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Everything posted by shrinknme

  1. shrinknme

    July Butterflies Master Thread

    I agree Joiful, No one here is trying to be mean or hurt you. We all care about you! sometimes it helps to get that constructive critasism.. because even if its not all true, if we are really honest with ourselves sometimes its more true than we would like to believe. I can attest to that. hang in there. there is an answer!
  2. shrinknme

    heartburn and reflux

    well you know better than anyone else.. its your band and your body. I just know that people who have had that issue were too tight and had an enlarged pouch because the food couldnt get through fast enough.. good luck.. I hope it gets better.. cant be fun.
  3. shrinknme

    July Butterflies Master Thread

    thanks orea, I will keep you posted. I really hope I am not :thumbup: btw. you have lost a lot of weight! way to go! I cant believe you are so hard on yourself.. thats amazing!
  4. shrinknme

    July Butterflies Master Thread

    boos, when he said you were too tight did he just leave you there? cause I hate to lose this restriction, but I dont want to have this heartburn. I put a call into my doc. we'll see.
  5. shrinknme

    heartburn and reflux

    I found this thread because I just got my second fill and I have heartburn a lot too. I have heard however if you wake up with vomit in your mouth and such that the band is definately too tight. I would get a slight unfill or talk to you doc about it. even over time the fill can settle and get tighter. or stress might make it tighter.. good luck.
  6. yes its differed pain from pressure on your diaphram..
  7. shrinknme

    July Butterflies Master Thread

    Hey guys.. have any of you gotten heart burn after a fill?? its been about 4 days and I still have a vauge heartburn.. its not terrible just really annoying. anyone else??
  8. shrinknme

    Call me crazy...

    Jack! Hilarious.. I think you have to have PB'd to appreciate that comment! thanks for putting it in such perfect terms :biggrin: Stace. I have heard that it takes 2-3 weeks for a fill to "settle" so it can get tighter or looser after that time.. thats why they tell you to wait about a month between fills. also morning time, stress, and mentration can make it feel tighter. so you have 2 in a 4 and I have 4.2 in a 10 so we are about the same. almost half full.. I am happy with my fill at this point.. I have good restriction and I am not hungry between meals.
  9. shrinknme

    July Butterflies Master Thread

    I was just think of something my doctor said to me the other day and I wanted to share. he was talking about feeling restriction and how some people need a lot more fill that others. he was saying that some paitents come in to him and are asking to be filled almost to the point of being closed. he said its crazy but then he realized something.. he said that some people are told that with the band you need to take small bites and chew chew chew and when you think you havent chewed enough chew some more. he said that they are told to chew to the consistancy of applesauce.. he said that if you eat this way the band wont work because you are meant to have the little pouch full of food that will slowly be released into the stomach over some hours and therefore give you a full feeling.. he recommends chewing well but not too much.. because if you chew too much it will go right through the band.. which makes perfect sense to me. so he said to be careful not to chew too well.. obviously you need to take small bites and chew.. but not till its mush. just a thought for those not feeling restriction. I just thought I would share because I was one of those who was told to chew till mush.. and my doc cleared that up from the start and I have good restriction. so maybe its worth a try.. good luck I know its frusterating.
  10. shrinknme

    Call me crazy...

    Hey Stace. I was just bummin around and found this! haha.. I just got my second fill the first was 2.0 and the second was 2.2 for a total of 4.2.. and I have really good restriction.. I eat small amounts for meals and I am not hungry at all between meals.. its even a stretch to drink liquid inbetween cause I am satisfied and dont want anything.. so different from the last few weeks after the first fill.. I was hungry all the time.. Oh and PBing.. I had my first expierence the night before my second fill funny enough.. I was trying pot roast that I had cooked for our sitter and my daughter cause I was afraid it was too dry.. was in a hurry and didnt chew it well and man it hurt like HECK! duh! so I was so relieved when it came back up.. and I was pleasantly surprised that it wasnt as bad as I was fearing, I thought it would be more like throwing up and it wasnt at all. very unpleasant and dont care to do it again.. but not anything like I was fearing. anyways gotta take the kid outside its so beautiful!!
  11. I have flown too and it has no effect on the band:biggrin:
  12. shrinknme

