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About LilaNicole20

  • Rank
    Guru in Training

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    Business Owner/Ret. Air Force
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  1. LilaNicole20

    Best or Favourite Protein Brands

    I like bariwise hot chocolate in my coffee every morning. Makes it like a cappuccino, no creamer. Adds 15g to start my day.
  2. LilaNicole20

    Full Liquid diet rules

    I’d suggest purchasing a soup that has protein. Most protein powders do not mix well with hot water and changes the texture of the soup. I’d aim for a bone broth as arabesque mentioned. They also make Bariatric soups that might be worth a shot.
  3. LilaNicole20

    Feeling regret

    You will. Ride the wave. Remember the vision you had for your future. It’s not supposed to be easy. It’s supposed to be worth it. Only time can tell.
  4. I, literally, have never seen my doctor again. We did video calls with her team for a regimented time after the surgery but it was all done remotely.
  5. LilaNicole20

    So Confused and Upset Right Now

    Curious to hear how your Jan 2 appointment goes today!
  6. LilaNicole20

    HELP with Vitamins!

    My team recently switched me from the handful of vitamins I started with to this one a day vitamin: Bariatric Advantage Ultra Solo Iron. I also take a Bariatric Advantage calcium chew 3x a day.
  7. LilaNicole20

    Pregnancy after WLS

    Baby is here and healthy. He’s perfect! All the sickness I had experienced during pregnancy and thought was dumping or surgery related seems to be mostly just from the pregnancy and not the surgery. I had an extremely uncomplicated pregnancy and birth. Good luck to anyone navigating pregnancy after wls! You’ve got this.
  8. I have discovered Premier Protein cereal as a good alternative in the mornings. I have a small bowl of the berries flavor cereal with a scoop or so of plain yogurt and almond milk or regular milk, let it sit for a good 20 minutes to soften (bc it is too hard and crunchy otherwise), and then enjoy. It adds about 30g of protein to start my day and I find it enjoyable.
  9. LilaNicole20

    Low On Iron

    I’m just here to add the idea of taking your iron supplement - whichever form and dose - with ascorbic acid or vitamin C to help break down the iron for better absorption.
  10. LilaNicole20

    Pregnancy after WLS

    Just for a little update, I’m almost 1 year post op and about 34 weeks pregnant. I had lost a few pounds during my first trimester and so from my actual starting weight when I found out I was pregnant, I still have only gained about 20lbs (I was close to goal weight when I found out I was pregnant, 185lbs at 5’11). I am finding that I cant each as much as I have been the closer I get to my due date as I am out of space. My blood pressure has been consistently low, 110/70 and he is measuring in the 44th percentile.
  11. LilaNicole20

    A little drink?

    I’m a dumper, I can’t even eat a hot pretzel without feeling awful afterwards. Def not worth it in my opinion.
  12. LilaNicole20

    March 2022 Surgery Buddies

    I’m currently 22 weeks pregnant. Have only gained 11lbs so far in pregnancy. My baby bump is just a bump - not like my last pregnancy where I gained so much weight I was just a giant fat person. Eating the proper foods and nutrition is incredibly manageable. My low was 183, I’m keeping that as my marker on this site and will continue updating once I have this babe. I figure it’s not quite the same experience being pregnant, so my weight loss journey, in a sense, is on hold. Yesterday I had two people comment and say I don’t even look pregnant (shirt was hiding the bump) but that was a weight loss compliment. We’re going to Florida next week and I’ve had a hell of a time trying to find a bathing suit that fits my flat a$$ and big belly. I did though! The need for maternity clothes has been a challenge as I’m Constantly confused by my size due to the weight loss. I can pull my size 10 jeans up and they’re loose, but they don’t button - that’s a win in my book! Hope you all are doing great! Cheers to the new year!! Happy Holidays!! ❤️
  13. Hi Everyone! I'm feeling motivated to give an update on my pregnancy. At 17 weeks, I have determined that my nausea and discomfort after eating sweet foods is in fact dumping and not morning sickness. I was confused by this because I had not attempted to eat sweet foods prior to my positive pregnancy test - which I was already 7/8 weeks before the morning sickness that I was experiencing at night (minus sweets) registered as possible pregnancy. My surgery was March 8, 2022 and my LMP was July 11, 2022. So far, I have gained 7 pounds and I feel good about this number but I would be lying to you if there wasn't a mental aspect to seeing the scale moving in the opposite direction that I have worked so hard to get down. I understand this is mostly just baby and all that being pregnant entails - but it's still a battle field. For my last pregnancy, which ended in loss at 26 weeks, I had gained approximately 40lbs by this stage. I am listening to my body and eating when I need to eat. I'm surprised at how easy it has become for me to hit my protein goals, I guess I have just found what works for me. The calorie goals follow naturally if I hit my protein goals. I still have to be careful to not over indulge in unhealthy options or give in to my cravings when they occur. I realize that if I just eat something (preferably within my macros) when I'm feeling that craving, it usually removes the hunger and the craving at the same time. I still have great restriction and I'm thankful for that - though my eyes and head often have me order way too much when eating out. I always have left overs that I don't always eat after taking it home. My pregnancy is moving along with no issues so far (knock wood). I have experienced some much loathed constipation and as a result have been incorporating Metamucil throughout the day and a meager portion of high fiber cereal each morning to counter act this. The doctor said Milk of Mag was too strong to take. I'm still on daily iron which hasn't helped this issue one bit, but I'm sure is helping baby.
  14. LilaNicole20

    UTI treatment

    I'm here to backup team D-Mannose!
  15. LilaNicole20

    6months post op and PREGNANT!

    Congratulations! I’m 16 weeks pregnant. Have only gained 5lbs so far - bypass was Mar 8 this year. Feel free to ask me any questions you might have.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
