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Everything posted by fourmonthspreop

  1. fourmonthspreop

    Super happy but a bit confused

    Clothing sizes suck, particularly women's. I just went shopping and fit into a women's large at Coach with room. Then I tried on an XL at Columbia and couldn't get the damn thing to zip! What a world! Sent from my SM-G975U using BariatricPal mobile app
  2. fourmonthspreop

    Keto Diet

    Not imo. It works for some people but I think you need a certain psychology around food I just don't have...not to mention guts of steel haha I did keto like 2 years ago in one of my many pursuits to lose weight. I had diarrhea every single day all the time. I did lose 10 lbs in 3 weeks but when I stopped, I gained it all back plus more! Not my proudest moment. Sent from my SM-G975U using BariatricPal mobile app
  3. fourmonthspreop

    Over The Shaming

    I feeeelll this! My therapist taught me something very helpful lately with my internal locust of control. Everyone has a hula hoop around them and you can only control what's in your hula hoop. If someone is feeling frustrated or heated because they think they know what's best for you, those emotions and thoughts are purely in their hula hoop, not yours. What's not in our hula hoop, we cannot control so we let it go. I'm 3 months post op, have lost over 80 lbs on this journey and still have more to go. I hear bs from my family all the time about how I'm not doing a b c or d right or I'm just going to go back to my old ways. It use to make me so angry but now I'm starting to realize they're projecting their own emotions and fears onto me but they all exist within their hula hoop, not mine..I can't control what people think or say to me. I can only understand that it's not in my power. Sent from my SM-G975U using BariatricPal mobile app
  4. Was just thinking since I have my 3 month post op follow up tomorrow, dreaming of my 1 year post op and the weight I'll lose. I've had, since the beginning of this whole journey, the idea to reward myself with a designer trench coat when I reach my goal weight. I'd ideally like to be 195 lbs but I'm starting with 220 for now because of my doctor's suggestions and recommendations. I think if I'm between 215 and 195 I'd give myself the reward. Anyway, I'm soooo dreaming of buying a designer coat when I reach that weight. Having one of those "imagine" nights. So I wanna know, do you or did you have a big item or thing in mind you wanna (or did) reward yourself with once you achieve your goal weight? What was it? Sent from my SM-G975U using BariatricPal mobile app
  5. fourmonthspreop

    Achieving your goals and rewarding yourself

    LOVE all these answers. It's interesting to see how we differ. I definitely understand not being caught up on an arbitrary goal. I've quite literally used that word to describe weight loss numbers in the past but ultimately for me it's more about what it represents. As an adult I've never been less than 235 lbs and when I was that weight, I looked pretty "normal", was not "plus sized" in terms of clothing, seats, furniture etc. So I know getting below that number would mean I'd definitely look "average" again or even less signifying I'd fit well into this supposed designer trench coat I want. Maybe that's a weird way to think but I guess it helps me understand where I'm trying to end up. I believe I'll understand better just enjoying the weight loss as the days go by but I feel like being 262 lbs and 6 feet I'm not quite satisfied or can appreciate it yet. I still feel like a big football player lol but I'm trying to enjoy the results even if it's not over yet just thinking about where I began this journey at. It's a weirdly difficult battle, long, strange, trip. Sent from my SM-G975U using BariatricPal mobile app
  6. fourmonthspreop

    February 2022 Surgery Buddies

    Def counts. Gardening and yard work is hard work. I sweat up a storm. I'm sorry to hear that. Stalls are so frustrating. If you're consistently getting sick I'd suggest checking with your team. Report to them what you've been eating, how fast or slow you eat, drinking habits etc. They should be able to help. Sometimes I've seen suggestions that focusing on protein (or protein shakes in your case since you're having trouble eating) and lots of hydration can break stalls too. Sent from my SM-G975U using BariatricPal mobile app
  7. fourmonthspreop

    Before and After Pics

    Found a pic from my heaviest and made this comparison. Can't believe how far I've come. [emoji15] Also if u were wondering I blot out my hands because I have discernable tattoos on the sides of my fingers lol Sent from my SM-G975U using BariatricPal mobile app
  8. fourmonthspreop

    February 2022 Surgery Buddies

    Coming up on my 3 month this Saturday. Crazy how fast it goes. Weight is coming off every week. I have on and off days with eating. Sometimes I can barely take 2 bites, sometimes I can eat a cup of food in one meal. But I'm happy with my progress. I really want to start working out again. I manage long walks but nothing high intensity. My arms are getting so saggy. I dream of getting the skin removed on them. Sent from my SM-G975U using BariatricPal mobile app
  9. fourmonthspreop

