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Posts posted by fourmonthspreop

  1. Doritos and potato chips omg I could eat a whole family size bag before my surgery. My dietician and therapist want me to incorporate Protein chips in small amounts so I am working on having a neutral relationship to chips. So far so good. I feel for the first time in my life theyre just chips, who cares? Have had no urge to overeat on them.

    I'm also so thankful I've never been into sugar because I haven't had real sugar since January. My dietician said I could try it on special occasions in small amounts but im afraid of dumping. Haven't experienced that yet and really don't want to. I had my bypass on Feb 14th.

    Sent from my SM-G975U using BariatricPal mobile app

  2. Poolside nachos. Homemade
    -2 Mini low carb street tortillas cut into triangles (toasted first in oven)
    -2.5 oz of vegetarian ground meat
    -2 oz of refried black Beans
    -2 tablespoons of salsa con queso
    -1 tablespoon of shredded cheddar
    -1.5 tablespoons of lite sour cream
    -Spicy salsa
    -Fresh diced tomatoes
    -Pinch of lime over the whole thing

    Bake all of it together in the oven for 15 minutes on 275F

    First picture is before I ate, second is what I managed to eat. Was able to eat about 2.5 oz of it getting in 15 grams of Protein. Soooo good and protein/fiber filled. The chips are buried under it haha but they exist, I promise! :D 20220405_120704.jpg 20220405_121341.jpg

    Sent from my SM-G975U using BariatricPal mobile app

  3. My surgery was Feb 14 so over a month. I'm glad to hear that, it's kind of a relief. I wasn't put on any meds for gallbladder stuff and never had issues prior to surgery with it but I heard it's common after. I asked my treatment team what if that happened and they didn't necessarily say its not likely and kind of just shrugged It off and said we'll cross that bridge if we get to it which kind of made me uneasy. So it's good to know the weird colors are normal in the beginning.

    Sent from my SM-G975U using BariatricPal mobile app

  4. Omg looks store bought. Nice!
    (i looked at the recipe - thx btw - and it lists the batch produces 16 servings…how big was the cake???)
    Yes, it yields a lot of servings. I made mine in two layers using 9 inch springform pans. I had I think 6 leftover slices after 4 people ate a serving. At that size, bariatric wise, ai could only have half a piece. Here's the cake before it was cut. 20220328_123413.jpg

    Sent from my SM-G975U using BariatricPal mobile app

  5. I followed this recipe: https://thebigmansworld.com/keto-birthday-cake-recipe/

    Pro tip: once you have the batter together if it's chunky or not incorporated at all, put on a pair of food gloves and break it up manually with your hands so it's completely soft and pureed. I find it makes for a better crumb. I used vanilla bean paste and fresh vanilla Beans instead of extract too. Flavor is much better.

    Sent from my SM-G975U using BariatricPal mobile app

  6. Wanted to share my bariatric friendly birthday cake. I did a lil photoshoot with the leftover slices. I'm so proud of the cake. You literally can't tell there's only 2 net carbs per serving. Made with almond flour and a bit of coconut flour. I used swerve to sweeten it. It has eggs and butter of course and vanilla Beans. I got lazy and bought a sugar free store bought frosting. I ordered Keto Sprinkles online. Prior to surgery I was an avid baker and I'm a home chef so I wanted to challenge myself with this. It LITERALLY tasted like regular cake. My friends were so impressed. I sent the rest home with my friend who's husband is doing Low carb. I could only manage a couple bites on one slice but didn't make me sick or get stuck on anything and my nutritionist approved! glad I can still Celebrate birthdays with cake and friends sans overeating sugary treats. Screenshot_20220401-093157_Gallery.jpg

    Sent from my SM-G975U using BariatricPal mobile app

  7. Hey!

    I'm happy to report that after getting on extra strength stool softeners and extra Water, I'm going regular again. I never thought I'd be happy to go to the bathroom yet here I am..

    Anyway, I'm terrified of gallbladder attacks and getting my galbladder removed. Supposedly its common after weight loss surgery. I noticed that my stool is very light colored, like yellowish pale which I hear is a sign of bile issues but I also eat a lot of dairy, yogurt for Breakfast, cheese for Snacks, Protein Drinks and so on. Is this the first sign of gallbladder issues or just my new weird diet?

    Anyone have experience with this post op from gastric bypass?


    Sent from my SM-G975U using BariatricPal mobile app

  8. Another weird but awesome NSV. I don't focus so much on food anymore. Like I can concentrate on other things. I still get hungry and think about what I'm gonna eat but I don't plan my day around eating specific meals and of course not operating anymore I'm never lethargic. Have had time and clarity to focus on my passion projects without getting distracted by overeating.

