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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by shrinknme

  1. congrats Tink and Kissmygrits! Ill pray your babies are healthy and strong.. the first little while is nerve racking.. but it gets easier.. remember most all miscarriages are because of genetic abnormalities and not what the mom does or does not do.. so just eat healthy, drink lots of water, nap when you can.. and most of all relax.. the body is an amazing thing! Dewl hang in there! both times I got preggo was when I stopped counting and trying.. 16 months it took for both! funny how that happens! people make it look so easy! just have fun and it will come :thumbup:
  2. Cherry, I am so sorry to hear of your mastitis.. I know thats so painful.. keep nursing it will help clear it up. I am due in october with my second and I am nervous about getting a fill and BF as well.. I got the band while still BF my 1st and it was difficult to keep the calories up in the beginning. (your not susposed to dip below 1200) then she just slowly weaned.. which was fine because she was over 1.. but now with the new little one I want to make sure I can BF her solely.. so I am nervous.. I want to make sure I have a good milk supply, but I also am anxious to get going again with this band! I pray you feel better soon.. are you still BF ? keep me posted on how your doing and any tips with how to make it all work together!
  3. hey how are you?? long time no talk!

  4. Hello.. I am 22wks and I am still really nauseous.. eating consistently is the only thing that helps me. with my first I threw up every day for 7 months and with this one I am just very nauseous.. I have tried all the tricks and I even have medication this time around that I only take when I am really bad and need to function.. but YES I totally feel the way u do.. and because when I got PG I opened the band I gained weight faster in the beginning because I went from eating 1/2 cup a day to a plate of food and just the shock from the extra calories caused a little jump in weight gain.. I didnt gain a ton.. just more than with my first and it was a little disheartening after losing 33lbs.. BUt I am just trying to make good choices and eat good things and hopefully this next week when I go in I wont have gained 5 more lbs or something! :blushing: I just try to do the best I can and be realistic about the fact that my eating will be different from when I was tight and banded.. I just keep praising God that the band will be there for me when this baby is out.. and I wont have to lose this weight alone. I just try to eat when I am truely hungry or nauseous and try to make good choices. (like I eat salad with chicken on it and not a bowl of icecream :w00t:)
  5. shrinknme

    July Butterflies Master Thread

    Hi everyone! :smile:
  6. shrinknme

    July Butterflies Master Thread

    Hey Cynthia, thanks for the reply. Yes I agree!! I am all about eating healthy. I guess I should have clarified.. I was told that when I had the band opened it was like there was no band. and this was kinda important for me. Not because when I got pregnant I wanted to eat huge portions of what ever I wanted.. but because when I was pregnant with my first I threw up everyday sometimes multiple times for 7 months. So nausea is a huge problem for me. so finding foods I can actually keep down is a challange.. and having the band in I definately wanted to be able to not throw up as much as possible so I wouldnt hurt myself. I got a hiatal hernia from my first preg. from throwing up so violently. thankfully this time I have not thrown up everyday and I also got medication to help. but the main thing that helps too is eating.. small amounts of food consistantly so that my stomach is never empty. as you can imagine this is challanging when you are running around with a one year old all day.. so when I say I want to eat whatever.. I mean.. the only thing I can eat right now is what sounds good right now.. and thats a bagel or a piece of left over ham from easter. the other day I choked down a half of turkey sandwich!! and everyday its different.. I have major food adversions.. eggs, chicken, noodles (which I could eat last month) and they are constantly changing. its crazy.. I think my body just hates being preg. I am actually blessed to be one of those people who gets sick.. with my first.. I gained 26lbs with her and lost 25lbs the day she was born! I am sure it wont be the same for this one.. but its nice to not have to worry about losing the extra 30lbs on top of what I already need to lose. I guess I am just frusterated because over all.. I have a terrible time finding things to eat and then sometimes when I am like yes something is going down.. and then it gets stuck!!! and I am in pain. it is a good reminder though that the band is still there.. live and well :wink2: thanks for the tip about carbonation. I have just been staying away from it. I dont really miss it.. I just thought it would help. congrats on your awesome weightloss!! I cant wait to be able to continue! I am unsure when I will because I plan to bf as well.. so we will see.
  7. shrinknme

