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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Posts posted by fourmonthspreop

  1. I had to do two rounds of magnesium citrate, which tastes like Sprite brewed in hell. I didn't even finish the second bottle.
    I also couldn't have anything after midnight, even Water. It was like 1 am, I had fluids evacuating through my anus, but couldn't replenish myself. I was absolutely miserable.
    I'm literally cracking up! Sprite brewed from hell
    Omg how true is that???!!!

    Sent from my SM-G975U using BariatricPal mobile app

  2. I just had my shower with the hibiclens stuff they told me to use, but while I was in there (before I used it) I did a hair mask. Then when IO got out I did a face mask and used toner and serum and moisturizer (my "special occasion" stuff, not my daily ones). I also exfoliated my lips and have on a lip mask. I know I can't have anything on my face when I leave for surgery, but I kind of wanted to go all out tonight. I can't have nail polish on, but I was told i can paint my toes, so I did that, too. I also have foot masks on right now. Not sure why I feel the need to have a mini spa day the night before surgery, but it just seemed like a good idea. Did any of you do this, too?

    Yes! I took a hot melatonin lavender bubble bath and watched movies on my laptop (I put it next to my bath to not risk it falling in). Then I did the special cleanser thing after.

    Sent from my SM-G975U using BariatricPal mobile app

  3. Hey! I'm 3 months post op from gastric bypass. I've been doing really well getting in my Protein and Vitamins everyday and the weight is coming off.

    I feel like however I don't eat nearly enough veggies as pre op and wish I could add more for overall health, wellness and gut health.

    Do you have any tips or tricks on incorporating more veggies into your meals?

    I can't really have raw vegetables or raw leafy greans but raw cucumber, raw fruit, raw shredded carrot, raw onion all seem to be fine in moderation. I absolutely HATE mushy cooked vegetables and mostly ate all my veggies raw before surgery (while doing pre op weight loss).

    Everytime I put cooked vegetables on my plate, I barely touch them because I find them so gross. Anyone have any dishes or tricks they can share on how to incorporate more vegetables?


    Sent from my SM-G975U using BariatricPal mobile app

  4. I'm almost 3 months out and I've been eating carbs since my puree phase (had Beans then). I do everything in moderation, eat my Protein first and enjoy carbs on the side. I've lost 42 lbs since my surgery. Carbs aren't the enemy, eating too much is. Of course we have limited room as weight loss surgery peeps so I understand the need for protein first but if your dietician okays it and you can stand it, go for it. I do best with Chickpea Pasta, wild/brown rice and potatoes. You can chew them up really well so they go down easy. I've had the low carb tortillas but they get "stuck" most of the time so I avoid them. Haven't had bread/toast/flour/corn tortillas yet because I was told to wait 6 months for bread products.

    Sent from my SM-G975U using BariatricPal mobile app

  5. if this is happening right after eating, another strong possibility is a stricture. They happen to about 5% of gastric bypass patients, and you're in the right window of time for it (they almost always occur within 1-3 months post-op. They're very rare after that point).
    I had two of them - one at four weeks out and the other at around eight weeks out. They're an easy "fix". Regardless, let your clinic know what's going on. What you're experiencing is not normal.
    That's what I'm thinking since it's all of a sudden and with foods I was eating before. How much did your stricture procedure cost with or without insurance? I don't have insurance right now so I'm dreading the doctor :(

    Sent from my SM-G975U using BariatricPal mobile app

  6. Just to clarify . . . are these foods you tolerated AFTER surgery? For example, BEFORE surgery I could eat tortillas. But post-surgery my body won't tolerate them. I get the "foamies" if I eat certain foods like tortillas. That's where you throw up mucus/liquid but no actual food. It's your body saying it doesn't like the food you're trying to eat.
    It's been happening the past couple of days. My diet the past couple of days has been things like eggs, avocado, cooked vegetables, raw minced garlic, cheese, yogurt, soy Protein, tahini, potatoes. I've had foamies before and this isn't it. It's like a delayed nausea that moreso sits in my stomach/organ area rather than my esophagus or throat. There's no foam or hiccuping. I just get really nauseous and feel like I need to lay down. It usually passes in an hour.

