Hi all,
I live in the Hunter Valley about two hours north west of Sydney Australia. I'm having surgery in sydney Dr Michael Crawford on July 31. I'm married with two kids, my son aged 12 and my daughter aged 15. At 46 I've struggled all my life with weight issues and now I have paroxsmal atrial fibrillation which my cardiologist says will improve if I lose 30 kg, hyperinsulinaemia which makes my body think it's in a starvation state even thought it's overweight, PCOS, patella arthritis which is from constant exercising while carrying too much body weight and now makes it painful to walk up or down stairs. With a strong family history of Type 2 diabetes and ischaemic heart disease and stroke I know I'm a disaster waiting to happen. As a wife and mother this is concerning - hence I've been mulling on taking this step for nearly a year.
My insurance covers about half og mu costs which will leave me having to pay about $8000 I think. My husband, Steve, says I should proceed in any case - we'll have to extend the house mortgage - he says it's a small price to pay for my health. He has never complained once about my size, calls me a "sex goddess" and has been married to me for 21 years.
Optifast starts 17th July - I understand now why it's necessary - defat and shrink the liver. I love this site as I read of the successes and challenges everyone is facing. Can this whole thing work for me? Can I become healthy and slim? It's scary and exciting but I'm off to see a counsellor to discuss my feelings about this - I scared about how I'll react to "no food" and just Optifast for 2 weeks, I think I'll grieve for large servings of food - I scared about this post surgery; I'm also scared about becoming a thin person - it's been a long time. What will I do if a man makes a pass at me? Ha HA. But seriously, I wonder whether my weight has become a shield I hide behind - what happens to me when it's just me? Scary, fat person thinking maybe????
I was thinking of setting a goal weight of about 75kg but I know it should be 65 kg - any hints on setting goal weight - do you do it yourself or are go given it by someone. Most guides say 58-70 is a health weight range for me. Does anyone work in kg or should I be talking pounds? I think we're talking around 130lbs.
Thanks for being there everyone.