    July Butterflies Master Thread

    Hey All.. its ME! I have been reading your posts and keeping up with everyone. sounds like everyone has been doing well except for the frustration of not seeing the scale move.. hang in there.. your bodies have been at a weight for awhile and it takes consistency to break those plateaus.. keep going and you will see it!! As far as the journaling my grandma used to carry one of those tiny notebooks everywhere with her.. they fit in your pocket or your purse and they are easy access..She kept track of everything she ate. i think we are so tech. advanced that sometimes we forget that you can still write things down I am doing well.. I am into my 4th month.. I cant believe how fast its going.. I guess having a 19 month old will do that to you. .I was pretty sick for the first 3 months but I seem to be getting better.. I was on meds for nausea which really helped.. so a weird bandster thing.. so I really thought when I was opened up I could eat whatever.. ya not the case.. I have problems all the time with stuff getting stuck.. not stuck like needing to PB.. but the uncomfortable stuck.. it really stinks.. cause with being sick and trying to eat enough for 2 I sometimes need to eat whatever I can whenever I can.. and its really lame that things still get stuck. dry meat and breads.. and I cant drink carbonated beverages.. which for nausea sake I was really hoping to do.. they gave me the clearance to do it and it makes me feel so uncomfortable even if I sip it slow.. so lame. and I get full really fast.. maybe its the fact that my stomach shrunk.. I am not sure.. I guess its good that my body is staying the same.. maybe it wont be as hard as I thought to get filled after the baby. well hope you are all ok and hanging in there.. I just keep thinking.. even if I am frusterated now with having to hold off on my weightloss.. the band is there.. its not going anywhere.. and maybe I wont be skinny one year after banding.. but I will be eventually.. and that thought makes me smile.. someday I will get there. :wink2:
  8. ya.. I have thought about that.. and thats kinda why I thought my first was a girl and I was right. (we didnt find out the sex) and this one we aren't finding out the sex either.. but I have talked to people who have had both a boy and a girl and were sick both times and people who were sick with the boy and not the girl and then others who were sick with the girl and not the boy.. so who knows! I just hope its over at 3 months! and not 7!
  9. Hello Everyone.. I have been banded since July 08 and I am now 8wks pregnant with my 2nd.. just thought I would pop in and say hello.. I have 24 hr morning sickness.. but so far its not as bad as it was with my first. I havent tossed my cookies yet and I am hoping that I will be over with all this nausea in another month.. this is very different from my first, I threw up for 7 months straight.. ugh.. I guess they say you can have different pregnancies.. nice to read everyones posts
  10. shrinknme

    July Butterflies Master Thread

    thanks.. I am due Oct 22nd. :thumbup:
  11. shrinknme

    July Butterflies Master Thread

    yes my brother used that and he is smoke free now after many many failed attempts.. Just an update.. things are going well with me.. I am sicker than sick.. but not as bad as with my first so far.. I havent tossed my cookies yet.. so here's to hoping I dont! I have been checking up on all of you.. keep up the good work!!
  12. shrinknme

    July Butterflies Master Thread

    You go girl!!!!!
  13. shrinknme

    July Butterflies Master Thread

    hey all just checking in.. seems like all is well Donna congrats on getting rid of those extra pounds.. my period always made me gain about 2 or 3 and then lose them after. Orea- I will be praying for your D&c and the job front. and way to go you are so close to your next goal! I am feeling alright.. I have started to feel nauseous but I am only hoping it stays this way and isnt a repeat of my last but other than that my pants that were loose from losing are now a little snug in the waist. as long as they dont get a lot snug everywhere else things will be ok! well keep up the good work ladies..
  14. shrinknme

    July Butterflies Master Thread

    Haha bummer.. that could have been fun jk well I hope it all works out. and you get your restriction back!
  15. shrinknme

    July Butterflies Master Thread

    wow Joiful.. congrats.. on the size 12! hang in there.. stress can be hard. Remember excercise can be a great stress reliever too! I know its probably still cold as it is here.. but there are usually a lot of great gym sign up rates near the beginning of the year. even a half hour a day can amaze you on how good it makes you feel. :biggrin:
  16. shrinknme

