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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Carly

  1. Well, it's been 5 weeks since my surgery and I'm down 22 lbs. I went in for my 1st adjustment (aka "fill") today. (That means my band was inflated to further restrict the amount I can consume.) It was a breeze. Doc found my port immediately and the entire process took a whopping 45 seconds. Pain was very minimal pain. I was given 1/2 C. of water immediately to ensure that the band wasn't too tight. I could actually feel my hunger dissipate. (I couldn't eat anything prior to the fill, so I was a bit hungry when I arrived.) Pretty amazing that 1/2 C. of anything could fill me up, let alone water! Woo-hoo! This is why I got the band!!! Over the past 2 weeks, I've noticed an increase in my appetite, so I'm relieved that I got a fill today (3 cc's). I'm on all liquids for 24-hours, so I'm hoping this is good for another -2 lb. drop this week. I think this WLS decision could very possibly be the best decision I've EVER made. Hallelejah!!!
  2. Carly

    1st Fill 5-Weeks Post-op

    Well, it's been 5 weeks since my surgery and I'm down 22 lbs. I went in for my 1st adjustment (aka "fill") today. (That means my band was inflated to further restrict the amount I can consume.) It was a breeze. Doc found my port immediately and the entire process took a whopping 45 seconds. Pain was very minimal pain. I was given 1/2 C. of water immediately to ensure that the band wasn't too tight. I could actually feel my hunger dissipate. (I couldn't eat anything prior to the fill, so I was a bit hungry when I arrived.) Pretty amazing that 1/2 C. of anything could fill me up, let alone water! Woo-hoo! This is why I got the band!!! Over the past 2 weeks, I've noticed an increase in my appetite, so I'm relieved that I got a fill today (3 cc's). I'm on all liquids for 24-hours, so I'm hoping this is good for another -2 lb. drop this week. I think this WLS decision could very possibly be the best decision I've EVER made. Hallelejah!!!
  3. I'm having my 1st fill at 8:30 a.m. tomorrow and forgot to ask if I should refrain from eating/drinking before I go. For those who have had adjustments, would you please tell me what instructions you were given re: eating/drinking prior to a fill? Thanks so much for your help!
  4. Hi Brandie, I had surgery on a Wednesday (8/27/08) and went back to work the following Tuesday. I would have probably gone back on Monday, but that was Labor Day. I am a CPA/auditor and had no problem going back to work 6 days post-op. I was a little wiped out after the first day back, but was back in the full swing of things by day #2. Hardly missed a beat! Good luck to you. I had a VERY good experience with surgery (no pain at all) and I wish you the same.
  5. Carly

    Where's Your Port???

    Thanks everyone! I just talked to someone who the same surgeon as me and she said her port is to the left of her belly button, next to the largest incision (where I can feel mine). So, I'm relieved although I have no idea what I felt initally beneath the incision at my bra line. Oh well, it's gone now! Thanks to everyone who took the time to respond.
  6. Carly

    3 weeks post-op

    It's hard to believe it's been 3 weeks since surgery. Still no pain. Zip, zilch, nada, NONE! In fact, I feel wonderful. The incisions are completely healed and barely visible. The port site has never been even remotely sore! I lost 16 lbs. in the first 2 weeks, but the scale has been MUCH less active in week #3. Only down -1 this week, for a total of -17. Doesn't make sense, because I've stuck w/the program COMPLETELY and have been exercising regularly, so I'm sure the scale will move agaon soon. I've been logging every morsel I eat on fitday.com and have averaged about 800 calories/day. I get hungry in the late afternoon, but after dinner I'm completely satiated until morning. (This is no small miracle, as bedtime has historically been my "danger period," so that's a major breakthrough!) I had great restriction for the first 2 weeks, but that has dissipated. Looking forward to my 1st fill on 10/4 (hopefully!); I wanna get that scale moving again! This weekend I'm going out of town for 4 days and will be surrounded by top of the line food the whole time, and I'm so glad I have RUBY (aka lap band) to help me stay in line. It's SO reassuring knowing that I no longer have to fight this battle all on my own. PTL. It's amazing how the cravings have already dissipated. I haven't had a single piece of chocolate in over 3 weeks (no small miracle there!) :cursing: And the best thing? It's going to just get better and better as the days roll on. Halleleujah! I'm shooting for a 50 lb. weight loss for X-mas and I'm VERY confident in my ability to achieve it. YES!
  7. Carly