    February 2022 Surgery Buddies

    Hmmm im about to get real nerdy. -Twobular 2s -Two Valhalla 2s -Terrific 2s I'm lost. I take it back but I tried XD Sent from my SM-G975U using BariatricPal mobile app
  10. fourmonthspreop

    Before and After Pics

    Sorry tomorrow is my 3month post op appointment, Saturday is my 3 month anniversary haha Sent from my SM-G975U using BariatricPal mobile app
  11. fourmonthspreop

    Food Before and After Photos

    Been doing these daily bentos. They're small little portions, perf for wls. I got this bento from a Japanese goods store. The biggest one is about 400 ml, about 1.6 cups (because im American lol) and the smallest one holds 180 ml or .75 cups/3/4. I get about 40 grams of protein depending on the food combo in them. Im a vegetarian so here I have vegan jerkey, vegan breadless chicken strips, edamame beans and white cheese. Got some veggies and fruit for fiber, some baked fries, and a serving of these no sugar added dark chocolate gems for dessert. I supplement the rest with a protein yogurt an/or protein shake. Takes me anywhere from 70-90 grams of protein daily. Sent from my SM-G975U using BariatricPal mobile app
  12. fourmonthspreop

    Before and After Pics

    Tomorrow is my 3 month surgery anniversary. I've lost over 70 lbs on this journey through the pre and post op phases. The before pic is not even from my highest weight, that was about mid 2020 but I got up to the 340s at one point. Today I'm proud to say I fit back into a non plus size XL. From an XXXXL/22 to XL! I'm so happy to see the results beyond the scale. I tried on two new shirts today to check my progress and was shocked to see them fitting. Sent from my SM-G975U using BariatricPal mobile app
  13. fourmonthspreop

    29 and here

    Welcome! Congrats on this big change! Search for the May 2022 surgery buddies thread and it's a good place to keep up with others who are going through all of it at the same time. Sent from my SM-G975U using BariatricPal mobile app
  14. fourmonthspreop


    It's weird but I think while your stomach is still healing, the sensations are reduced. It doesn't happen to everyone but I saw that some people need some time to really start feeling restrictions. I didn't feel restriction either with liquids although I was careful. I remember being in the hospital the next morning after my surgery and I drank a whole protein shake in like 15 minutes. The staff was shocked lol I was like you sure this thing worked? But yeah, after I reached soft foods, then I started really feeling the restriction. Also, water became much more difficult to drink. I think as time goes by some days you'll have a really easy time and then there are days where you can painstakingly feel every little drop or morsel that goes in..I don't know why this is and no one has been able to explain it to me thus far. Anyway, so long as you're taking it easy and you stop the moment you feel any discomfort you're probably fine. Sent from my SM-G975U using BariatricPal mobile app
  15. fourmonthspreop


    I just donated all my 330 lbs + clothing. I never want to see it again LOL Luckily I kept a bin of clothes from when I lost a bunch of weight from the past. It's cool pulling out the old clothes that haven't fit me since 2018. Sent from my SM-G975U using BariatricPal mobile app
  16. Ask your doctor because the weird thing is the pre op diet varies sooooo much depending on your program. I was suggested 2-3 shakes a day and one protein meal daily. That meant a meal consisting of 4oz of a protein and 2 oz of low carb vegetables once a day. I was also allowed sugar free popsicles, sugar free jello, and broth. I usually had my shake for breakfast, followed by a lot of Gatorade zero and a jello. Then I had my protein meal for lunch, jello as a snack, protein shake for dinner followed by 1-2 sugar free popsicles all while drinking A LOT of water all day. I rarely drank 3 shakes a day because they make me so constipated. I did have veggie broth every other day to have something savory. God, I don't miss those days. Sent from my SM-G975U using BariatricPal mobile app
  17. fourmonthspreop

    Favorite Grocery Products

    I've been enjoying banza and oikos since I could eat soft foods. Banza has a little added protein which compliments your main source of protein well or have with some vegetables. The oikos always helps me reach my protein goal. No added sugar and tastes pretty good. I also like these hu chocolate gems. Sometimes I add 1/2 a serving to my vanilla yogurt as a "dessert". They have about 4 grams of sugar per half serving. Sent from my SM-G975U using BariatricPal mobile app
  18. fourmonthspreop

