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Posts posted by fourmonthspreop

  1. Just posting another meal here, currently waiting 10 minutes
    to eat since I just had 8 oz of Water. Shakshuka! It's one of my favorite breakfasts. I cooked the hell out of the vegetables since I'm on soft foods right now. Great way to utilize leftover marinara sauce too. I can't get through a whole jar and keep wasting it. My family eats this too but I just made it for me today since I'm home alone. If you eat both eggs you get 20 grams of protein! Not sure if I can manage both eggs so we'll see. Vegetables in here: yellow squash, onion, shredded carrots. Very spicy and flavorful...just what I need. 20220323_092514.jpg 20220323_092622.jpg

    Sent from my SM-G975U using BariatricPal mobile app

  2. Thanks! I didn't realize how easy I have it with pureed foods. You really don't feel it (at least I dont)don't.

    I've since moved to soft foods. I eat about 700-800 cals a day right now and in between 70-80 grams of Protein. I'm getting ready to go back to all foods (except raw vegetables, refined sugar and bread products) starting March 28th. Very excited! But tbh I feel pretty much like I'm eating normal food on soft foods with eggs, cooked vegetables, tofu, vegetarian Meatballs, marinara sauce, cheese and yogurts. So far so good.

    Sent from my SM-G975U using BariatricPal mobile app

  3. Here's another vegetarian post op meal: 1.5 oz of cauliflower mac n cheese, 1.5 oz of beyond beef, 1 teaspoon sugar free ketchup and chipotle hot sauce on the Mac n cheese (I like spicy food). Total 3 oz of food about, 150 calories and 12 grams of Protein, 2.5 grams of carbs. I know it looks super ugly lol but it tastes great! I actually had the burger patty leftover from a restaurant. I had to go to a work dinner and I didn't want to deal with telling people why I wasn't eating so I ordered a beyond burger and ate a quarter of it (just the patty) and told everyone I was Low carb LOL anyway, the patty lasted me 3 days worth of meals so I stretched my dollar far too!20220321_130853.jpg

    Sent from my SM-G975U using BariatricPal mobile app

  4. Ugh that's terrible, I'm sorry [emoji20] I know what you mean though. My brother said to me the other day "wow, now I'm going to be the fat sibling" because I've always been bigger than him even though he's overweight but now I'm losing. I was just like "YEAH YOU WILL BE. TOO BAD". [emoji1787]

    Sent from my SM-G975U using BariatricPal mobile app

  5. This is odd because I feel like a lot of people prefer more showy clothes after losing weight but my weird NSV is that I can actually do the baggy look now and not look like it was my only option or I'm a big ball hahaha. I love the Korean Hanbok clothing style (google it) and am so excited to be down more lbs to REALLY rock it! Here's my first Hanbok inspired outfit. 20220321_113452.jpg

    Sent from my SM-G975U using BariatricPal mobile app

  6. Thats great! I hope youve been able to work on eating behaviors with the.

    You could consider how important this is to you. Really visualize how weight loss surgery will help your life. Find a big reason and keep it in the forefront of your mind. It's not easy and takes will power but having a "because" can really push you along. It's not inherently bad that you've eaten certain foods but really you only know if you're being reckless through food. If the food is triggering for you and keeps you from sticking to a plan, it could be reckless. It's good you find better alternative food items but also think of alternatives that aren't related to food. My therapist always said put distance between you and food. I know your appointment isn't right away but it's coming up! Keep thinking about why you're doing this and put the work in to eat and live in a way that makes you a good candidate for bariatric surgery. The work is up to you at the end of the day. If you make a mistake get back on the horse. You have the rest of your life to enjoy all kinds of food in moderation. The time before your surgery and while you're healing after is a time to take a step back and relearn everything about nutrition and eating down to the core.

    Sent from my SM-G975U using BariatricPal mobile app

  7. Have you tried counseling? I'm a big fan of it. It's got me through the journey and my bad eating patterns. I'm over a month post op and having that counseling allows you to see why you do something and what to do instead. My urges to overeat were greatly reduced pre op and now that I'm post op, I have no urges to overeat. I've been with my psychologist for 10 months now. She's the best!

    I still eat food I like (that I can tolerate and is part of my plan) and I don't believe in moralizing food. It's people's bad behavior around food that's an issue, not the food.