    3 weeks post-op

    It's hard to believe it's been 3 weeks since surgery. Still no pain. Zip, zilch, nada, NONE! In fact, I feel wonderful. The incisions are completely healed and barely visible. The port site has never been even remotely sore! I lost 16 lbs. in the first 2 weeks, but the scale has been MUCH less active in week #3. Only down -1 this week, for a total of -17. Doesn't make sense, because I've stuck w/the program COMPLETELY and have been exercising regularly, so I'm sure the scale will move agaon soon. I've been logging every morsel I eat on fitday.com and have averaged about 800 calories/day. I get hungry in the late afternoon, but after dinner I'm completely satiated until morning. (This is no small miracle, as bedtime has historically been my "danger period," so that's a major breakthrough!) I had great restriction for the first 2 weeks, but that has dissipated. Looking forward to my 1st fill on 10/4 (hopefully!); I wanna get that scale moving again! This weekend I'm going out of town for 4 days and will be surrounded by top of the line food the whole time, and I'm so glad I have RUBY (aka lap band) to help me stay in line. It's SO reassuring knowing that I no longer have to fight this battle all on my own. PTL. It's amazing how the cravings have already dissipated. I haven't had a single piece of chocolate in over 3 weeks (no small miracle there!) And the best thing? It's going to just get better and better as the days roll on. Halleleujah! I'm shooting for a 50 lb. weight loss for X-mas and I'm VERY confident in my ability to achieve it. YES!
  8. Well, I returned to work on Wednesday (six days post-op) and that went fine. I was very tired by the end of the day, but my stamina was much better on Thursday and Friday. I had my 1 week check-up with Dr. Simpson on Wednesday and he said everything looks great, and I could start back slowly on regular food. He gave me a list of foods to avoid (chicken, sausage, hot dogs, rubbery eggs, sticky rice, breads, flour tortilla, pasta, and ALL nuts). My mother made some chili (which has always been one of my favorites), but after all the liquids it was really a treat. And the best thing about it??? I'm satisifed after eating only 1/2 of a cup! Unbelievable! I go back on 10/2/08 for my first fill. :smile: I've been doing very good with exercising. I'm not able to go for very long spurts (only up to 10 minutes at a time on the Gazella), but I work it hard during those 10 minutes. Plus, I'm having a treadmill delivered on Monday, so that should really help me increase my endurance. I need it! I ordered some powdered peanut butter (PB2) that I read about on the boards and have been making some WONDERFUL protein shakes. It's 85% less calories & fat. I love it with Almond Breeze, Body Fortress Vanilla Protein Powder. It really satisfies the sweet tooth and is sooo healthy. Last night I decided to name my new best friend (well, 2nd BF, as Mom will always be my BFF!) I settled on: RUBY! It's perfect because I bought a beautiful ruby ring about a month ago to commemorate this wonderful, life-changing event, plus she is a gem. :tongue2: Last, but not last, I'm estatic to report that I have yet to experience ANY pain! I think I'm home safe now. PTL! More soon!!!
  9. Carly

    10 Days Out - Better Every Day!

    Well, I returned to work on Wednesday (six days post-op) and that went fine. I was very tired by the end of the day, but my stamina was much better on Thursday and Friday. I had my 1 week check-up with Dr. Simpson on Wednesday and he said everything looks great, and I could start back slowly on regular food. He gave me a list of foods to avoid (chicken, sausage, hot dogs, rubbery eggs, sticky rice, breads, flour tortilla, pasta, and ALL nuts). My mother made some chili (which has always been one of my favorites), but after all the liquids it was really a treat. And the best thing about it??? I'm satisifed after eating only 1/2 of a cup! Unbelievable! I go back on 10/2/08 for my first fill. :thumbup: I've been doing very good with exercising. I'm not able to go for very long spurts (only up to 10 minutes at a time on the Gazella), but I work it hard during those 10 minutes. Plus, I'm having a treadmill delivered on Monday, so that should really help me increase my endurance. I need it! I ordered some powdered peanut butter (PB2) that I read about on the boards and have been making some WONDERFUL protein shakes. It's 85% less calories & fat. I love it with Almond Breeze, Body Fortress Vanilla Protein Powder. It really satisfies the sweet tooth and is sooo healthy. Last night I decided to name my new best friend (well, 2nd BF, as Mom will always be my BFF!) I settled on: RUBY! It's perfect because I bought a beautiful ruby ring about a month ago to commemorate this wonderful, life-changing event, plus she is a gem. :smile: Last, but not last, I'm estatic to report that I have yet to experience ANY pain! I think I'm home safe now. PTL! More soon!!!
  10. Carly

