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About amanda45414

  • Rank
    Expert Member
  • Birthday 07/08/1982
  1. Happy 31st Birthday amanda45414!

  2. Happy 30th Birthday amanda45414!

  3. 3 years has passed since you registered at LapBandTalk! Happy 3rd Anniversary amanda45414!

  4. amanda45414

    Ate today for the first time

    I was only able to eat about a tablespoon or so for lunch and then maybe 3 tablespoons at dinner.
  5. Today I am 11 days post op and I had some mashed potatos today as my first mushy food. It tasted really good and I did not eat much so I felt find and did not have any problem eating it. I am very excited!! :tongue2::cool2::w00t:
  6. Does anyone know if it is alright to go to the tanning bed after surgery? I am 11 days post op and would love to go tanning.
  7. amanda45414

    Anyone have hiccup problems?

    I was just about to post about this. I am getting the hiccups all the time since surgery. I like you only get 1 at a time, but they happen all day long. I am so glad we are all getting them. I was starting to think I was nuts. Lanakila I was unable to feel my port for the first 4 days after sugery. Then I was feeling around and found it no problem. I think it just takes time for the swelling to go down before you are able to feel it. I have the clear Patches of tape also. I had 5 and all but the one over the port site has come off already. I don't have any stiches so I guess I was glued also, and taped.
  8. amanda45414

    Had my first episode of "stuck"

    Sounds pretty painful. I am still on liquids for now. I am just a week post op, but this will be something I keep in mind.
  9. amanda45414

    anyone felt this before?

    I am a week post op and I feel the same thing! I thought it was so strange the first time and now I get it alot.
  10. amanda45414

    Stretched Pouch

    How can you tell is you stretch your pouch?
  11. amanda45414

    The reason for SF

    Well I am happy to hear I am not the only one who hates SF crap. I think I will just try my best to avoid all things sweet. I just wanted to make sure it would not hurt my body in any way to have real sugar.
  12. What would it hurt if you ate regular sugar? I really can't stand the taste of Splenda or any of that SF stuff. Is the reason for sugar free simply because it will prevent weight loss? I would love any feedback.
  13. amanda45414


    Sounds like it is pretty common. I am glad to hear that. Thanks for posting everyone.
  14. amanda45414

    3 days post op

    The instructions from my doctor say clear liquids for the first 2 days and then I can have cream of wheat, pudding, and Soup. Well full liquids starting today. I had surgery Monday so I guess I am really 4 days post op. Now I am even more freaked out great!
  15. amanda45414

    Still hungry and no restrictions

    This is why I love this website because it helps me in so many ways. I am not prepaired to deal with this stage in a few weeks and don't have to stress about it.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