    Bullying post op

    I appreciate it [emoji1317] I'm also sorry that happened to you. We can't control what others will say to us but to some extent we can decide whether or not we want it to make us or break us. I've been learning this recently. Sending love as well! Sent from my SM-G975U using BariatricPal mobile app
  19. Oh my God girl I FEEL YOU AND I HEAR YOU!! It's absolutely mind boggling why people continue to do this is such a destructive and careless way. I don't remember a time in my life where people weren't commenting on my body and size. From school, parents, extended family, sibling, etc. I dated a guy in college who asked to be my boyfriend and then proceeded to tell me literally word for word "you're great and all but you know I only date hot girls? You're fat and it's weird to date a fat girl" he consistently made comments about my body size to the point where I started self harming because I started to see my body the way he did. I had to undo a lot of bad **** because of these comments. People are uncomfortable maybe within themselves, they're hyper concerned with what others will think of them or they just believe they're helping you. I think it's okay to be concerned about someone's weight but it's apparent when it comes from a place of disdain and superficiality. There's a right way to do things ultimatly if it has to be done at all, and only those who truly love you should partake in the dialogue in a safe and loving way. This lifetime of people calling me fat has adversely affected me to my core, to the way I carry myself and try not to take up space, how much I see the words of others carved body to this day, how apologetic I am for just existing.... But I'm doing so much physical and mental work to undo all that harm and learning slowly how to choose compassion for these people instead of letting it destroy my self worth. It's tough. We're fighting everyday. Sent from my SM-G975U using BariatricPal mobile app
  20. fourmonthspreop

    Bullying post op

    Aww I appreciate you sharing and sorry that happened. It sucks at any size I realize. My therapist gave me really good advice about it recently. I'm working on being less affected by what people say about my body, good or bad (because it really does ruin my day most of the time). She said that like art, the human body is subjective. People are allowed to have opinions about bodies, like art. It doesn't make it correct however. Like there's no "correct" form of art. Some might appreciate it, some might like your earlier work while others like the new stuff you've done but at the end of the day, it's all just subjective assessments. She also made the distinction that it's my thoughts that create the feelings. Some a*****e might say something negative but I can instead choose to feel compassion- that person has something within them that is giving them a hard time and making them act that way. That really helped me take the sting off of these body comments for me. Sent from my SM-G975U using BariatricPal mobile app
  21. fourmonthspreop

    Weight loss stall

    Hey! I'm about one month post op (gastric bypass feb 14). I've only lost about 23 lbs post op. I was at 309 when I went in for surgery. I think my weight was like 314 right after surgery because of all the fluids though. Anyway I'm getting annoyed because I've been in between 287 and 286 for the last 2 weeks. I am eating more calories now but not nearly enough to gain or even stall. I have about 700-800 calories a day right now. Is this normal to stall out so early? I try incorporating exercise in my daily routine but I'm still dealing with a lot of fatigue and lightheadedness from anemia so I feel terrible whenever I really exert myself. Any advice or tips? Thanks! Sent from my SM-G975U using BariatricPal mobile app
  22. fourmonthspreop

    What's Your Food Nemesis?

    Omg I miss coke zero SO MUCH Sent from my SM-G975U using BariatricPal mobile app
  23. fourmonthspreop

    What's Your Food Nemesis?

    I love pasta and chips too but sadly I will tell you it doesn't go away...especially the 2 week liquid diet (or more) you'll miss food sooo much and crave it. Best to develop the right mindset, find healthy alternatives when you can eat solid food and find the right coping mechanisms. Sent from my SM-G975U using BariatricPal mobile app
  24. Have my first post op airplane ride tomorrow. So fricken nervous. The last time I was on a plane, I weighed around 324 lbs. I flew southwest and the buckle didn't close, I was so damn embarrassed I covered the buckle with my arm against myself and just prayed the attendant didn't notice. Now im about 270 lbs, still have a ways to go but im terrified the buckle won't fit again. I've flown at 280 and the buckle fit on jet blue and coach american. I'm hoping it'll be okay but still have so much anxiety. I got the bigger seats in the front on American Airlines this time but Ughhhh can this weight come off already? This is probably one of the worst parts about being obese. I love traveling but hate that I'm so scared and embarrassed of not fitting into plane seats. I know it'll be huge NSV when the buckle isn't suffocating my lower stomach and sides but just being confident enough that I fit any plane seatbelt is so annoying. I'm trying not to beat myself up but it's so frustrating when you've lost 70 lbs and you're still dealing with things like this. Sent from my SM-G975U using BariatricPal mobile app
  25. : 3 I appreciate it. I'm still dealing with a lot of body dysmorphia. I def have weight to lose still but I carry most of it in my hips and lower stomach.

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