    New in Louisville

    Welcome! I'm sure you'll find this board to be a great source for information. It's been a huge blessing to me since I first started my journey a few months ago. I had surgery on 8/27/08 and am sooooo glad I did. It's honestly been a wonderful experience so far, and I'm sure that will only increase. I have not had ANY pain whatsoever, AND have lost over 13 lbs. in 10 days! Good Luck with your consult!!! P.S. I was born and raised in Louisville and try to get back home at least once I year. Nothing like My Ole' KY Home!
  11. Just wanted to say that I'm sorry to hear you're feeling so rotten Targa. I wish I had some excellent advice for you, but I don't. I did want to write, however, and say that I hope you get some relief soon! HANG IN THERE!
  12. Carly

    back pain day 3

    I'm sorry to hear you're suffering so badly. Do you think it could perhaps be gas from the surgery that has settled there? You may want to try taking something like Gas X. You never know...it couldn't hurt and just might help. I hope so! GOOD LUCK!
  13. Carly

    the drinking game

    My doctor has no restriction re: drinking BEFORE eating. I'm free to drink up until it's time to eat....and then wait 1 hour after eating. I guess some doctor's are more conservative and want to ensure that all liquid has indeed passed through the stoma before adding any food to the mix, to avoid any possibility of food being washed through too quickly. Just my quess. Good Luck!
  14. Carly

    Hello from Australia

    Welcome. You've come to the right place! I just had Lap-Band surgery in 8/27/08 and already LOVE it. This site is a tremendous resource. Good luck!
  15. Well, I'm amazed to write that the first 4 days post-op have been WONDERFUL! I have had virtually NO pain (I can't even feel the incisions or port site), the liquid diet has been VERY manageable, and I already have restriction! Plus, I've dropped 7 lbs. since Wednesday! Gone forever! I've been having a protein shake for breakfast and 1/2 C. of soup several times a day, plus lots of water with protein powder. Even these very small meals leave me full for hours! I never imagined that I'd have restriction at this point. I feel like I'm at that elusive "sweet" spot I've read so much about, where you're completely satisifed with a very small amount of food. (Just one of many reasons that I chose the Lap-Band!) Maybe it's because my stomach is still swollen from surgery (although it's not sore in the least). Or perhaps I'm just one incredibly blessed Bandster! :tongue2:
  16. Well, I'm amazed to write that the first 4 days post-op have been WONDERFUL! I have had virtually NO pain (I can't even feel the incisions or port site), the liquid diet has been VERY manageable, and I already have restriction! Plus, I've dropped 7 lbs. since Wednesday! Gone forever! I've been having a protein shake for breakfast and 1/2 C. of soup several times a day, plus lots of water with protein powder. Even these very small meals leave me full for hours! I never imagined that I'd have restriction at this point. I feel like I'm at that elusive "sweet" spot I've read so much about, where you're completely satisifed with a very small amount of food. (Just one of many reasons that I chose the Lap-Band!) Maybe it's because my stomach is still swollen from surgery (although it's not sore in the least). Or perhaps I'm just one incredibly blessed Bandster! :party:
  17. Well, the day has finally arrived and I am so calm it's almost surreal. God is so good! This time tomorrow I will officially be a bandster and I say, "Bring It On!" I am sooo ready to no longer be the pig at the table! I'm truly ready to eat SMALL portions and become the type of heath conscious person that I admire. I'm going to be sooo proud of myself once I win this battle. And win I will!!! Mom & Dad flew in from KY to be with me during this time and I am sooo grateful. We went out for my birthday dinner last night and I left feeling so stuffed and miserable. I am so ready for those days to be over with. I am going to truly embrace eating like a 150 lb. person and by this time next year, I am confident I will be a 150 lb. person. I check-in at 6:00 a.m. and will have the procedure at 7:30 a.m. I fully anticipate being home from the hospital before noon. We're going to take "BEFORE" photos and measurements soon. Gotta document this amazing journey! Whoo-hooo! I'm ready to get started! TOMORROW IS THE FIRST DAY OF THE REST OF MY HEALTHY LIFE! :tt2: I have debated on whether or not to be open about WLS at work and originally decided not to talk about it. Over the past few weeks I have questioned that decision, however, and told a few people recently with no regrets. I could tell that one person was biting their tongue, but that's a good thing! I just realized that I'm not ashamed of having WLS, so why hide it? I think that was the best decision for me. Well, it's time now to get started. Next time I write, my new life will be officially underway. HOW VERY EXCITING!!!
  18. Carly

