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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by oreilly76

  1. I am so excited I can hardly type! I should be able to have it before my trip home July 20th!! (That was another whole post!!) They are going to call me today or Monday with a DATE!!!!!! They think it will be the beginning of June!! YAY ME!!! I am so exicited!! Now I am full of questions!!
  2. My doctor's office is supposed to call this afternoon or Monday afternoon to schedule! I don't think I can wait until Monday!! I am so excited!!
  3. My biggest problem is lethargy and I am sincerely hoping that it will be greatly helped by losing weight. One thing I am concerned about it that even when I do weight watchers I am still, if not more so, tired feeling. I have this constant super tiredness and I feel that is half my weight problem. I feel tired so I eat to overcome it and it is a vicious circle... Do almost all of you feel better in general after the surgery? Did any of you have this tiredness that was 'cured' by the band? I feel like my whole life is out of control ~ overeating, overspending, messy house, etc... I truly want to be organized and have a really clean house and stuff, but I can never seem to find the energy. By the time I have my 3 year old and 11 month old in for a nap, cleaning up is the last thing I want to do... but I know that is how other mom's keep it clean... I just want to watch TV and eat... Can this surgery help me with that?????
  4. I am with Premera BCBS and mine should be covered at 100%!!! YAY!!! Except fills are different I think! But heck! I pay $50 or more to eat out every weekend with my family! Now I will just save that money for fills!!!!
  5. I guess I also should have mentioned, they are currently scheduling for the first of June!!! So it should be around there!! YAY!!! Ok... Figured out how to edit posts... added this to my first one!! Thanks! Didn't figure out how to delete!! :eek:
  6. Thanks! I did have my thyroid and all my vitamin levels checked in preparation to this surgery. No problems there. I do suspect one cause could be my hormones. I was diagonsed with poly cystic ovarian syndrome years ago (PCOS). I can feel a difference in energy depending where I am in my cycle... Other than that they say there is no problems with things like my thyroid and stuff... I dont' know about depression... I think I would be more emotional than I am if I was... or would know I was... KWIM?
  7. oreilly76

    What to do? Delay... or chance it...

    Maybe I should have given more details! I am currently in NC but from Newfoundland, Canada. I would be going home there for that month. I wouldn't have to lift much on the way home because hubby would be goign with me. Back again the end of August I would have a 4 year old and 1 year old and luggage. I believe I will wait. Why take a chance...
  8. Hi!<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" /><o:p></o:p> I decided last September (after two years consideration) to go ahead with WLS. Around October I decided that LapBand was the right choice for me. In January I started my prework and in March I saw my surgeon. I finally have all the work done and my information should be submitted to insurance for approval this week. I hope to have approval in 2 – 4 weeks. My dilemma is this: I have been waiting so long that now it is so close I am very excited and want to get it done ASAP. However, I just found out I will be traveling outside the country for one month (July 22<SUP>nd</SUP> – August 22<SUP>nd</SUP>). They told me my surgery will be in the first part of July. I don’t feel comfortable leaving the country just weeks after surgery, not even sure if my surgeon would allow it. IF he did, would you have traveled that far for that long just 3 – 4 weeks after your surgery? Or is that nuts? Otherwise I would have to wait until September which doesn’t work as well for me… (in terms of work, etc…) I know September isn’t THAT far away. I have just had in my head that I would have surgery so much before that and was mentally preparing… now I am not sure what to do… I appreciate all input and advice!! Thank you!<o:p></o:p>
  9. oreilly76

    What to do? Delay... or chance it...

