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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Posts posted by fourmonthspreop

  1. I was 53 when I had mine. My daughter was 22. Neither of us have any regrates!
    I have had a lot of surgeries for various things - I wasn't nervous at all about the surgery.
    My daughter has had 5 surgeries (4 for the same thing) - she wasn't nervous at all either.
    I'm not sure if the gas pain that people talk about is gas in their abdomen as general pain or the gas/discomfort that is felt in the left shoulder after any abdominal surgery. I have always had horrendous pain in my left shoulder after ANY abdominal surgery. It lasts for 2-3 weeks (but that's just me - because of scoliosis by torso is unique - I had my scoliosis corrected when I was 48 - DON'T WAIT THAT LONG!). My daughter had no troubles at all even though she also has scoliosis (she had hers corrected when she was 15 & has had 3 other surgeries because of the 1st one).
    But I can tell you our bodies feel so much better since getting all of the weight off because of weight loss surgery! I have lost over 70 (I am very happy with this weight & I feel great!). My daughter has lost over 150 & she is more active than she ever was before!
    Stick to your docs plan and take your vitamins!
    Just wear home whatever you wore to the hospital. No need to take an extra set of clothes. Your toothbrush, toothpaste, Biotin mouthwash is a great idea (I like the Walmart brand), phone charger & ChapStick & PJ's (so you don't have to wear the hospital gown once you start moving around).
    Good vibes & happy thoughts as you drift off to sleep in a few days! I always sing "I Wanna be Sedated" by the Ramones as I am wheeled to the OR.
    Thanks so much for this. It's really heart warming to have such great advice from this forum. I can't wait to be on the other side of it. This will be the scariest part for me.

    Sent from my SM-G975U using BariatricPal mobile app

  2. Many Prayers for a speedy Blessed recovery. I personally have no regrets. I did not have any complications in my recovery. I am only close to 6 months out but I am 125lbs down an feeling better than I have in years. I am thankful for this group, anytime I’ve had fears or questions this support group has been very helpful. Everyone will tell you this but Walk walk walk. A normal gas pain is intense but if you walk you will work it out. Take your favorite Protein drink to the hospital and if you are on a Cpap take it as well. Biotene for dry mouth, Carmen or chapstick an your most comfy clothes for the ride home. Don’t be afraid to ask questions. I do anytime. I did have some health isssues an a lot older than you but I came thru just fine as I am sure you will!!! God Bless!!!
    Thank you for your kind words. [emoji1317]

    Sent from my SM-G975U using BariatricPal mobile app

  3. Hey!

    I'm getting ready to have my bypass on Monday in 4 days about. I'm getting really nervous and hitting that stage where you feel regret and extreme fear. I have read so many stories about people becoming chronically ill after bypass. What if that's me? I'm also scared how much pain I'll be in but maybe it will work out? I'm in my mid 20s, I have no health conditions so I keep being told I will probably recover just fine but you can't help and be completely terrified of the unknown.

    So I'd like to hear how you felt waking up from your surgery and if it went really well for you, tell me a bit about that. I know some people tolerate liquids really well, have minimal pain and are super active day of. Did that happen for you?

    Sent from my SM-G975U using BariatricPal mobile app

  4. Nice! I also had my pre op and pre admissions appointment today. I spent 5 hours in the hospital haha but worth it.
    It's day 7 on my pre op diet. Don't beat yourself up about weight loss. It'll happen post op and you'll be plenty pleased. Be proud of yourself for making it this far! Congrats and glad to be your Feb surgery buddy! :)

    Sent from my SM-G975U using BariatricPal mobile app

  5. Actually it was fine. Post op, first 10 days was the same except it was two Optifast shakes and I began to gag on them so ended it early and began the next stage of home made creamed Soups. I can't look at those shakes now, it's like a phobia.
    I understand. I've always hated Protein Shakes. Blendibg them with ice has helped a lot. I have to try and find some vegetarian friendly creamed soup! Sounds decent.

    Sent from my SM-G975U using BariatricPal mobile app

  6. Hey all!

    Any ladies take birth control after bypass? I took lo lesterin for a couple years and got off the pill last year because I promised myself I wasn't going to date again until after I got surgery and a new job lol

    I am thinking about getting back on it but I hear it's less effective after surgery because of absorption. Anyone know about this? Have you tried alternatives like implants or IUDs?

    Thanks! P.s. I tolerated lo lesterin really well.

    Sent from my SM-G975U using BariatricPal mobile app

  7. Interesting how different surgeons require different pre op diets... Mine is strictly liquids only for the preop diet. On a side note never had tofu lol.
    Yeah it is! It's like different times too. Some people do liquids for a week only I hear.

    I'm 12 days on two shakes one Protein meal a day along with Jello, popsicles and broth and then 2 days all liquid before surgery.

    Tofu is good! But I've also been eating it since I was very young as it's a staple in my family.

    Sent from my SM-G975U using BariatricPal mobile app

  8. Hey!

    I'm just trying to get through my pre op diet right now. I'm limited to lean Proteins and veggies at the moment in very small amounts. I'm doing meal preps and eating the same small Protein meal everyday.

    I'm a vegetarian so I'm just sticking to tofu since it's low carb.

    The first one is tofu cooked in a tablespoon on coconut flour and garlic Zuchinni with a very small amount of tomatoes.

    The other one was sugar free barbecue tofu and onion green Beans.

    Can I see your pre op meals? I'm interested to see how others ate on their pre op diets.