    Surgery day

    Well, my life as a Bandster has just begun! I arrived at the hospital at 6 a.m. yesterday with my amazing folks (who flew in from KY to be with me - what a blessing!) By 6:45 a.m. I was being prepped for surgery. After doing lots of paperwork, the nurse gave me a shot in the belly to prevent blood clots and then started the I.V. Shortly after, the anesthesiologist and Dr. Simpson stopped by to say hell. Next thing I knew, the oxygen mask was on and I was out. This was around 7:35 a.m. Things were really moving fast, and that pace continued! I woke up about 8:15 a.m. in Recovery. I remember saying, "Is it over?" and being asked how I felt. I responded, "Pretty good I think." I was given a cup of hot tea and a few minutes later, the nurse asked if I could get up and walk. I pushed a wheelchair around the room for a minute or so, and started to feel a little nauseous, so he quickly gave me some medication in the IV. I was fine in no time and up walking again. About 9 a.m. the nurse asked if I needed any help getting dressed, that I was doing exceptionally well and was free to go home whenever I felt able! I dressed myself and then he wheeled me out to the waiting room where I greeted my folks with a huge smile. We were on our way home at 9:15 a.m.! I felt sore, but nothing unbearable. I was awake all day and walked around the house every hour on the hour (almost) with minimal discomfort. I drank a couple of cups of chicken broth, served up by my very loving mother, with an extra dose of TLC. I also feasted on some 7-Up and water. I had no desire for anthing else and was deliriously happy all day long, and sang praises in my head all day to the Good Lord above! I am incredibly blessed and grateful for how smooth things went and how great I feel. The "First Day After" has been similarly blessed. I woke up many times throughout the night, but always went back to sleep. Took a little while to get use to laying on my back, but I did get a great night's sleep! While I woke up feeling much more sore that I was yesterday, that passed as soon as I got up and moving. I had a protein shake and two cups of tomato soup today, and that was PLENTY! I had no desire for anything else. :w00t: So far, this experience has exceeded my wildest imagination, and I have no doubt that will continue. PTL! The pain has been VERY minimal. I took a few pain pills yesterday, but only had to take 2 Advil today. Tomorrow I will work on increasing my activity level. I'm soooo ready to begin this amazing journey of a healthy lifestyle. :party:
  19. Thanks for the comment you posted on my blog. I just can't tell you how excited I am about having this surgery. I have lost 4 lbs. since Wednesday and can't believe how well the band has worked already. I was very afraid of the "head hunger" but that has not been an issue whatsoever. One-half cup of soup fills me up to the brin. In fact, I told my mother this a.m. that I'm going to cut it back to 1/4 C. servings today! Hang in there. Attitute is sooo key. Good luck on September 1st!!! Carly

  20. I just got mine 2 days ago and I already love it. Surgery was incredibly easy. I checked in at the hospital at 6 a.m. and was on my way home at 9:15 a.m. (Really!) I have none of the horrific gas pain that I've read so much about and the incisions aren't even sore. Plus...I can only drink about 1/2 C. of soup at a time and that fills me up complete. UNREAL. I'm deliriously happy about this decision, as you can probably tell. I wish you the best of luck!
  21. Carly


    Congrats on being banded and on the 11 lb. weight loss. That's very good for 2 1/2 weeks. I wouldn't be too concerned about the hunger. Once you get a fill that should make a huge difference (so I'm told - I only had surgery 2 days ago). Hang in there and welcome to the boards. There are some great people here and it's an excellent resource! Take care, Carly
  22. Carly