    Thank you all. I think I will wait... it just seems so far away, once again!
  10. oreilly76

    Newbie to the board

    Wavydaby! It is so exciting!! I am like the exact same time frame as you. I just had my first consult with him last Tuesday! Frankly, I can't believe he could get you in so fast. It took me 3 months to get in!! Must have been a busier time of year (New Year's Resolutions??!!). It will be exciting for both of us to see how the other one is doing! We could be within days of each other!!! How did you find Dr. B? I had a load of questions but I thought he was going to talk awhile and answer most of them. So he listened to my heart, etc... then sent me on my way. I was so surprised that I totally forgot to ask the questions!!! Eekk! Angie said I could email questions anytime so I am doing up a list of the major ones I had... Did he go over yours in detail? Congratulations! This is a very exciting time in our lives!
  11. I had my first consultation with Dr. Bauman yesterday. I also had my first appointment with Diane, the nutritionist... Man, you don't eat much!!! LOL!! How are the Protein shakes? Are they super nasty?? My surgery looks like it will be the end of June right now. Unfortunately they said they are having trouble with people who have my insurance. I have Premera BCBS and it is a covered benefit but they send it to BCBS of NC first then they deny it and Dr. Bauman was saying it takes a really long time for him to get reimbursed... I like all the staff I met and dealt with and I liked Diane the nutritionist, but I am not sure how to take Dr. Bauman... What did the rest of you think of him? How did your first consult go? It was very very quick. I thought he would go over more than he did... I had a bunch of questions for him but I didn't ask one. I thought he would talk a bit, and answer most of them so I save them for the end. But he went on about the insurance, asked a couple of questions, listened to my heart and off I went to see Angie. Frankly I was so shocked that that was all the first consult was I forgot to ask my questions then... I think part of the problem was I had the day really built up in my head as the first step of this big journey, etc... and it wasn't really that big a deal so maybe it was a bit of a letdown? I also thought surgery could be scheduled much faster as I have everything done that is needed. Now I just have to wait for insurance approval... which they called and they told them it was covered at 100%. Well, didn't mean to write a book! Thanks!!!
  12. oreilly76

    1st Consultation w/Dr. Bauman over...

    Hi! When I met with the nurse at Dr. Bauman's office yesterday I was told that you don't stay overnight in the hospital, but all the literature they gave me said that LapBanders stay one night... How long were most of you in there?
  13. oreilly76

    1st Consultation w/Dr. Bauman over...

    How long did it take to get your surgery dates? I am told that even though I have all my prework done, it will still take until about the end of June the beginning of July... I was told about a week for Dr. B to sign off on all the paperwork, 30 days for insurance approval, and then 6 weeks to surgery day... Seems so long. I guess it really isn't, but someone misinformed me that my surgery date would be 4 weeks from yesterday... or I misunderstood... so that extra 6 weeks or so seems so far away...
  14. Hi! My first appt with Dr. Bauman is Tuesday. I was reading through some literature that he gave me and it says to not be entirely independent the first week after surgery. My DH has to take the time off work and I was wondering if you all felt ok to be on your own after that first week? I am a SAHM to two young girls (10 months and 3.5 years). Just wondering how recovery was!
  15. oreilly76

    Time off after surgery? How much?

    Thank you all for your responses!! How long do you think I will need help with the baby? Will the one week be enough?? DH only gets a few weeks vacation a year and I hate to use them all up on this!!
  16. oreilly76


    Hi! My name is Sandy and I am soon to be a patient of Dr. Bauman here in Concord. I have attended one of his seminars and a couple of seminars with the Charlotte Bariatric group in Presby Uptown. However, I found out Dr. Bauman was highly recommened and also performed the LapBand which was what interested me the most. Since the first seminar I have done a fair amount of research and have decided LapBand is the right choice for me. My first consult with Dr. Bauman is the 28th of this month! I can't wait! I have my upper GI this Thursday though and I am a little nervous about it. I hate drinking disgusting stuff. I usually throw it all up (at least I did with the gross stuff they make you drink before c-sections!). I would love any advice or 'wish I had known before' suggestions, comments, advice. I am so glad I found this forum of 'locals'!! I look forward to becoming a regular on here!! Thanks!
  17. oreilly76


    I really appreciate the warm welcome and I would love to come join your group sometime!! I anticpate needing all the support I can get!! Thanks!!
  18. oreilly76


    Thank you all! Just wondering jttaurus, what was the biggest reason you went with RNY over the band after? I will tell them! I am sure the urging will be a clue too!! LOL! Seriously, how bad is the drink? I mean, that is the worst part of it, right? Just drinking it and getting xrayed?

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