    Sent from my SM-G975U using BariatricPal mobile app

  7. It'll depend if you ask for the US view or the global view. US view = no.
    I was cleared for alcohol 28 days post-op. I have had a drink or a glass of wine weekly since. It hits a lot harder, but I have a significant bypass, not a sleeve, so it goes further down - faster - and I adjusted my amounts down accordingly.
    I'm in the 95th percentile for weight lost, was told to stop losing 10 lbs ago by my program, and have maintained a steady weight for four months now. Still drinking weekly.
    You need to have an honest talk with yourself about this. And by honest, I don't mean 'I can stick to one at this one thing' and then it goes off the rails. Really think about if you feel like you can manage it. If no, don't. If yes, well, have fun.
    Agree with this. It's all about how you feel and if you think you can handle it. At the end of the day it's best to stick to your dieticians word. I'm not trying to give you a reason to do anything but I have noticed the wls guidelines in the US are very anti drink vs. Europe. I personally think you're too early on and your stomach is probably still healing. I will tell you I went against my dieticians word and had a drink before the 6 month mark she gave me because I go to a lot of events and parties. I had a long talk with myself and my mom (who is a physician) and came to the conclusion to just try one drink. I made sure it had no sugar or carbonation in it so I did a vodka Water with lemon juice. Personally it didn't hit me any different than pre op. I had the drink 2 months and some weeks post op. I will say you can feel the alcohol a lot more (not in the getting drunk sense) but you can feel it go down your esophagus and into your stomach and intestines and it hurts and burns and even makes you cramp a little. Not very pleasant.

    Anyway, it's up to you. 3 weeks is pretty early on. I will say at 3 weeks I was so focused on feeling better and hydrated I did not want a drink. It might make you feel awful because you're recovering. In my opinion, just have a mock tail. If not, try to decide if it's really worth it, if you can handle maybe getting sick at a big event or bad dehydration without being able to chug water or eat greasy foods the next day.

    Sent from my SM-G975U using BariatricPal mobile app

  8. Hi I enjoy your food pics in the other thread. I am glad you are approaching your doc about this. I will say sometimes pouch decides it doesn’t like a food all the sudden even if I’ve had it before then I just ban that food for awhile and try to reintroduce it later. I do recommend you to have a glucometer just the cheap one. I am one of the lucky ones who has non diabetic reactive hypoglycemia as a result of the rny. I would not have known if I didn’t check the sugar in a “nap desiring” state after consuming a little higher carb than my norm
    Thanks! I'll look into a glucose monitor. Would you say the biggest symptom is nausea? That seems to be the overbearing feeling I have been experiencing after eating foods I tolerated before. And its like a discomfort in my organ/stomach area, not too high or too low, just in the middle.

    Sent from my SM-G975U using BariatricPal mobile app

  9. Hey! I had my bypass Feb 14 this year. It's been pretty smooth sailing honestly up until the last week. Everytime I eat, about 15 minutes later I get extremely nauseous and even start retching. I threw up the other day actually after eating a Protein yogurt but nothing came out. Just some red stuff from a pill I took. I'm not eating sugar or high carb foods. It's all stuff I ate before no problem. liquids seem to be fine but I've had things like eggs, avocado, protein yogurt, cheese and cooked vegetables and wow do I feel like I need to throw up after. I eat slow and stick to small portions too. And then every now and then after eating I get incredibly fatigued and feel like I need to go to sleep. I've never had issues with insulin/pre diabetes or diabetes and feel like that's unlikely since I've been in weight loss mode and barely eating. It's getting difficult to reach my protein goal because I get so sick all of a sudden after eating. I really don't want to fall behind on things. Wondering if this is a stricture or normal? Am I becoming intolerant to certain foods or is the restriction just going strong? Feels so all of a sudden.