    Surgery day

    Well, my life as a Bandster has just begun! I arrived at the hospital at 6 a.m. yesterday with my amazing folks (who flew in from KY to be with me - what a blessing!) By 6:45 a.m. I was being prepped for surgery. After doing lots of paperwork, the nurse gave me a shot in the belly to prevent blood clots and then started the I.V. Shortly after, the anesthesiologist and Dr. Simpson stopped by to say hell. Next thing I knew, the oxygen mask was on and I was out. This was around 7:35 a.m. Things were really moving fast, and that pace continued! I woke up about 8:15 a.m. in Recovery. I remember saying, "Is it over?" and being asked how I felt. I responded, "Pretty good I think." I was given a cup of hot tea and a few minutes later, the nurse asked if I could get up and walk. I pushed a wheelchair around the room for a minute or so, and started to feel a little nauseous, so he quickly gave me some medication in the IV. I was fine in no time and up walking again. About 9 a.m. the nurse asked if I needed any help getting dressed, that I was doing exceptionally well and was free to go home whenever I felt able! I dressed myself and then he wheeled me out to the waiting room where I greeted my folks with a huge smile. We were on our way home at 9:15 a.m.! I felt sore, but nothing unbearable. I was awake all day and walked around the house every hour on the hour (almost) with minimal discomfort. I drank a couple of cups of chicken broth, served up by my very loving mother, with an extra dose of TLC. I also feasted on some 7-Up and water. I had no desire for anthing else and was deliriously happy all day long, and sang praises in my head all day to the Good Lord above! I am incredibly blessed and grateful for how smooth things went and how great I feel. The "First Day After" has been similarly blessed. I woke up many times throughout the night, but always went back to sleep. Took a little while to get use to laying on my back, but I did get a great night's sleep! While I woke up feeling much more sore that I was yesterday, that passed as soon as I got up and moving. I had a protein shake and two cups of tomato soup today, and that was PLENTY! I had no desire for anything else. :thumbup: So far, this experience has exceeded my wildest imagination, and I have no doubt that will continue. PTL! The pain has been VERY minimal. I took a few pain pills yesterday, but only had to take 2 Advil today. Tomorrow I will work on increasing my activity level. I'm soooo ready to begin this amazing journey of a healthy lifestyle. :tongue2:
  23. I am officially a bandster! I checked-in at the hospital at 6 a.m. today and had the procedure at 7:30 a.m. I woke up in Recovery around 9 a.m. and felt incredibly good. None of the horrific gas pains that I've heard about and no nausea. I still haven't had either, 7 hours out! The incisions aren't even that sore. I was able to check-out and head home around 9 a.m. PTL! I've been up walking every hour (almost) and just hope that this post will comfort someone who is scheduled for surgery soon. I read a lot of horror regarding post-op pain, but there are MANY of us who have experiences such as mine!!! It is going to be soooo worth it. GOOD LUCK! Carly P.S. Do Not Worry! (Phil. 4:6) Dr. Terry Simpson Phoenix, Arizona
  24. Carly

    Surgery tomorrow!!!

    Well, the day has finally arrived and I am so calm it's almost surreal. God is so good! This time tomorrow I will officially be a bandster and I say, "Bring It On!" I am sooo ready to no longer be the pig at the table! I'm truly ready to eat SMALL portions and become the type of heath conscious person that I admire. I'm going to be sooo proud of myself once I win this battle. And win I will!!! Mom & Dad flew in from KY to be with me during this time and I am sooo grateful. We went out for my birthday dinner last night and I left feeling so stuffed and miserable. I am so ready for those days to be over with. I am going to truly embrace eating like a 150 lb. person and by this time next year, I am confident I will be a 150 lb. person. I check-in at 6:00 a.m. and will have the procedure at 7:30 a.m. I fully anticipate being home from the hospital before noon. We're going to take "BEFORE" photos and measurements soon. Gotta document this amazing journey! Whoo-hooo! I'm ready to get started! TOMORROW IS THE FIRST DAY OF THE REST OF MY HEALTHY LIFE! :tongue2: I have debated on whether or not to be open about WLS at work and originally decided not to talk about it. Over the past few weeks I have questioned that decision, however, and told a few people recently with no regrets. I could tell that one person was biting their tongue, but that's a good thing! :thumbup: I just realized that I'm not ashamed of having WLS, so why hide it? I think that was the best decision for me. Well, it's time now to get started. Next time I write, my new life will be officially underway. HOW VERY EXCITING!!!
  25. This was a very productive week! On Wednesday, I went for a psych eval, and yesterday I went to a very lengthy nutrition class. The class was very informative, but thank goodness we were given most of the info in writing. I was so excited that it was difficult to take it all in. It's hard to believe this is really happening sometimes. It all happened so fast, once I finally decided I was ready to pursue this avenue. And now, all requirements are met! All I have to do now is patiently wait for August 27th to arrive, and try to prepare myself for life after surgery!

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