    Thanks! 20220207_133300.jpg Snapchat-1355532905.jpg

    Sent from my SM-G975U using BariatricPal mobile app

  9. Hey everyone!

    I'm scheduled for my bypass on Feb 14. So far I've lost 8 lbs on the pre op diet and I'm on day 3 but was dieting pretty hard-core the week I got on my preop. lol it's going well but I get food anxiety about stupid stuff though like what if I ate too much lettuce and get kicked out of ketosis? I know it's so irrational and I've done Keto and the nutrition/macro dance of anxiety in the past. I figure as long as I'm losing weight and eating less than 6 grams of carbs a day, my liver is hopefully shrinking.

    Anyway, I'm trying not to overthink things. That's been helping me so far. They say when you overthink you create problems that weren't there in the first place. Definitely feel like that applies to following a crash diet.

    Well, with surgery approaching I'll be relieved to not deal with this feeling of emptiness. This is probably going to be one the most challenging parts. I can't help but wonder though and I have terrible medical anxiety, what does it feel like when you wake up from surgery? And in the couple of days post op?

    Are you:

    Sore in your stomach?

    Can you feel your stomach and intestines?

    Is there a burning sensation?

    Are you zoned out on pain killers or you can go without them just fine?

    Do you get gas pain right away?

    Is it hard to move around?

    Just wanna know your experience after surgery, hospital and getting home.

    Thanks for the advice as usual. Love this community!

    Sent from my SM-G975U using BariatricPal mobile app

  10. So I finally got my surgery date after about 7 months of waiting. I am feeling so many mixed emotions but mainly excited and scared.

    My surgery is on Valentine's Day or Feb 14th. I thought how symbolic because it's all about self love now in my life and treating myself to the life I deserve rather than put up with.

    It's been such an emotional journey for me. I'm so ready now though. I just need to remember the good over the ugly parts.

    I'm a little bit sad because I've only lost 26 lbs throughout this time but I worked really hard with psychologists and my psychiatrist to have a better relationship to food throughout all of these months. It was slow but my weight has been going down only for the first time in 2 years.

    I'm on my preop diet now. It's really tough but I'm determined to do what I need to be surgery ready. I've been drinking so much Water having sugar free popsicles to curb my hunger pangs. It's almost messed up but I'm so excited to not have my appetite right after surgery for a little bit because it's quite a nuisance when you're eating 500 calories a day on a pre op stomach.

    Anyway, thanks for everyone's advice over these months. Just wanted to share the update and express my feelings. If you're going through the same thing I'm always open to talk.

    Sent from my SM-G975U using BariatricPal mobile app

  11. Hey!

    I'm scheduled for surgery (gastric bypass) in February. I've been relying on Protein Shakes and some ketogenic friendly sweeteners as Meal Replacements to get use to drinking my calories instead of eating them.

    I wanna know if you've tried any of these ingredients post op and how they made you feel:

    - vanilla Premier Protein

    - unsweetened cocoa powder

    - Swerve sugar replacement

    - blended strawberry, blackberries and blueberries (no added sugar)

    -Isopure unflavored powder

    -unsweetened almond milk

    -black Beans (not in smoothies, just in general, mashed)

    Thanks! Happy New Year to you all

    Sent from my SM-G975U using BariatricPal mobile app

  12. I too suffer from depression and anxiety. This year has been horrific for me. I talk to my friends and family about this and they help me a great deal. I do feel scared but I find talking about it helps with the anxiety and worries that I’m feeling.

    I wish you the best and please know that you got this! [emoji1477]
    Thank you so much! The support is appreciated. Best of luck to you on your journey too. Congrats!

    Sent from my SM-G975U using BariatricPal mobile app

  13. I have had depression for a long time. Last year in lock down with all the bad news all the time almost broke me. Friends and family rallied round and helped me along. I realised I have bad days and they pass. Exercise and getting out of the house really work for me.
    Most people who come to bariatric surgery have dieted and failed many times. We have come to believe that even this will fail for us. I have read thousands of posts on this site and people say this over and over. What will we do when we fail at this fails too ? Looking deeper into their posts shows how much weight they did loose. This has helped me.
    I am 7 days from surgery and it cant come soon enough. I will get nervous as the day comes nearer but thats just surgery nerves. You are not locked into yours, you can walk at any point. If you are not ready you will know.
    Be kind to yourself, take some pressure off and just breathe.

    I really appreciate the support! I'm trying to focus on healthy outlets. It helps to know that others get far with the same feelings. Thanks for sharing your experience.

    Sent from my SM-G975U using BariatricPal mobile app

  14. Hey y'all.

    I'm a little less than a month away from my endoscopy. My doc said basically if I'm clear anywhere from 2 weeks after that I can get my gastric bypass.

    In the meantime while I wait, I struggle with depression. I know that everything is coming so soon but I can't help but feel scared and stuck. I don't know who else to talk to about this. I feel like I should be happy and excited but I'm overwhelmed and scared of failure before it even begins. I don't know if I need support or tough love but I'm really struggling to stay grounded.

    I'm just venting but if you have any advice or positive/success stories you want to share, I'd love to hear it. Thanks and hope you all are doing well.

    Sent from my SM-G975U using BariatricPal mobile app

  15. Thanks for sharing your experiences. This helps me a lot! I think for me it's the jumping over the hurdle of the first couple of months that are the most restrictive. I am alone and cook for myself most of the time so I worry about the opportunities to cook for others but hopefully with my new found confidence I will be able to introduce myself and mingle with more people so I can still Celebrate cooking and have others eat my food/not go to waste.

    Sent from my SM-G975U using BariatricPal mobile app

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