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About Ivernous

  • Rank
    Senior Member
  • Birthday 09/22/1977

About Me

  • Biography
    I live in Northern Minnesota, I went to UMD and got BA with a major in Women Studies, I am happily married for 5 years now and have a cat named Butters.
  • Interests
    Reading, video games especially Rock Band.
  • Occupation
    Provider Service Representative for BCBSMN
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  1. Happy 35th Birthday Ivernous!

  2. 3 years has passed since you registered at LapBandTalk! Happy 3rd Anniversary Ivernous!

  3. I don't know what to think. I am not happy about the weight I have lost so far. I thought it would have been a lot more. I feel like I really need to sit down with a doctor and go through all my medications and all my ailments, that I have or have had, but it is sooooo hard to find anyone that will do that. Just take the time and go thru things one by one. I want me as a whole to be treated. Not just each individual issue. I have heard that Homopathy (sp) is a way that will do this. Is anyone out there familar with this type of service or use this service regularly instead of regular doctors?
  4. I have and ain't afraid to say it.
  5. You are doing GREAT!! Don't be in such a rush to lose it all at once....it will take time and when you get to that sweet spot you will know....its taken me 8 months to get to mine. :thumbup:
  6. So here I am out here livin' the Lap Band life a lot like my old life just a lot less food. There are foods I can't eat like bread or chicken in certain forms. So I'm going about my daily life and wake up one morning and bam! breakfast gets stuck -I toss it up and drink water the next few hours then try to have lunch- Bam again- stuck! I hadn't had anything get stuck in a long time and it comes up on you like surprise!!! I'm still here band.... Does anyone have times during the day that the band seem tighter? Or have you gone thru this where you get really excited to eat something and it gets stuck? :thumbup:
  7. Ivernous

    Work Stress

    Thanks people. And I am in therapy. I was banded 02/10/09 and lost 50 lbs so far.
  8. :scared2::thumbup: OK so I am stressed out at work to the max. I just need to get this out. I am still eating for emotional reasons. I tried very hard this morning not to do that but something just put me over the top. I sit at my desk all day and can't think of anything right now to distract myself from the yummies people brought for our potluck today. It just gets me mad! OK think I'm done ranting.
  9. I just had a chicken incident last night! It was a thigh piece. I think its the type of chicken you eat because I had a previous incident with the same type of chicken. I can eat nuggets or strips no problem ...so far. Cross my fingers....
  10. Ivernous

    i miss my food so much

    I totally get what you are going thru....I don't know if you are feeling it the same way I am but for me its about not having to think about everything I eat every time I eat it.....I crave that mindless eating, big portions (maybe) but not having to worry about if what I swallow is going to get stuck would be nice. I have only had one of those PB's and it really isn't that fun. I hope that this hits a spot with you or others because I just don't know if others are also craving the "Mindlessness of eating" as I do.
  11. I think what you are experiencing is totally normal. Happens to me every month. I just go with it. Have what you are craving just don't go overboard. You will be fine. Don't freak out you are going thru a lot of adjustments and its normal. Take care.
  12. Ivernous

    Help! Im stuck!

    After the PB definitely do not eat anything. And I even waited to drink something...I didn't want to further any irritation. I waited about an hour then I had a popsicle and that felt good. Hope that helps.
  13. I've been having pain around my port area since my surgery- almost 3 months ago. It feels internal and its not directly above my port. Its sore all the time and I sleep on my sides, I just don't know why I still have this pain and my incision is very sensitive when brushed with fabric or my hand. Anyone else have this going on?
  14. I drank a grape pucker with 7-up after I ate something ( I waited the allowed time) and later that evening I was in so much pain, its like my intestines were going to explode! Even getting up from a chair was painful. Just watch what you drink......
  15. Well Friday night I was eating chicken with my husband and after like 2 bites -BAM stuck! I knew it was stuck, felt like severe heart burn and a big lump in my throat. While I waited I could feel the piece moving its way up my throat. I went to the bathroom and stood over the sink for about a 1/2 hour when it finally came up. I threw up the chicken. It felt much better afterword even though I was still doing some heaving. But I thought I would share.

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