    Moderation is key and learning to eat more Protein over carbs is a good idea pre op. An easy way to do that is having a daily protein and calorie goal so you can get the right food in and not overdo it.

    Don't beat yourself up for eating things that aren't right for you in the moment either. Part of successful weight loss is believing in yourself and not giving up or beating yourself down so much because of a mistake. I still have my moody days trust me but any good dietician will tell you progress, not perfection. Especially if eating is emotional for you.

    Just make sure you're honest with your team and set clear goals and boundaries with food and weight. They're there to help you. Build a treatment team if you feel like you don't have control over what you're eating. And im sure lots other who comment on this thread will have good advice! Welcome to the community.

    Sent from my SM-G975U using BariatricPal mobile app

  8. Oh wow, I'm sorry to hear! I'm going to wait until June to try any Low carb tortillas or bread. I hear chicken can give people problems too. I'm a vegetarian so I haven't found my Protein sources to cause any issues. I eat tofu, eggs, cheese, plant based burger meat, chickpea Pasta and I'm 34 days post op about. I got really sick eating zuchinnni because they weren't cooked enough and I didn't chew the skins properly. I get being annoyed by the pain. I'm so scared of dumping. Will keep you posted.

    Sent from my SM-G975U using BariatricPal mobile app

  9. I really want to find a cute, white boho dress. I tried this on at target but I can't stand the way my stomach looks in it. I'm like an XXL/XL right now and I'm 6 feet tall so it's hard to find a good length..women's clothing is so small sometimes. Almost bought it but wasn't sold. Wondering where find other long white flowy dresses for big girls. Screenshot_20220318-224311_Gallery.jpg

    Sent from my SM-G975U using BariatricPal mobile app

  10. I really appreciate it everyone. I do my best to ignore but some days it gets to me. I have a therapist so we talk about it as well. I've done 10 months now of counseling and will continue throughout the whole bariatric process.
    I told my family last night that I didn't want to deal with my problems the same way they do. They have issues with alcohol and my brother with both food and alcohol. They've refused to get help my whole life. It annoys me even more because I went out, got a psychiatrist, psychologist, dietician, surgery etc. And im still told you might fail, what makes this any different? Like look, I'm getting help...something they REFUSE to do for their problems. I REFUSE to be just like them. I really do appreciate the kind words of encouragement from everyone. I won't let their negativity stop me. I can't wait till I'm a year post op and they shut their traps. [emoji38]

    Sent from my SM-G975U using BariatricPal mobile app

  11. I just need to vent because im so upset about this sometimes. Does anyone deal with negative comments from family members about your surgery? It's not so much about the fact that I got surgery but moreso constant questioning of my success. Like they're always like "what's gonna stop you from just gaining it all back?" "You might just go back to your old habits." "How are things gonna be any different this time?" "You got to the point of needing weight loss surgery to lose weight so how can you be successful?" That's actually what my brother just said to me and it made me so sad and upset. I've been working so hard to do it right this time but they just discredit me like it's another half baked idea. I wish they'd just tell me I got this and not question my dedication. I put in so much work to get where I am both mentally and physically. I made a comment about making sugar free brownie dip for my birthday and my family member said "isn't that what got you to this point in the first place, wanting to eat things like that?" And it just broke me like I'm not allowed to still Celebrate things with food. The all or nothing mindset is what drove my binge eating for years. All I want is to have a healthy relationship with all food and I'm finally in a place where I feel like I can, and then these comments are made. They make me feel like a failure or that I'm thinking incorrectly. I know deep down how far I've come but some days it really gets to me and tears me down. I'm sorry at this point I'm just venting. I just wish they'd recognize my successes and not constantly question my ability. Ughhhh :(

    Sent from my SM-G975U using BariatricPal mobile app

  12. Moderation is healthy and I dont eat meat for personal reasons. I usually eat 2oz of refried black Beans for lunch. Great option!

    Here's my vegetarian soft food stage dinner from the other night. 1.65 oz of impossible meat balls, .85 oz of Protein Chickpea Pasta, a sprinkle of parmesean and about a tablespoon of suace. Went down like a charm. Total protein: 13 grams. I think it's good for such a small amount of food and doesn't upset my stomach at all. Don't mind the kids plate LOL 20220317_173500.jpg

    Sent from my SM-G975U using BariatricPal mobile app

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