    Sent from my SM-G975U using BariatricPal mobile app

  9. Thanks, everyone! I'm excited to have salads again. They were a go-to pre-op. My program isn't strict about carbs. My dietician allows healthy carbs and doesn't believe in eliminating foods, she just doesn't want me to dump or get sick. I eat potatoes, some grains, Beans, and chickpeas on the regular with my Protein. She said to enjoy a glass of wine after a year but funny enough I don't drink wine. Pre-op I never drank sweet stuff, only some beers and vodka/whiskey with soda Water. I never really drank a lot but I'm young and a lot of my friends drink socially so it's difficult. I have all these trips planned with my friends in the next coming months and won't be able to drink anything on them which kind of makes me sad but I know it's part of the process.

    P.S. no worries about derailing the thread. Tell us about the date haha

  10. My program doesn't allow raw vegetables (no salads) until 5 months post op, no bread products for 6 months (but other carbs are okay), and no alcohol for a year.

    Curious to learn

    A)when did you start eating/drinking these things post op and how did you handle it?

    B)what advice your program gave you about them?

    C) experience with your first salad?

    Sent from my SM-G975U using BariatricPal mobile app

  11. Anyone get super sick when taking their Vitamins? I can’t seem to keep them down!

    I did but then I started taking them close to a meal and if I take it after a meal, I eat a teaspoon of very strong tasting hummus with it to get the taste out of my mouth then wash and brush because they are that awful. But really, food seemed to do the trick. If I take it on an empty stomach, not fun.

    Sent from my SM-G975U using BariatricPal mobile app

  12. Yes! I totally agree also! I think the chaffles taste so gross because of the yolk AND they're usually overcooked. Overcooked yolk= fishy taste. The whites just give it a neutral base so when you add other stuff to it you really only get the eggs texture but none of that funk. That's why I like this recipe in particular. No egg taste.

    Sent from my SM-G975U using BariatricPal mobile app

  13. Not dense at all. If you can handle eggs then its prob fine, it's just egg whites and a tiny amount of cheese.

    1 cup of egg whites, 3 tablespoons of shredded white cheddar, Finley diced cooked spinach (I do no more than 1/2 a cup), 1/4 cup cooked diced bell pepper. Salt and pepper to taste.

    Pour into a 12 count Mini doughnut pan and bake at 350 for 6-8 min depending on your oven.

    Let them cool completely if you want to slice them in half like a bagel. I'm eating another now for dinner lol they're small and tasty. This is a toddler plate for reference. I'm having some sautéed squash, carrot and onion in Tomato sauce on the side. (I know weird food combo but I am trying to get through leftovers before I leave for a trip)! 20220325_171001.jpg

    Sent from my SM-G975U using BariatricPal mobile app

  14. Okay this is one of my fave post op meals so far. It's not pretty but if you love Bagels, cream cheese and jelly it does the trick quite nicely. I make mini "bagels" from egg whites, cheddar. diced spinach and peppers. I cut one down the middle to make a lil Bagel. Spread a serving of fat free cream cheese and sugar free preserves. It tastes sooooo fricken good. 2 "bagels" are 180 calories without the spreads and 14 grams of Protein. This is one "bagel" cut in half. 20220325_145019.jpg

    Sent from my SM-G975U using BariatricPal mobile app

  15. Anyone deal with "food pushers?" I had a dear sweet 85 year old friend who passed away last year. Not a day goes by that I don't miss her. But she and her family were terrible food pushers and they weren't pushing brussel sprouts and broccoli! I used to say with her when I was back in town. She had piles of chips, every kind you can imagine. A pile of boxed cheap desserts! Like donuts, brownies, Cookies.
    She was a great cook and at one time a great baker. But as she got older, that was replaced by cheap store bought desserts. It didn't matter how many times I told her I was watching my carbs and needed to stay away from wheat products. She would invite me over for lunch of Pasta, french bread and cookies for dessert. Not a green food in site, not even a salad! She showed her love to people with food.
    Right now, when I'm around people like that I have a built in excuse, which everyone knows I had surgery and there are certain foods I can't eat for 6 months. I think I will just tell those food pushers that are left in my life that I can't ever eat certain foods again. Maybe that will squash it.

