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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by rosenz

  1. rosenz

    Just starting

    Hey Dal - my dietitician said that in time most of her banders are able to eat everything they used to eat - but if I can't eat white bread or fresh pineapple again, I'm not worrying, as being thinner and healthier will be worth it. I found the blog written by a Scottish orthopaedic surgeon, Chris Oliver, really reassuring - he was banded last year, and he just seems really sensible and focussed - it's quite inspiring. He seems to have had very few problems - and has lost masses of weight. You can find him at: Chris Oliver Blogspot
  2. rosenz

    Just starting

    Three and a half weeks post-banding - it's been really easy going and the weight is dropping off. Feeling like a really good choice. Good luck!
  3. Two weeks in. Very simple and painfree process. Back at work two days later. Just coming off "anything up a straw' liquids and moving on to more dense liquids like thick lump free soups. I've had no problems, no nausea, I don't feel hungry, my breathlessness has gone, I'm sleeping like a baby and I've lost about 12 pounds since banding. Really glad I did it!

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