    Is there something I can do for a couple days to "reset" like only liquids or something?

    Sent from my SM-G975U using BariatricPal mobile app

  10. I'm really struggling with being hungry, but I come back to this forum a lot, and I read the bariatric handbook from my surgeon's office, and I remind myself why I'm doing this. I'm not going to give up or cheat or walk away from this. I've come so far, I'm not screwing it up now. BUT, it's still really hard. I'm HUNGRY!!!! But I'm working, watching true crime, watching Netflix and Hulu, and whining to my husband LOL I know I'll get through it, but this part REALLY really stinks.

    That's what we're here for! It's so worth it and can't stress how temporary the no food thing is. You got this!!

    Sent from my SM-G975U using BariatricPal mobile app

  11. I've learned that it's all about your surgery center's guidelines. Some places don't give calorie limits while some are really strict about it. I was concerned that I was eating too much in my puree phase but its generally fine to eat 600-800 calories so early on. It's a huge deficit lol and not like you're eating 1800+ . My dietician said around 800-900. Once I'm healed even 1000/1200 is normal. I'd ask your dietician to see if they have any specific requirements for you.

    Sent from my SM-G975U using BariatricPal mobile app

  12. I am flying to my surgery in a few weeks and the thought of asking the flight attendant for a seatbelt extender is MORTIFYING. So I bought one from Amazon and I will discreetly click it into place when I sit down. I also got an aisle seat so I can kind of lean into the aisle and not squish the stranger beside me.

    It scares me too! American Airlines, spirit and jetblue seems to have bigger seatbelts in my experience. Good luck with your flight. You'll be fine especially with that extender!

    Sent from my SM-G975U using BariatricPal mobile app

  13. This is a tough one! I’ve also been trying to figure out what to say. Because I’ve struggled my entire life with eating disorders, ups and downs in the weight department and a lot of the times that I lost drastically it was because I wasn’t treating my body the right way (not eat, binging and purging, over doing it at the gym and constantly obsessing). So having someone comment on my wait good or bad is triggering for me. My first thought is, in this day in age the way things are with body positivity etc people really shouldn’t comment on someone’s weight loss or gain because there can be a multitude of reasons why someone has lost or gained.

    Another example: my sister recently lost a TON of weight (she was already somewhat thin to begin with) and we were discussing how she feels when people ask her about her weight loss and exclaim how great she looks etc, and she has a hard time with it because first of all, “did I not look good before?”, as she says to me and second, she was actually very ill and it’s the reason why she lost the weight.

    It’s like people put so much value on who you are based on your weight. So I cringe when I think of what to say. Part of me wants to say something snarky but I’m not a snarky person lol and can’t really think of anything. So instead I’m going to be honest! I’m eating healthy and working out! I already have been eating healthy and working out since I started my program and have lost some weight so it won’t be too far fetched. My situation might be different then yours though because I live hours away from most anyone I don’t care to tell the 100% truth to. So when I see them the 1 or 2 times a year, or every other year that I do, it won’t be so jarring.

    I think part of the issue is the fact that people think that WLS is the “easy way out” and from reading posts on this forum and hearing first hand from friends that have had WLS that’s is totally not the case. You still have to put in the work to be successful with WLS. And honestly… I don’t think there’s anything easy about going through surgery and getting your stomach cut into and/or altered in any way.

    I hate that my family is so focused on my weight. I understand the point of it being for health and genuine concern but they say awful things to me so I hate when people comment on my weight loss. My brother asked me the other day "it's easier now that your legs aren't so fat right?" Like I couldn't believe the phrasing. I just said I'm not sure what you're asking and walked away. Feels like people want to comment on your weight just to let you know how much they hate fatness rather than genuine praise or anything . I just avoid it all together. And if someone doesn't know I had surgery, I just say I've been eating healthier and developing better habits.

    Sent from my SM-G975U using BariatricPal mobile app

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