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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Posts posted by fourmonthspreop

  1. I dont think it'll be hard at all. I'm tolerating pea and soy Protein well.
    Here's how I'm getting over 80 grams of protein a day in soft foods:
    Breakfast: Siggis simple ingredients protein yogurt (15 grams)
    Lunch: yellow squash and 3.5 oz of impossible meat made into a meatball (16 grams)
    Dinner: 2 oz of refried Beans, 1 tbspn of sour cream (4 grams)
    Snacks: thin slice of Provolone cheese (3 grams) and the big Kahuna, a Protein Shake made with 2 scoops of Isopure and almond milk (use soy for extra protein). (50 grams)

    ...total for the day= 88 grams of plant based proteins!

    You can switch this up too. Do an omelet, scrambled eggs, tofu scramble, stir fry tofu and other low carb vegetarian meat subs. I was scared at first to try vegetarian meat substitutes but as long as theyre not super breaded and you chew them really well, they seem to be working. My dietician approved of them too! Everyone tolerates food differently after surgery but so far so good. Best of luck. I did my gastric bypass a month ago and I still will not go back to eating meat ever again.

    Sent from my SM-G975U using BariatricPal mobile app

  2. Hey!

    I'm about one month post op (gastric bypass feb 14). I've only lost about 23 lbs post op. I was at 309 when I went in for surgery. I think my weight was like 314 right after surgery because of all the fluids though.

    Anyway I'm getting annoyed because I've been in between 287 and 286 for the last 2 weeks. I am eating more calories now but not nearly enough to gain or even stall. I have about 700-800 calories a day right now.

    Is this normal to stall out so early? I try incorporating exercise in my daily routine but I'm still dealing with a lot of fatigue and lightheadedness from anemia so I feel terrible whenever I really exert myself.

    Any advice or tips? Thanks!

    Sent from my SM-G975U using BariatricPal mobile app

  3. What’s one thing you wish someone had told you before you had surgery?

    -ultimately it doesn't matter your weight or bmi so long as you qualify. It mostly matters where your heads at, how important weight loss is to you, and how ready you feel for the drastic measure.
    -I also wish my team made it clear that the first few weeks are depressing, no sugar coating it. You feel bad and unhappy.
    -I also wish my team was clear about how long it takes to feel like yourself again. I'm 1 month post op and am just starting to feel a little bit normal but the exhaustion and fatigue is real . I feel the most out of shape in my life. Pre op I was training for a half marathon able to take 2 hours to walk 11 miles. Now i feel winded and dizzy after 1 mile.

    I've lost 47 lbs total now and don't feel physically good most days. I don't like when people ask me how happy I must be. I won't be truly happy until I feel healthy but I know it happens. I just wish my team was more honest about how difficult the first couple of months can be post op.

    But ultimately, I decided to do it because I'm losing my 20s to obesity. I'm sick of battling against myself to do the right thing. I was tired of always feeling hungry. My knees are messed up from my weight and I lost and gained in huge amounts for years. So yes, to me, it's worth it but IT'S NOT EASY.

    Sent from my SM-G975U using BariatricPal mobile app

  4. I know the struggle... trust me. I almost went to the ER because the amount of blood but turns out it was from the hard stool. So long as the blood is fresh - it's likely just from the straining/hardness. This is def TMI but I reached the point of slapping on a pair of gloves and taking it out myself. Sadly this intense Constipation is common after weight loss surgery. You'll need to find a supplement and or medication routine that helps you pass things better. Try asking your care team for advice.
    I have in my arsenal right now senna (smooth move) tea, milk of magnesia, psyllium husk and prune juice. I also try to each some veggies with my Protein, whatever I can stand. Make sure to drink a lot of Water and try switching up your Protein Shakes. My ensures were causing a lot of the constipation initially. Good luck. I really know the pain. It will get better eventually.

    Sent from my SM-G975U using BariatricPal mobile app

  5. Hey!

    I am currently still getting use to eating food and a lot of things are new for me. I'll be cleared for all foods on March 28th. I was curious did anyone eat low carb wraps or tortillas 2 months out and how did they make you feel?

    My family bought me these loven fresh Low carb Protein wraps today. While I appreciate the gesture, I won't eat them until later this month and im a bit spooked to try "bread" again. Wondering if they'll sit okay in my stomach? And in general how do you do with Low carb wraps?

    Sent from my SM-G975U using BariatricPal mobile app

  6. Ugh that sounds terrible everyone :( I'm sorry that happened to you all. I guess it's bound to happen one of these days being so new. The weird part is I had no carbohydrates. There mightve been a little sugar in the sauce the veggies came with but no clue why besides that I got such bad nausea and rapid heartbeat.

