amount of food you can eat, well thats not exactly true. Gastric bypass limits the amount of food because your little pouch can only hold so much and if you over eat you will throw it up. The band can in a sense work like this.. but only when you are to your 'sweet spot' (the place where you eat the correct amount and you feel full and are losing 1-2 lbs per week) even then however you can still over eat.. there is something called eating around the band.. you can eat constantly or graze or drink liquid calories and still take in too many calories.. its amazing how fast those little buggers add up. with the band you still have to eat very small portions. count calories and in a sense diet.. now this is hard in the beginning because you will still feel hungry at times until you get the proper tightness.. the tightening of the band is actually more to make you feel full and make you feel full longer.. it does not actually limit the amount you can eat as a general rule.. (however for some people it can) I was banded 5 days before you and believe me I know right where you are. I lost 18 lbs quickly in the beginning and for the last month and a half its been like pulling teeth to get the scale to move at all. I even gained a lb back before my first fill. we have to remember however that this is a marathon and not a sprint. I know it gets exciting when the lbs fly off in the beginning and you feel like "yes" I am getting free! my advice.. and this is what I am doing for myself.. get on www.livestrong.com and set your self up with a diary, calorie counter, and exercise log. its all free on there and its easy to use. this will keep you accountable. 2nd look up progress pics on this site and look at the amazing results of those who kept going and didnt give in.. it will make you want it more.. and lastly.. inspire yourself.. set some realistic goals and go for it!! I bought 2 pairs of jeans 2 more sizes down. and set a goal for christmas.. do what ever it takes to keep going.. and lastly.. try to remember that people on this site are trying to help one another.. banded or not. :sad_smile:
  5. Mother-ease | Cloth Diapers | Diaper Covers |Training Pants :grouphug:
  6. Hi! We use both.. we use cloth when we are at home and disposable when we go out.. we got the brand 'motherease' and LOVE them.. they have a one size fits all size with multiple snaps and they have grown right along with our growing daughter.. they also have a leak proof cloth cover instead of the plastic ones.. they are so easy to use.. snap just like you are putting on a disposable.. we wanted to use cloth for the enviroment and also for the cost cutting.. but didnt want to carry around a dirty cloth diaper when we are out.. :Dancing_biggrin:
  7. ya I was banded there on the 25th of July and have had a good expierence with them. :Dancing_biggrin:
  8. Hey I was just wondering if anyone was banded at Dayone health with Dr. Galvani and what was your expierence?
  9. I was the same but allowed to move to reg foods cause I was breast feeding my daughter.. my weightloss has slowed as well.. but its like 1-2 lbs per week.. I had surgery 7-25. I just keep watching my portions and I get my first fill on this friday. I guess just keep an eye on how often and how much you eat and your body will adjust. :teeth_smile: its hard to loose a lot fast and then slow way down.. I know... hang in there
  10. I drink decaf coffee or espesso... or caffinated coffee or espresso.. it helps me go at least once a day. :cry_smile:
  11. shrinknme

    "Just Be Beautiful"

    wow it seems like I could have been telling your story.. I too have a devoted amazing husband who in those moments is pleading with me to believe in myself and just be what he sees.. beauty.. thanks for sharing.. its so important that we love oursel:wink2:ves
  12. shrinknme

    Breastfeeding Bandsters Unite!

    you can do what you want,, I pumped a 24hr supply and then my baby who was 11months took it from a bottle for the 24hrs after.. my lactation consultant looked up all the info on the anes. I was given and she recommended 24hrs after. it wasnt a big deal and I just resumed nursing her the next morning.. as far as puming and dumping.. I thought I would have to do it a lot but since she was 11 months and already eating other foods I just waited till I was full and pumped once and it was done.. for me it was good to have the 24hours not to have to nurse and I didnt want to be worried about what "could" happen.. so many people are allergic to anes.. I didnt want to push it..to have one more thing to think about while trying to heal the first 24 hours.. so to me it was definately worth it to wait. besides its not like she was 4 months and completely dependant on my milk.. the anesthesiologist told me 72 hours.. I laughed...
  13. shrinknme

