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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by tigerlili08

  1. Ok girls..

    So I am back on the work out wagon. Tonight...I even surprised my hubby. We rode 2.5 miles around the neighborhood, then when we pulled into the garage I told him I wanted to try jogging. Now keep in mind I have not done any running what so ever (Unless it was to catch the ice cream truck) Since I was in 10th grade, which was 17 years ago. So we ran .4 miles and let me tell you, I was huffing and puffing...wheeeeeew

    Then when we got back we did the free weights. So..we will see how my legs feel tomorrow!

    I can't believe we are all taking classes also! We will be able to support each other in more ways than one..thats for sure!

  2. Don't beat yourself up over it Traci. Life happens. I am just glad you had a good outcome to the Dr. stress. You are back home now..so you can start to get back to your routine as much as possible.

    I know the added stress of school is here for a lot of us. I looked at my classes tonight and already the amount of work that is due on Thursday is overwhelming. But, as always, we are strong women and will push through this time as well!

    We all need to remember to make and take time for ourselves. Do good things for ourselves and good things will happen. So exercise!

    I could never be disappointed, you have accomplished soooo much with many things. You are a huge role model to myself with your weight loss, your exercising, everything!

  3. J~ I dont veto...TL is fine...good luck on the running.. I think I need to get some more weight off before I punish my knee's like that!

    BG~ you go girl..dont hold back! We dont have unions in the South. A few came into the hospital I work at but nothing really came of it..I have lived down here for 25 years and have never heard of unions in the south.

    D~Glad to see you haven't had an attack lately..Keepin' my fingers crossed you dont have to go through that again!

    HP~ Glad you are having fun in Fl. hopefully Fay will leave so you can enjoy some of our sunshine!

    SB~Good luck on finding a bike! I am just using my old one I got from Walmart years ago for now...nothing special but it is doing the job for now

    2BH~ I like your red bike! Does that seat hurt your bum. My tailbone still isn't getting use to any seat I try....ouchie

  4. OMG!!! I just passed the exit for dade city!!!!! Jc area!!!!! Wow!!! Of course it is freaking raining AGAIN!!!!!!! Did I tell u that I hve not been on my bike in almost 2 weeks!!!!!

    Hey...I am not far from Dade City darn it! Actually that was where the ER i went to the other night was!

    The test that L2BT was talking about is a Hida scan...it measures the ejection fraction of your gallbladder. It is a nuclear med test that takes a couple of hours but they will be able to tell if it is bad or not! I hope you dont have anymore pain.

    I am going to take a quick cat nap...this waking up at 0430 sucks...I know I have said that before but hey...it hasn't changed, it still sucks!

  5. Okay...today was a much better day.. still on Clear liquids from getting my adjustment though.

    I have kind of slacked this week with my exercise, we have had so much going on and then the lovely weather. I will pick back up tomorrow...I promise! Plus I am kind of concerned about not really getting calories being on Clear Liquids and working out so it is probably for the best.

    HP~Sorry your trip is being consumed by this tropical storm...it came across the state and now its going to make a u-turn and come right back across us. Hopefully when you come back down in October you will see nicer weather! October is really a pretty time down here, especially in the evenings!

    How much alcohol can you handle now compared to pre-band? My friends aunt who had bypass said she can barely drink without getting intoxicated.

    Jamaica is in 47 days!! So I hope to of lost the remaining 15 lbs before I go!

    Is it almost Monday yet?? I miss the scale!

  6. So...it has been an interesting night. It came to a point where I was to uncomfortable to bear through the night so I called the Dr. He said it sounded like I was too tight and was concerned about me sleeping tonight with risk of aspiration. So off to the ER I went. He told me the Dr.'s at the ER he sent me too were trained to do the fills on my band but if I felt uncomfortable then have them call him and he would come in. So..I gave it an all out shot. The first thing the ER DR said to me was...I have never done this but I hear it is like a mediport. He brought in a huber needle and an insulin syringe.

    I looked at him...and said, sir, no offense, the port itself maybe like a mediport but accessing it is not...it is deep into my abdomen that you have to be able to feel and access it..you can't see it from the surface. If you dont mind I would like for you to call my surgeon, they told me time and time again, never let an untrained person access my port, so I hope you understand.

    He called my surgeon, came back in and asked if he could just feel it...so I let him, his eyes got huge and said..yeah, I would not be able to do that.

    My surgeon came, and asked for the proper supplies, unfortunately, the huber needle they have is not the type they use in the office to access ports...so..he numbed me up and 3 bent needles later he removed .2 cc and I was no longer in pain, I could swallow!

    I am just tender from 4 attempts of being accessed today..and my throat from having 13 hours of not being able to keep anything down.

    Sorry for the long post..bottom line is...I'm better! And still without my scale.

  7. Okay....so since this is all still new to me I need some help.

    I was fine when I left my dr office today after my fill.. half way home I started feeling like I needed to slime...so we pulled over and I did. I have not had anything after I left his office and I am having the feeling like there is something stuck...It has got to be my saliva. I have the pain in my sternum and my back area. I dont even want to swallow. I know he said I would experience swelling and thats why he has me do the Clear liquids for the first few days...has anyone else experienced this and how long does it take to go away?

  8. HI, I got my second fill today...he only added .5 cc to me. When I left his office I was fine, half way home we had to pull to the side of the road because I had to slime. Now I have this pain in my chest like I have something stuck...I have not had anything since I left my dr. So it has to be my own saliva. I know that you experience some swelling for the first day when you get a fill but is it suppose to be this uncomfortable?