    July Butterflies Master Thread

    Hey all... went in for a complete unfill today. I was a bit sad. I guess just that everythings on hold right when I just started moving... But I wouldnt trade it for my growing family. I always find out so early that I am preggers and it makes for a long haul! :crying: so far I am not sick.. but its pretty early. I can only pray I dont get sick this time. Well it was nice to eat a half a meatball sub today without choking down the bread. :laugh: love you guys and I will be around!
  17. shrinknme

    July Butterflies Master Thread

    Hey have you guys heard about taking coconut oil supplements and how they help cut the carb and sugar cravings.. I did a little research on it and have friends that have done it.. it seems to work and susposedly it helps with weightloss.. anyways.. you can find it online at some Vitamin shops. but just a thought for the sugar and carb cravings.
  18. shrinknme

    July Butterflies Master Thread

    thanks everyone!! and Orea.. thats what doesnt discourage me at this point.. I had lost 40 prior to my first child.. I only gained 20 back .. but with the band I was able to lose it.. so its so encouraging that the band will be there for me when I am ready to start again! All the butterflies will be skinny and hot by the time I have my baby! :biggrin: you go girls!! heres to hoping this baby sticks it through!
  19. shrinknme

    July Butterflies Master Thread

    Hey All I went to the docs and it is confirmed that I am pregnant with #2!! :thumbup: We are excited.. its super early though.. I havent even missed my period yet.. its due weds of this next week.. the pain was most likely hormonal so I guess the band is on hold. I got really sick with my first so I am going to get the band opened until I know how I will react with this one.. I will probably keep it opened though. anyways.. I will be around.. to keep encouraging you all!! funny thing is I got back down to lowest weight today.. funny how things work :biggrin: thanks for your prayers.
  20. shrinknme

    July Butterflies Master Thread

    Hey guys.. for those of you who pray.. I really need some prayer.. I have been having this mild pain in my ovary area as I shared earlier.. well today it was getting a little more constant.. and have heard that sometimes people get this kind of pain when they are pregnant.. plus I had that wonkie 6lb weight gain in one week with no explaination.. well its like 5-6 days before I would start my cycle.. and I thought what the heck i will take a PG test.. well... it was positive!! the 2nd line was really faint.. but the test said it doesnt matter and because its like 6 days early that could be why it was faint. (baby number 2 possibly!! whoo hoo) well the reason I want prayer is.. because I am having this pain.. it could also be a sign of a tubial/ectopic pregnancy.. or something else being wrong.. it might not be.. but it could be.. so I am going to the doctor today at 415p to see what they can find out.. so if you think of it please pray for me. ( I am only telling you guys and my hubby at this point :bananalama:) thanks and I will let you know as soon as I find out anything.
  21. shrinknme

    July Butterflies Master Thread

    Donna thats great news!! I am glad everything is ok.. :bananalama:
  22. shrinknme

    July Butterflies Master Thread

    I agree Orea.. nice to even consider it!! I however keep looking at peoples before and after pics to keep myself encouraged.. it still seems so impossible that I could be perhaps a size 10 or smaller!! so then I see people pics and think.. well there they are.. and they lost it all.. Donna how are you feeling?? any better?? docs today still??
  23. shrinknme

    July Butterflies Master Thread

    yes the goal weight has to be what you feel comfortable with.. that BMI chart although helpful is generic.. so you have to taylor it to you.. when you get to the right weight for you you will know. I have sister in laws who are all at the correct weight for their height and they all feel too skinny.. so it depends on you.. I have talked to several people who had the band.. where approaching the bmi goal weight and decided to stop.. so I guess its up to you.. I just put the BMI chart weight on my goal and then I will reexamine it later :bananalama:
  24. shrinknme

    July Butterflies Master Thread

    thanks for the reminder.. I just made a big pitcher of it cold! I love it!
  25. shrinknme

    July Butterflies Master Thread

    myself I am going to the GYN next weds.. I have had a sharp stabbing but tolerable pain in my lower left pelvic region. (ovary??) past 3 months different wonkie stuff going on with me including some water retention.. so I am gonna go check it out.. hopefully not a cyst,, but that would be better than other things.

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