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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Posts posted by fourmonthspreop

  1. Thanks y'all. I'm now 8 days post op and I feel a lot better. The pain is almost gone except for some in my lower left abdomen under my largest incision.

    The biggest issues I'm having is getting 64 oz of Water in, rapid heartbeat and nausea/pain from Constipation. I'm still working on the water goal, currently able to comfortably get about 50-55 oz a day. And im trying some new meds for the digestive stuff too.

    But overall I'm better and these symptoms are manageable so long as I stay hydrated, take the right meds and get some sunlight.

    Sent from my SM-G975U using BariatricPal mobile app

  2. Well just wondering if anyone has some advice on how to deal with keeping your Protein Shake fresh when it takes me an hour or more to get through it.

    Like I was drinking one yesterday and left it out for an hour because my stomach was full and when I tried it again it tasted like a tire (no joke). I tried refrigerating it and it still tasted awful. Wasted shake! And we know how pricey they are. :(

    What are some things you practice that keep your Protein Shakes fresh on days you need extra time to finish them?


    Sent from my SM-G975U using BariatricPal mobile app

  3. I'm 7 days post op and I can empathize with those feelings. It hurts, you feel lonely without food, and not being able to drink a lot. You definitely experience buyers remorse but I have to keep telling myself it's not permanent. It's a healing process that might take some time but ultimately we come out a really great version of ourselves. I so wish that bariatric programs did a better job at addressing the mental struggle.

    Some things that help me is seeing my weight go down and following people on Instagram or youtube who have had successful bariatric journeys. You can also search by hashtag on Instagram if you want to see particular content from other people. It helps me stay motivated and know there's light at the end of the tunnel.

    I will admit I'm feeling a little ill still with Constipation and getting a high heart rate from little activity. The sickness and recovery period makes it really hard to enjoy the results and the journey at first but it passes. I promise. Sending healing prayers to you.

    Sent from my SM-G975U using BariatricPal mobile app

  4. I'm a week out from my gastric bypass. Pretty much feel normal but also have a racing heartbeat when doing activities. I think it's from recovery, not eating or you might be dehydrated. I'm also soooooo constipated. I just talked to my nurse who said to take colace for a couple of days or Miralax until I can go. They also mentioned this tea called like Smooth Move. Might give it a shot if the meds don't work. So far nothing. I feel so nauseous being constipated.

    Sent from my SM-G975U using BariatricPal mobile app

  5. I appreciate it. I know I guess I just get nervous about clotting so I want to keep moving but at this point I feel like I'm going to pass out when I walk. I appreciate the sarcasm too lol I am a worry wart for sure. I can't wait to eat food again and see how much that changes my energy. Thanks for letting me vent and giving sound advice. I'm so ready to feel better and enjoy the fact that weight is coming off.

    Sent from my SM-G975U using BariatricPal mobile app

  6. Hey!

    I know I've been posting a lot but I'm curious, I'm 5 days post op. The pain has subsided a lot but I still need to wear my binder.

    I'm experiencing such low levels of energy and stamina I can't even enjoy my weight loss. Pre op I was training for a half marathon and able to walk and run without being short of breath.

    When I walk my legs give out and my chest pulsates. Is this normal? My family says it's because I'm not eating.

    Ive walked inbetween 8000 and 10000 steps a day since surgery 5 days ago.

    I have all my Protein and most all my hydration every day. I'm nervous it's going to be like this for a month and I'm so unhappy with the lack of energy.

    Has anyone experienced this or can give advice?

    Sent from my SM-G975U using BariatricPal mobile app

  7. Hey!

    I'm 4 days post op and trying to imagine whay pureed food is gonna feel like. I'm a vegetarian. I'm liking the idea of fat free refried Beans with salsa but im also terrified to eat food again. I don't want to throw up or anything.

    Can anyone suggest vegetarian safe pureed foods for their new stomachs?

    So far I'm thinking refried beans, egg salad pureed, hummus, Tomato Soup, red pepper Soup, pureed broccoli cheddar, Silken tofu pudding....I would add Protein Powder to some of these too..

    What else sounds good or worked for you?

    Sent from my SM-G975U using BariatricPal mobile app

  8. Glad to hear you're starting some real food

    I'm almost 4 days post op from my gastric bypass. I just dropped all the liquid weight from my hospital stay.

