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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by MySherriJo

  1. I agree. The Hampton Inn in Jersey is where I stayed in April and is super nice. With your Hilton Honors card it is just 99.00 bucks a nice for King Suite. I would love to come. My bestfriend lives in Cape Cod and I love going there. I drove from Ky. and although 24 hour drive which I won't do again, couldn't fly because I was delivering a 5 week old Mini Daschund but was beautiful scenery. Can't wait.


  2. Yes, I was a very faithful LBT person. On here everyday of my life 10 times a day. I was trying to help newbies and now I think I need their help.

    I lost the first 80 pounds in 6months no problems. Then I started messing with my fills wanting to loose faster, then too tight, not tight enough and I'm a cash patient and 13 round trip to Dr. C's for fills and unfills so not too cheap. Well, my husband of 26 years made the remark that I ought to just have this taken out as it doesn't work no more than anything else and I had just wasted 20,000 cash. Really hurt my feelings so I've decided to just try to jump back on one more time, go back to the basics and when I get the cast off my foot start exercising daily. I will also be on here daily like I was doind when I was succedding. Hope to get to know everyone as all the people that use to be on here I'm not seeing them.

    Thanks for listening,

    Hugs to you all,


  3. Thank you for your reply. I haven't seen the actual surgeon yet just his PA said it had to be done. I see the surgeon next wednesday. I just kind of wanted to know before I told him because most doctors don't have a clue that I've went to about the band. I had xrays for a kidney stone and they flipped out and called in a specialist. I had already told them I had it but they didn't know what in the world it was, lol.



  4. I've been banded for 2 years and lost weight right away, 80 pounds in 6 months then blah, nothing. So I left it alone no gaining no losing but I've finally decided to go and get another fill tomorrow and start all over again. I still need to loose 60 more pounds.

    Here's my question, I have to have foot surgery next month on my second foot. Both feet had those heel spears, so will surgery hurt my band when they go down your throat with that NG tube?

    I'm really worrying I may have to cancel the surgery. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

    Thank you,


  5. Boy,

    Do we have a lot in common. I had surgery a little over 2 years ago myself in Mexico. I weighed 280, 5'8". I lost 60 pounds in 6 months. Then, it slowed down but I never gained anything. I kept getting my fills messed up and would be too tight then unfill. I then, since I hadn't lost any weight and my husband started commenting on how I had wasted 20,000.00 altogether started feeling like a loser, mind you we've been married for 26 years. I quit coming on this website which was my 2nd mistake and have never been to a support group. I have a wonderful fill Doctor, Dr. Trace Curry in Cinci and drive 12 hours round trip for fills and unfills and have paid for every single dime. So, after 18 months without budging I got mad and upset and had most of my fill taken out. Thought I needed a break. That's been 4 months ago and for the first time since being banded I've gained almost 20 pounds and until I this is the first time I've logged on in months and seen your post. I was just going to forget about the whole thing and just stay fat and your post moved me as I see maybe I'm not the Lone Ranger. Maybe there is still some sort of hope. I'm going to schedule a fill and try to start over. I'm still 40 pounds to the good and I'm reminded daily of how I've paid 200 bucks per pound.

    Maybe we could help each other.

    Message me in your interested and I would love to hear from anyone else on what they think and if they though since my band I'm sure is still fine if

    it would be doable.

    Sending you hugs,

    Lost, but not losing,


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