    New 'Gas' symptoms

    I just read the last line of your post and I would definately say its a tooth.. because it hurts when you get extra pressure in your head when you bend over and the blood rushes there.
  14. shrinknme

    New 'Gas' symptoms

    being a person that has had a lot of tooth issues I would say it is a tooth problem.. sometimes you can have an absess that you are unaware of that causes lots of pressure..just a suggestion.. cause it sounds kinda weird that it would be gas there.. you may want to have it checked out. if it is a tooth it would be bothering you when you wake up because of the balance change and the pressure change in your head from the blood replacing itself and after u eat because of the pressure of chewing.. or when you move a lot just a thought
  15. shrinknme

    lots of gas

    yes i had terrible gas for about a week.. walking and drinking hot liquids helped me. hang in there it will get better soon!
  16. shrinknme


  17. shrinknme


  18. hahaha I havent taken any before pics.. I have enough pics to remember that!! haha.. I agree you are beautiful!
  19. shrinknme

    hyperemesis gravidarum

    I know everyone gives you advice when you are sick and pregnant.. I too threw up everyday for 7 months,, just something that helped me was watermelon and freezy pops.. you know the tubes of sugary liquid that freeze.. you may want to give it a try.. it was kinda solid but has a lot of liquid.. tricked my stomach.. oh and I used the sea sickness bands that u put around your wrists.. after meds and everything else they were the only thing that helped me.. good luck.. I know it sucks!!!
  20. shrinknme

    Fills while standing

    my doctor does them while you stand in front of the fluorscopy machine.
  21. shrinknme

    July Butterflies Master Thread

    Hey All.. I went in for my first fill today and left without one! :blink:I did the barium swallow and was telling the doctor that I am still feeling some restriction and I feel tired all the time (I am BFeeding my little one) and he said he wasnt going to give me a fill and that I needed to go get some bloodwork done because I may be anemic or not getting enough protein. he said I looked more pale than he would like.. NICE! :biggrin: I take a pre-natal vitamin so I cant imagine I am low in iron. thankfully I am not starving all the time yet.. notice I said yet. he said with my swallow that things were still going pretty slow.. and to come back if 1/2 to 3/4 stops making me feel full. Maybe I will see him in a week who knows?:tt2: I have to admidt that I was a little nervous that he was gonna fill me and I wasnt going to be able to get the nutrients I need and be even more tired. I have to admidt I was choking down protien water before I got there because I was so nervous!!
  22. try just taking liquid tylenol. I took it with codine for the first 3 days and then liquid tylenol for like a week after that.. it seemed to help.
  23. Dont worry. it was all tolerable. :biggrin2: I was uncomfortable for a week and then it was over and I feel great! one week out of my life is not too bad! It was nothing compared to 7 months of morning sickness!! haha I dont regret one second of this and you wont either.. remember everyone is so different and everyone react to it differently.. there are lots of people who never have the gas pains at all.. its good to know its a possibility though.. if you get them you just walk them out.. dont freak yourself out about everything that 'could' happen.. there is a large chance it wont.. just take it one day at a time and after the surgery one hour at a time and you will do great!:biggrin2:
  24. I have heard dr, ortiz is the best as well.. I met someone on this forum that went dr. ortiz and was very impressed.. I just worry about the after care though.. here in the states you can have YOUR doc there if something goes wrong after..
  25. shrinknme

    Average weight loss

    usually its one to two pounds a week once you are tightened to your "sweet spot" meaning tightened the perfect amount for you to lose 1-2 lbs a week.. from what I understand it takes most people awhile and several fills to start seeing results like that. I think the 1st month after you may lose because of the crazy healing diet.. but you shouldnt expect to lose.. because your body is adjusting to the trama of surgery and having the band.. its fluctuating in water and trying to cope with the lower calories.. so at first your body maybe like what the heck and try to store your cals.. but after it will get used to it and with the fills you will start to lose.. I wish they educated people more on this before they get banded because it breaks my heart to see people weigh themselves everyday sometimes more than once a day and not see results immediately and then get discouraged.. its not going to happen over night.. its not a magic pill .. just a tool.. sometime it takes even a few months until you lose consistantly. I try not to weigh myself so much and just be active.. I actually dont know how much I lost but I am down a size and a half you will do great!!

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