    July Butterflies Master Thread

    you're doing great Donna!! Im in the same boat.. but lets remember.. 20lbs gone.. not coming back!! you'll get there with your fills.. how much do you have in now? I have 4.2 in a 10cc band and I have good restriction. I know everyones different. also remember the less you have to lose the slower you go. I know you probably already know this! and if you have a lot more to lose you go quicker. have a great day!
  13. shrinknme

    July Butterflies Master Thread

    Wow since this last fill I am seriously knowing what it is to be banded. I can truely only eat 1/2 cup and I am definately eating my protein first cause I fill up so fast! I have however had a stomach ache after every time I eat for the last 2 days and last night I couldnt sleep because I had some acid reflux.:smile2: so I hope this isnt a consistant thing. anyone else expierence this?? I dont think I am too filled.. maybe my stomach is just getting used to a little SQuEEZE!:thumbup: all I have to say is.. let the losing begin... I hope!
  14. shrinknme

    July Butterflies Master Thread

    Hey all.. I just got another fill yesterday.. he put in 2.2 for a totally of 4.2 in a 10 cc band.. I am feeling good restriction and not hungry at all.. its funny cause I had my first PB expierence on thursday. which means I had some restriction already so I was a little nervous when he put so much more in.. (it was the more aggressive doc) but I guess thats what this is all about. finding that sweet spot even though its more annoying to eat slow and take smaller bites and not eat dry meat! haha (why I pb'd).. PBing wasnt as unpleasant as I thought it would be.. the food in there hurt so much that I was so happy that it came out!! it wasnt like throwing up.. but still unpleasant. I really never care to do it again, I was just relieved that it wasnt like when I was preggers and throwing up everyday for 7 months!! all that heaving! yuck & ouch!
  15. shrinknme

    July Butterflies Master Thread

    oh and have you guys heard about Mederma for scars?? I wanted to find something that would make them disappear or at least be less, and I talked to the pharmacist and she said she used mederma on her sons scar and it was amazing.. you put it on 3 times a day and I have only been using it a few days and i can already see a difference. anyways.. just wanted to pass it along!
  16. shrinknme

    July Butterflies Master Thread

    Hey Diane, first off congrats on your weight loss.. 49lbs is great! 2nd thanks for the reminder about slowing down.. I have had one fill and I can still eat at pretty normal speed and only sometimes am I like oooooo should slow down because I can feel it getting stuck.. I am getting my 2nd fill tomorrow and I am nervous because as I get tighter I know I have to be more careful and because I am busy I forget to slow down. and sometimes with this first fill even I feel the tightness.. but I know I need another one because I am not losing consistantly. and though I cut my portions way down I know they could me smaller. I have been the same weight for the last 3-4 weeks. anyways.. all that to say thanks for the reminder.
  17. shrinknme

    July Butterflies Master Thread

    I forgot to add.. I take emergen-c too.. its like a little packet that dissolives in water.. It for immune support.. I take it everyday cause it has C, but also has 27 other vitamins and minerals. including the B's for energy.. I feel better when I take it..
  18. shrinknme

    July Butterflies Master Thread

    I take a liquid pre-natal vitamin or I take good ole' flintstones. I know they have many different kinds of kid vitamins. gummy bears and all sorts of kinds. I also still will take a protien shake now and then when I feel like I havent been able to get in my protein for the day. and I found that quaker has granola bars with added protein.. and I think they are like 110 calories or something with 10 grams of protein.. have you all heard that even after you get some restriction or find the sweet spot that after you start losing weight you may need to get another fill because the fat around your stomach shrinks and there for the band loosens. I just heard this.
  19. shrinknme

    July Butterflies Master Thread

    ya thats weird.. I get the grumblies too.. its like my top stomach feels full so my brain is not hungry but my bottom half hurts cause it wants food.. when this happened at first I didnt know what was happening.. then I was like .. oh ya my lower stomach is hungry. what they told me at the docs was when I dont lose 1-2lbs a week come back in for an adjustment.. so I dont know.. it scares me to be overfilled too.. I dont ever want to expierence the PB thing
  20. shrinknme