    Thanks for your input in advance.

  9. Husband put the scale away...we laid down for a nap and I had a dream about the fill I just got....and my scale....I think it is going to be a tough week for my husband..he is such a softy for me he told me he would give it back if I wanted it..I told him NO...I cant have it until Monday morning. He just better not forget where he hid it..lol

    Sooo I am already going through withdrawal if I am dreaming about it...yikes..

    Gail! you are doing awesome, you only have 21 pounds to go! I hope I am as successful as you are in the amount of time that you have been! You will be back on your feet in no time!!!!

  10. So....here is my first week results...

    Drum roll please...

    3 lbs down this week!! Current wt 263...down from 266!

    So....honey did not have the scale hidden by the time we got back from Doctors office... Me being the scale addict that I am......knowing that I would not get to step on it for another week ran right for the bathroom...he was hot on my trail....but I beat him and locked the door..lol

    So...I stepped on it 4 times..he was just laughing at me...then he picked it up and took it away from me...ooooh I feel such an emptiness.. its like one of my beagles has been taken away from me...

    So ladies!! We all did awesome! I can't wait until next week so we can stand on the scale again!!:wink2:

  11. Traci!! I am still doing my happy dance for you girl!! I know you must be soooo relieved!!!! Now you just have to go through a small hurricane while you are visiting us! They should give you hazard pay!

    D~ you crazy rockstar!!! 6 lbs down and overweight!! That is awesome!! Have fun on your shopping spree!! You deserve it!

    KY~ Awesome job on the 4 lbs down!! That is wonderful for a weeks worth of weight to be gone forever!!!

    I got my second fill today, he added .5 cc so now I am at 3.7 cc. I could feel it when he released all of my fill then refilled me to the greater amount. Wow I feel tight, I am just now feeling normal again after he tested me.

  12. First of all TRACI!!~~~ I am soooo happy and relieved! I am screaming YEAH YEAH YEAH for you and doing my version of a happy dance! (which would make you pee yourself if you every saw)!

    D~ 6 lbs this week...you are an animal....you go girl!!! Its good to shock the body every now and then..I can't believe you are only 21 lbs away from your goal!! WOOOT WOOOOT!!

    I got my second fill today...wow..I feel tight...they have me drink cold Water fast..which of course sends my tummy into spasms b/c it soo cold. So he added a .5 cc to me today...and I am still trying to get the water down that I drank at the office. I slimed on the way home..

    So clears for today and tomorrow then full liquids then back to regular food. Hopefully this will help me out this month.

  13. Is anyone else having a problem uploading photo's to their albums or avatars??

    I have been trying all weekend and I keep getting error messages stating that my upload has failed or that there is a security problem.

    I send the error message to the network administrator but he says there are no problems...or they have been fixed...yet I still cant add pictures :thumbup:

  14. HP~ Orlando is usually worse b/c there is no sea breeze that we have living on the ocean...not that its still not hot and humid here. I went to college in Orlando and it was always hot and no breeze...yuck. However you will be getting a breeze here in the next day or two with the Hurricane! Of course we never know where that is going until it is knocking on your door!

    Hope you are having fun!

  15. Hubby is ready for monday to be here already..lol He can't wait to hide it from me!

    Sooooo...how did the scale look at the doctors office....I wish you had oceanfront property in Arizona..that would be something to take a pic of for the books of amazing tales.

    Soooo...we are preparing for a hurricane! Oh yeah!! Went to the store tonight...no Water (I was smart, I have been buying 2 gallons every time I went to the store since the beginning of the year), no canned goods, few peanut butters, and already running low on fuel! We Floridians know how to scramble and hoard!

    Our house is only 3 years old so it has the windows made to with stand 150 mph winds....so we dont have to worry about boarding up the house...just pulling in the pool furniture and anything that can become a flying object!

    So...these things have a crazy mind of their own....we will not know for sure if we will be hit until it's here....if for some reason you don't hear from me for a couple of days it will be because we will be without power! The governor has already declared a state of emergency for the entire state!

    To think...Traci left her safe home to come down to Florida to play in the hurricane! Do you know how long she was planning on staying down here?

    I am still going to the doctor on monday...and he will give me a fill or I am going to kick him....I dont care if it is windy..lol

  16. D~ Did the dr look at the ultrasound pics? or were they sending them off to a radiologist? Sorry you didn't find any answers to your pain today. If you do have to go to the ER you should call your surgeon on your way there so he has a heads up and let him know what hospital you are headed too. Make sure you put his number in your cell phone if its not already there. I hope you feel better :thumbup:

    HP~ how long did you wait before you had a soda? Do you let it get flat before you drink it? They told me to avoid sodas and the nurse the day of my surgery who also was banded said she was 4 years out and can drink a flat one now...what's the point of that, I like them fresh!

    Im going to pray for everyone....we have all come too far to fall apart now. I am going to Sam's club and buying us the jumbo pack of super glue.

  17. ya...well...what can I do?? I just have to face it that he is looking real hard to make sure he has what he needs? It was all so tiny.....if I would not have had this testing done at all, and waited another 5 years...my outcome may be entirely different. Taking this as it comes seems to be the only way not to go crazy

    Gail.....WOW!!!!Way to go girl.....

    You guys are all doing wonderful....

    Where is D hanging out????

    You have a beautiful positive attitude about this! You are truly a rock star! :thumbup:

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