    I am tending to have issues meeting both hydration and Protein at the same time. Like I might get 60 grams of protein in but only 40 oz of Water or today I got 60 oz of water and only 45 grams of protein. I started getting acid reflux too after I had a sugar free popsicle

    I bought some shelf stable roasted red pepper Soup I want to have sooooo badly but I'm terrified of dumping so I'm trying to take it step by step and really listen. My body is definitely telling me that all that water and protein is soo much and it's a challenge.

    My chest pain is still there and I have major pain in my sotmach/organ left side area. I managed to get in 10000 steps today so I'm proud of that but I am so low energy and lethargic. I walk so slowly and get out of breath just going up the stairs when pre op I was jogging and walking 4 miles a day. My doc said it's all normal and to give it some time but I can't help but feel sorry for myself.

    It all feels weird and lonely since I'm going through this alone. Food isn't here anymore to derail me but I'm too lethargic to get big chores or work done. I just want to wake up and feel energetic.

    P.S. any post oppers start drinking coffee or protein coffees yet? It's so tempting with how little energy I have.

    Sent from my SM-G975U using BariatricPal mobile app

  9. Hey! I just got my bypass on Monday. Home from the hospital as of Tuesday. I'm pretty much just inside alone and in a lot of pain. I can tolerate liquids but like I don't want to drink anything. I'm making sure I check my clock every 30 min while I'm awake to take something in. I had my first bariatric Vitamin this morning. Felt a little bit nauseous after but took some meds for that.

    I feel very lonely right now and I think a big part of it is the pain. It's making me not want to go and walk around my neighborhood. I also am having trouble speaking because my throat is very irritated.

    Anyone else feel kind of just like sick and isolated? I hate this feeling so much. Can't wait for it to pass.

    Sent from my SM-G975U using BariatricPal mobile app

  10. Hey all! I'm home from the hospital.
    A bit about my experience:
    I woke up in recovery the most nauseous. I was throwing up.

    When I was transported to my room the nauseous wore off but supposedly it was from the anesthesia and gas pushing on my stomach.

    As soon as they gave me my anti inflammatory in the IV I felt better and slept on and off throughout the night. I was up and walking day of surgery and drinking 6 oz of Water each hour.

    Day 2 is much harder. The nerve block is wearing off so I have pain in my torso but that doesn't bother me. The most annoying part is my throat and esophagus pain. Getting ready to take a pain pill and drift off to sleep. I have so much phlegm that I can't get out..hopefully that comes out soon when I'm able to cough.

    Thanks for sharing your experiences with me. I'm so glad it's over now and I can focus on recovery and adjusting to the new stomach.

    Sent from my SM-G975U using BariatricPal mobile app

  11. I just got home from the hospital. My surgery went smoothly and my surgeon said I am at least risk to have complications so I'm happy with that. I did a lot of walking in the hospital and got fluids down.

    The most bothersome part of all this is the pain in my chest and throat. Something is weird and swollen in my throat causing me to sound nasaly but it isn't my noise. My esophagus spasms every now and then and I burp a little bit which is uncom.

    I also have a lot of pleghm I can't get out because it hurts to cough and take deep breaths.

    How long does the acute pain last? At this point I'm just looking forward to taking a pain pill and drifting off to sleep.

    Does sleep help?

    Thanks for the support also. It still feels surreal that I did this!

    Sent from my SM-G975U using BariatricPal mobile app

  12. Hey! I made it! just had my gastric bypass today. I will say when I woke up in recovery from anesthesia I was incredibly nauseous and threw up 3 times. The nauseous I felt was only from the anesthesia. Once they gave me good meds and I slept for 3 hours I woke up feeling like a new woman.

    I'm already doing laps around the hospital and am drinking liquids, eating ice and Jello. I'm about 8 hours post op

    I will say for anyone who has ever had a bit too much to drink, it feels like a bad hangover mixed with an intense core workout... that's the best way I can describe the feeling but you feel so much better with time.

    I dont regret it at all. I thought I'd feel depressed about being in a hospital feeling sick but the nurses are so nice and my room is cozy. I'm considering it a self love retreat.

    It's not so bad! You will all do great! Sending prayers.

    Sent from my SM-G975U using BariatricPal mobile app

  13. Hey! I made it just had my gastric bypass today. I will say when I woke up in recovery from anesthesia I was incredibly nauseous and threw up 3 times. The nauseous I felt was only from the anesthesia. Once they gave me good meds and I slept for 3 hours I woke up feeling like a new woman.

