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LAP-BAND Patients
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About mkbond

  • Rank
  • Birthday 06/29/1954
  1. Happy 59th Birthday mkbond!

  2. Happy 58th Birthday mkbond!

  3. mkbond

    What Do I Need to Do????

    I have only lost 7 pounds and I feel like I did that on my own by watching what I eat. I am hoping the other doctor I am seeing tomorrow will help me. Maybe I am just expecting something different. I just feel like I am starving all the time. I wake up hungry and go to bed hungry. I do eat less now but I still like I eat too much. I just hope I am doing the right thing by going in and having another fill when it was only 8 days ago I a had the other one. What does anyone think? Too Soon? Where I live none of the Doctors have fleuroscope. So I guess its just a guessing on how much to put in.
  4. mkbond

    What Do I Need to Do????

    Thank you so much for having someone to ask my questions to. I did make an appointment tomorrow for another doctor to do my fills. I didn't feel like this doctor knew what he was doing by having to try it 10 times to hit the port. I thought the Lap Band would help me not be so hungry???? We had pizza ordered in today for a meeting at work. I picked out the littlest peice and ate it. I really could of ate another peice if I would of let myself. Am I wrong for thinking "I spent the money to help me lose weight, so why am I not loosing? I can do this without the surgery. I just hate having the hungry feeling. I drink water. I hope this is making sense. Right now I feel like I wasted my money to have the surgery done.
  5. I have no one to ask my questions to. Can anyone help me. I was banded February 10, 2006. Had my first fill (What I thought was a Fill) 3 weeks ago. He missed my port all together. Had no ristrictions at all. Went back a week ago and the Doctor tried 10 times to hit my port. Each time he would put it in and then get a xray until he got it. The last time I knew he hit it because I was restricted. Well the first 3 days It was so great. I wasn't hungry at all. Then it was like it left me. I was starving. I think I could of ate a horse. I fill up fast when I do eat. It just seems like I'm eating more than I should. Should I go back and get another fill. I don't know what to do. Should I be hungry? Please someone help me.....:confused:
  6. mkbond

    Chat Room How-To's?

    I went to the Chat Room and tried to chat. It doesn't seem like anyone wants to get on. :confused:

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