    I had one vegetarian meatball today and a Protein yogurt. So far so good but now I'm terrified to drink my Protein Shake because that's where it seemed to go downhill yesterday. Ughhh when will this fear go away?

    Sent from my SM-G975U using BariatricPal mobile app

  7. Hey!
    I'm one month post op and on soft foods. I was having really bad issues with lightheadedness. My doc ordered blood tests and it turns out I was anemic. My Vitamins didn't have Iron in them so I changed over and sure nuff it went away.

    Maybe try having your levels checked. How are you doing with hydration? Do you have Low blood sugar?

    Best thing to do is tell your care team if you're feeling that way.

    Side note, laughing cow lite cheese, hummus and Tomato sauce with pureed yellow squash and ricotta are all excellent pureed food meals.

    Sent from my SM-G975U using BariatricPal mobile app

  8. Hey! I'm one month post op and cleared for soft foods. Yesterday I ate a one egg omelet for Breakfast. Went down well and no sickness. Then for lunch my family was eating Chinese. I wanted to try some soft veggies so I ate prob about 4 oz of cooked zuchinnni and Water chestnuts in a brown sauce. I again felt fine and didn't think of anything of it. Then fast forward 4 hours later I was trying to finish my Protein Shake before bed. I started having pain like right under my lungs, fast heart beat and nausea like crazy. I didn't puke but I didn't feel right. I went to bed and woke up normal again. Do you think that was related to dumping or something else?

    Sent from my SM-G975U using BariatricPal mobile app

  9. Hey! I'm gearing up for my soft food stage next week and thinking about Protein sources. I get most of my protein through shakes right now in pureed stage but I also eat eggs and Beans. I've been a vegetarian for 7 years now and don't plan on eating meat again. Has anyone tried these foods on soft?

    -Steamed tofu (not crispy or hard)

    -vegetarian deli meat slices

    -vegetarian ground beef, finely chopped up

    And can you think of anything else that might be okay on soft food?

    Sent from my SM-G975U using BariatricPal mobile app

  10. Hey!

    I'm 23 days post op gastric bypass and feeling good. I can drink and eat without pain EXCEPT when it comes to Water. It's a new thing, wasn't happening before but now when I drink even the tiniest sips of water about 20 seconds later I get cramping in my intestines almost like I need to go to the bathroom. Is this normal/has this happened to anyone?

    Sent from my SM-G975U using BariatricPal mobile app

  11. I'm so ridiculous lol I felt so bad and anxious and then my dietician said in between 650-800 calories right now depending on how much I can eat in my current stage. I ran down with her what im eating and she said im doing really well and to keep on trekking.

    I am working on not moralizing food and calories and not letting either of them make me feel inferior or bad. It's good to know though I'm not doing anything abnormal and fairing well.

    Sent from my SM-G975U using BariatricPal mobile app

  12. Is this stupid to focus on? I'm really working on not obsessing over my weight and calories and just trying to listen to myself but obviously it's good to have some idea. I'm 22 days post op and in pureed foods right now. I can eat about 650 calories a day with no feelings of fullness/restrictions. I can't remember what number my dietician gave me, I feel like it was 700 but I'm waiting for her to reply to my message. I'm feeling guilty for eating over 600 calories for some stupid reason. I know everyone's journey is different. Anyone else experience this anxiety? How many calories should I be eating in pureed food and Protein Drinks?

    Sent from my SM-G975U using BariatricPal mobile app

  13. I've been dealing with really intense Constipation since my surgery Feb 14th. I was first suggested Colace and that didn't do much for me. Next, my doc suggested Senna tea (also called "Smooth Move" in American grocery stores). That worked pretty well. I'm still having issues so my doctor also is having me drink prune juice, psyllium husk, and milk of magnesia which is pushing things along better. My doctor has also recommended to me glycerine suppositories but tbh that didn't work for me. So those are some bariatric-friendly options. One of them or multiple hopefully will work for you. I haven't heard of castor oil being suggested because it might be difficult for the stomach/nausea or cause intestinal discomfort. But at the end of the day, just ask your team and see what they recommend for you! Best of luck with it. I know firsthand how awful post-op constipation is. :(

  14. I went to a restaurant today with my family. They ordered a delicious pizza and this was my take from it lol I'm 19 days post op. In pureed and can have some well cooked vegetables. A little red pepper, smoked cauliflower, and a little piece of feta cheese. Delicious, got a little bit of the taste in my mouth and perfectly happy! 20220305_155945.jpg 20220305_160519.jpg

    Sent from my SM-G975U using BariatricPal mobile app

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