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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by ldelay

  1. I got my first fill a week ago. I had lunch today which consisted of lettuce, raw zukenne and a 1/2 of turkey salad. I ate too fast and was disussing some irrating issues at work while I was doing it. I am dying, my chest hurts, my stomach hurts, I'm bleching but not throwing up. What can I do? My work place doesn't have anywhere I can go and get anything and it's two hours before I get to commute 1 hour home.:biggrin:
  2. Thanks folks for all the support. I had a return incident two mornings later after I took my morning medicine. this time the BP was immediate and I threw up took hours to stop hurting, I think it was my calcium pills which I have been cutting in half and had no problems with until that morning. I hate thing BP thing about as much as I hate the pain. I now have pineapple juice and meat tenderizer in my desk draw.
  3. thanks folks for all the advice, I was hurting so bad I felt like I was going to die. I even spelled Zucchini wrong my mind was shutting down. I did try drinking and it hurt worst. I did a bunch of dry heaving and by the time I got home I drank the pineapple juice, but was afraid to eat anything. I will get the enzymes and keep them in my purse. i will work really hard at it not happening again. My lesson learned is do not eat lunch anymore at my desk in my cubicle, people will come up and ask questions that will get you worked up you don't think about how your eating and don't chew well enough. I have to take time for me to eat in peace.
  4. I read the article yesterday and was totally bummed all day. I was banded on 18 Jul and have lost 20lbs since I began the journey. I did my research and granted probably should have done more. The eating pencil eraser size food for the rest of my life, leveling off after 18 months, never getting pass a BMI of obese was definitely a downer. I haven't had my first fill will do so in 2 weeks, but I don't have problems swallowing and havebeen able to take my diabetes medicine without crushing. Will this all stop after the first fill and I will be miserable? This article is really depressed me, one more time being told nothing will work!!!
  5. You need to have someone with you on the day of surgery. I am a old military spouse (husband retired after 26 years) I was banded on Friday 11 Jul, believed I would be fine back at work after the weekend no problem. Well there is a problem, pain and pain medication. You need to have someone with you for at least the first 24 hours. I know how it is you want to be strong and do it on your own and take care of yourself and everybody else, Well this is one time you need to take care of yourself and that means letting someone else help
  6. This thread is a God sent. I was banded on 11 Jul, I figured I could go back to work in 5 days. No way, the pain with pulling and burning in my side makes it so sensitive I can't stand to feel the elastic from my underwear on my stomach, I have pain medication and take it when I can't stand it anymore. But I need to get back to work. I started a new job and while I have sick leave if I knew I was going to be down this long I would have put the surgery off for a couple of months. I hope it goes away. I am going to give the compression undergarments a try and hope it works. I want this to be a new day for me without the pain and side effects of obesity, Not just a horrible experience with pain for the next 4 weeks.
  7. Ladies I am now officially banded. Let me tell you it was stressful but I just have to believe this will really be the first day of the rest of my life. I was suppose to be out and home by midday, I didn't get home until 8:30. I had more pain than I anticipated, I plan on going back to work on Tuesday but now I'm not so sure. I had my gaul bladder removed this way and was up and about in no time. But then that was 15 years ago so I guess I was expecting it to be just as easy. I was suppose to fly to Missouri on Tuesday for work. I am so glad I canceled that trip. I think I should have planned for a week off. Needless to say I am doing ok just really stiff, by the time I got into the preop surgery room my blood pressure was so high the were considering canceling. I laid there and willed it down, I was hyped because I had been sitting outside in the waiting room waiting for them to call my name for 3 hours. Note to your doctors, if you have a type A personality like me they should give you something to calm you down the night before. I will keep you posted on how I do over the next couple of days. More liquids how long can I do this!!!! Technical question I would like to know how you get your weight tickers to show up in your post. I did one on the site but now I don't know how to get it in my e-mails
  8. ldelay

    What's the dill, pickles?

    Hang in there you will get it all approved don't give up
  9. Find another doctor. My reply ma be harsh because it's not six in the morning yet an I am up waiting to leave for the hospital. Yes today is the day I have surgery this morning. So maybe my reply is strong because I want so bad for this to work and not to be in too much pain. Travel Lady you can do this you are not that much older than me, I'm 54, a diabetic and on pressure medication, I have been through the years of up and down and working three times as hard because of bias, race, weight and sex. You can do this. I have been on the preop diet for 10 days and lost 10.5 pounds. Was it hard? You bet, never though I could not eat anything for almost two weeks but I did. The weight lost will make your knee surgery so much easier. Us older sisters tend to give people in authority too much power, get a second third and 4th opinion if you need to. This is not about failures but success. Keep me in your prayers and I'll let my sisters know how everything goes.
  10. I'm new to the site my surgery is scheduled on Friday. I have been on the liquid pre op diet for 7 days, it is the hardest thing I have ever done. I haven't survived on anything but liquids since I was 6 months old. I have my pre op appt with my doctor today at 1. For some reason I am afraid this Friday will not be a go and I don't know if I can do this again!!!
  11. ldelay

    Tell us about yourself

    Hi My name is Lorna I am 54 years old and have been married for 32 years I am a program manager for the Defense Department and live in Northern Virginia I have a 28 year old daughter I am originally from New Orleans I will be banded this Friday, one more day and a wake up I am happy, frightened, and go from being great with it to what am I thinking I finally decided to take my life and health back from years of just getting bigger and bigger Now it is not about how I will look so much as how I will feel I have been on the preop diet for 9 days and lost 10.5 pounds Never though I could do liquids for this long, but then I never though I would get banded either:thumbup:
  12. I came across this site and this forum by accident an I am so glad I did. I am scheduled for surgery on Friday. The only people who know what I'm doing is my husband and my daughter. I am also from the south and my large in your business family could teach lessons to military interrogators. I don't live at home anymore but my mother and sisters call me 24/7 so my cover story at work and for family is I am having a hernia operation. This has kept the questions down at work on why I am drinking lunch and will not eat anything or go to lunch with anybody. Keeps me from thinking up stories when family calls and ask what I'm cooking or eating at any particular time. I hate the lying but a girl has got to do what a girl has got to do.

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