    Trigger Warning:
    ..............................Yes. My dad is a food pusher. We have a very strained relationship now but growing up he would make 3 different dinners at once and have me eat a bit of all of it and then call me fat and bully me. He use to buy packs and packs of ramen noodles and hide them in my things like my desk/book bag/purse as I started becoming overweight as a child. I still can't eat ramen to this day because it brings me back to those moments. Hed tell me how ugly and fat I was but then push huge amounts of food on me. He's from a country where food is unstable and grew up incredibly poor so when he came to the US and saw how abundant food was he constantly buys food and cooks. He's a big reason why I had a bad relationship to food for so long/why im still working through it and why I still have self esteem issues. He's thin and in shape but has a serious problem with alcohol. I didn't tell him about my surgery because a) he wouldn't understand given a language barrier and B) he's treated me horribly over the years because I'm fat and the last thing I want is to hear those words but about my surgery. He's picked up on the fact that I had a weight loss procedure done. He tries to mend our relationship but still offers food because he doesn't know how else to show love. He offers me healthy stuff now but I simply just decline because I'm not ready to explain anything to him or become closer.

    Sent from my SM-G975U using BariatricPal mobile app

  16. Yeah, it's not clear yet and it was a new guideline from my dietician post-op. She switched me to eating every 2 hours to avoid nausea. Initially, I tried to eat my meals just the 3 times a day and found I'd get sick at night. She thinks I need to take in less amount of food more frequently instead of more less frequently. It's worked so far, I'm not getting sick from eating but it's hard to get my Water in too. The meals I have, I usually eat them in parts. Like I'll have half of it and then the other half later so I am taking in small amounts of food all day.

    They also want me to cool it on the Protein Shakes because they think it's causing my a lot of Constipation. I started making my own because I couldn't do all the milk products so now I just have one a day and get the rest through food. I def think you're right though... I need to drink more water and hopefully, some of the painful movements will get better. Water is soooo difficult though but I'm determined. Still trying to figure out the right balance for me.

  17. I had mine on Feb 14th so I'm 5 weeks and 3 days out. I felt pretty good about fluids and Protein until like 2 weeks ago drinking Water and feeling pain/restriction, especially when it's room temp. Using a straw and having ice water seems to help me get it down better. I actually gulp in a lot of air when I don't use a straw. Most teams tell you not to, even mine but I feel gas pain in my chest without the straw. I'm doing really well with protein though and get 70-80 grams a day through about 700-800 calories. Rarely do I get to 800 cals though. I noticed on days when I have eaten up to 800 cals I feel nauseated at night so I try to not go over 750. It's a small difference but weird enough I can really feel it. I eat 3 small meals a day, one snack and a Protein Shake. My dietician has me eat 2 oz of protein every 2 hours during the daytime. I'm taking Vitamins well, no hair loss...yet? I do need to take nausea medicine in the morning because maybe 4 times a week I wake up with the instinct to dry heave. I don't know why but I've always felt nauseous in the mornings, even pre op. I find that I can either focus on food or water but not both. When I drink 64 oz of fluids, I eat less and miss my protein goal. When I reach my protein goal, I drink less fluids. I find that balance to be really difficult to deal with and get right. I wonder when that'll be easier? It's also tough with the 2-hour eating rule and then the 10 min before 30 after drinking rule. I'd basically always have to have food or Fluid in my mouth all day which isn't realistic for me. I've lost 29 lbs in 5 weeks. I don't really feel it yet/still feel like a big out-of-shape lump LOL. I think I'll feel the weight loss when I hit the 240's. I have my one-month post-op tomorrow with my nurse practitioner. Looking forward to it.

    P.S. Is anyone still dealing with Constipation and ROCK HARD stool? I am on prune juice, Metamucil, colace and occasional senna tea. I go almost every day but it's incredibly forced, usually bleeding occurs or I need to slap on a pair of gloves and take it out (I know TMI I'm sorry :() . I'm going to talk to my team about it tomorrow but I'm so done with it. It also causes me a great deal of nausea. Wondering if anyone else is dealing with this and what you're doing to make it better?

  18. Very true
    Thank you so much for your kind words. It's a bit difficult since my mom helped me pay for surgery and I live with my mom and brother at the moment so it's hard to hide
    We're also a close knit family so not many secrets get kept. I just realize how toxic their habits are and how they'd never be strong enough to ask for help. I pray that they do and will become better versions of themselves but im through not being able to change people. I'm losing weight quickly and making the right choices ultimately. I take my Psych meds and do regular therapy. I'm as close as I've ever felt to having a neutral relationship to food which is all I've ever strived for. It doesn't taunt me and I don't obsess over it. I'm hoping they just see how well I do and keep their mouths shut. Im moving out of this house in a month or two. I'll miss them but the distance will help me focus on myself 100% of the time.

    Sent from my SM-G975U using BariatricPal mobile app

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