    First Fill Tomorrow. Wish me Good Luck

    you'll do great! I was freaked out too. and the woman before me fainted when she was getting her fill!! so you can imagine!! But it was so EASY!!! it didnt hurt and I didnt look at what the doc was doing. dont be surprised though if the first fill is uneventful. it is for most bandsters. mostly because aggressive or not most docs like to creep up on the sweet spot so they dont over fill you. also even if you feel restriction at first it most likely will wear off as the fat around your stomach goes away.. and so u will need another fill. it usually takes several fills to get there.. it depends on your body and your band. I have had one fill and I have some restriction.. but I am getting another one this week because I need some more, but I feel it. some people have had 4 fills and say they dont feel restriction at all.. that just shows you how different we all are!! congrats on your weightloss so far! I am jealous you have lost so much so fast.. I need to be more dedicated to the 1/2 cup portions with no snacking :biggrin:
  21. shrinknme

    Christian bandsters

    Hey all.. I havent checked in here in awhile! How are all of you? I am doing well.. its been 3 months since surgery and I have lost 19 lbs.. but most of that was lost in the few weeks after surgery.. so its been a little frusterating.. but God is good. I get my second fill this friday!:biggrin: Its really amazing to see what he has been doing in our lives.. my hubby and I had been in a dry kinda wilderness time for the last 4 years and this may he moved us to a place where we are finally plugging in and connecting and its been such a blessing. trying to plug into a church and make friends over the last 4 years has been so hard. but we moved here in may and we already found and plugged into a church and are making friends! (you know the ones that actually call back!!) we learned so much over the last 4 years.. but its so nice to get some refreshment! looking forward to connecting again.. whats new?
  22. shrinknme

    July Butterflies Master Thread

    btw Donna.. you lost a lb!! I noticed.. congrats! I started my cycle last week so I know I am up again.. :cursing:but now that its done hopefully i will go back... thats usually what happens :biggrin:
  23. shrinknme

    July Butterflies Master Thread

    Hi Donna. Sorry.. I stay at home with my very active one year old so sometimes its hard to get on here everyday.. but today I am doing well.. not much to report.. looking forward to my fill on friday! I know I could eat less so its good to get this fill. I am also trying little tricks to fight off the hunger.. I dont have any crazy hunger or anything, but when I stop for a second its tempting to snack on something,, so I have been getting things like sugar free mints so when after my meal I am looking for something a little sweet I eat one and crystal light in between meals because sometimes when you get the hungry feeling you are just thirsty.. so things like that. its amazing how fast those little buggers add up! its all about having good choices available.. cause I really want this!!
  24. shrinknme

    July Butterflies Master Thread

    Donna, I took my time with the fills because I was feeling restriction up until 7 weeks after surgery and then I had my first fill.. and now I am getting my second and and it will be about 4 weeks between, its really my doing, I have wanted to get used to the process of eating less and take my time with it,,and now I am ready to start some serious losing,, orea, hang in there, I have heard of people switching doctors or fill stations because of issues,, I dont know if this is possible for you.. but it seems ridiculous that they have a 'policy' when everyone has different needs.. they should treat you like a paitent and not a number.. Josh! way to go.. thats so great, I hope to do as well as you!!
  25. shrinknme

    July Butterflies Master Thread

    thanks Donna and Orea... I think most of us are in the same boat.. and we just have to start getting fills to get over this hump. do they do your fills in front of the flouroscope? mine do and its nice since they can see how fast or slow the barium passes through... we also have 2 docs that do fills. they are husband and wife.. the husband is aggressive.. the wife not aggressive.. she did my first fill.. and although its hard I am kinda glad I have had time to get used to the restriction slowly.. I really dont ever want to PB. but the main complaint I hear about the wife is that she never fills enough and so people have to come back.. the other thing is can you get fills when you need them or do they make you wait? I am self pay and they told me give it 2 weeks and if I am not losing 1-2lbs a week come back in.. and thats exactly what I am doing.. if they make you wait that hardly seems fair.. I find myself playing the old mind games to control every calorie and struggling to lose weight and then I stop and think.. why the mind games? thats why I got the band.. so I called and scheduled another fill.... we can do this ladies!!

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