    I'm already doing laps around the hospital and am drinking liquids, eating ice and Jello. I'm about 8 hours post op

    I will say for anyone who has ever had a bit too much to drink, it feels like a bad hangover mixed with an intense core workout... that's the best way I can describe the feeling but you feel so much better with time.

    It's not so bad! You will do great!

    Sent from my SM-G975U using BariatricPal mobile app

  14. Thanks for sharing your story. You're definitely right it's so easy to scare yourself. I've been working today on thinking about all the positives that come with this. I know I'll probably be in the same boat for a couple days, regret and dismay, but ultimately I will get better and love the change. I'm glad to hear you have too and you're getting along in the journey well. This will probably be my last post until I come back from the hospital. I will carry your advice with me there. Sending you love and healing on your journey.

    Sent from my SM-G975U using BariatricPal mobile app

  15. I have my surgery scheduled for 3/2... The anxiousness is keeping me up at night wondering if I am making the right decision.. or am I setting myself up to get sick for the rest of my life. I have been doing my research and reading posts from many different support groups all over the internet and there are some horrific stories out there are people that can't get food down.. or they throw up every time they eat meat ETC.. for me I could deal with it coming out the other end not to be graphic but the thought of vomiting for the rest of my life has me absolutely petrified and questioning should I take the chance.. Please share your experience from having gastric bypass... I understand the first couple weeks will be rough.. And I can imagine that others have struggled because they possibly didn't follow what their doctor recommends.. But to think you do all the right things and you still get sick has me worried... Whatever insight you can share and tips you can share to possibly avoid this with a greatly appreciated.. thanks in advance God bless! Screenshot_20220202-124931_Photos.thumb.jpg.e97d7aa6a69e98850de5dea7169a2b68.jpg
    Sent from my SM-N975U using BariatricPal mobile app

    Girl I'm literally in the same boat, I'm terrified. My surgery is on Monday. I am on the verge of a panic attack and feel like every possible thing could go wrong. I'm really trying to think positively and I know the cons of long terms obesity are just as severe but let's face it, it's a huge scary change. I am praying for you and sending so many good vibes and well wishes for your journey. At the end of the day I know all we can do is endure and conquer these obstacles.

    P.s. I'm also in Tampa. I'm working with Advent health's program.

    Sent from my SM-G975U using BariatricPal mobile app

  16. Surgery is coming on Monday, Feb 14th. I'm getting gastric bypass.

    I'm in a really dark mental space. I'm so scared I'm going to have complications. I don't know what I'd do with myself if I willingly make myself sickly with surgery when I feel great and healthy right now as I'm slowly but surely losing weight without it.

    I know I need to and want to lose all my excess weight but I'm so scared that I'll be sick after. I've never dealt with long term health issues or feeling severely ill. What if it happens to me? I read about all kinds of terrible things and I panic.

    I'm really trying to focus on the positives but as it gets closer, I don't know... it's like I want to scream to the sky. I'm on the verge of having a panic attack and I think it might happen when I'm in the hospital. I have a hard time expressing my emotions but something is seriously bubbling under the surface.

    There's no way of knowing anything I guess yet. It's just so frightening. I feel like I'm alone and I feel sad and scared. I'm not even upset about food or eating. I'm scared of becoming sick, needing emergency surgeries or having chronic nausea or vomiting. I couldn't forgive myself if that ended up happening.

    I sound like a broken record but I need to get it all out. Part of my weight loss journey has been learning how to express my emotions instead of numb them. I feel terrible and I'm a day away. How do you deal with this stress and panic?

    Sent from my SM-G975U using BariatricPal mobile app

  17. When I woke up I was completely comfortable. No pain until I talked. Then I had a bit of scratch in my throat from the intubation. I also had a little irritation first time out from the urine catheter. Honest, I felt great. They do so much now to prevent pain in the incision areas. I swear I didn't even have the gas pressure issues. With that said, be careful getting up and moving around. It may not feel like it but you just had surgery. Also, the posters above covered it really good. I took my phone/charger, ear buds,underwear for under the gown and a pair of flip flops. Good luck on your surgery and keep us posted.
    I'm terrified of catheters [emoji45] I am going to beg them to put it in and remove it while I'm under.
    They'll be putting a pain reliever in my abdomen that lasts a couple days. The stitches will also be on the inside of me and dissolvable then they're using medical super glue on the incisions.
    I'm so scared but I will keep everyone updated. Hopefully I'll have good news on the otherside of it!

    Sent from my SM-G975U using BariatricPal mobile app

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
