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Posts posted by Squidgy101

  1. I need a reset. Think I’ve lost my way and broke my sleeve. Was 90KG dropped to 77Kg after 3 months and pretty much stayed there (+/- 2/3Kg) and back to being miserable in my own skin. Sleeved in September 21. So ashamed that it didn’t work for me. Not really. Wasted opportunity. Need to get my mojo back.

  2. On 02/26/2022 at 03:42, Pkr80 said:

    Late to this group and got operated in September 2021. Starting weight was 330 lbs (152 kg) and the current weight is 264 lbs (120 kg) and down to waist size 44 from 50, which is good. In the middle of a long stall (around 5 weeks where I have not lost weight and gained and lost a few 100 grms).

    I do have some improvement areas and not a big fan of running or Protein Shakes, though I try to make some of it up with eggs and chicken but not enough I would guess. waiting for my 6 month post-op blood tests.

    I still believe I am another 70-80 lbs away from where I would like to be and hopefully the weight loss will start back sooner rather than later, but I am a bit worried with the length of the stall. DO look forward to hearing more positive outcomes to help inspire myself.


    I had my op 15 Sept - and was doing so well for the first 3 months. Weight loss slowed in Dec and on a stall since Jan. I started at 93Kg - and sat at 73Kg. So lost around 44lbs. I have at least another 10Kg to go - but am also worried about the length. Feel like it just stopped working. Other seems to have lost double and who started at same weight so a bit disheartened ☹️Will need to see dietician.

  3. Hi all

    Does anyone in the U.K. or else where use Baricol rather than the standard Vitamins? I am really struggling with the Calcium tabs - they make me gag! And invariably forget taking the other vitamins every now and again. I was told that you can take Baricol (powder and other forms) which has all your vitamins in one. Anyone using this, if so is it worth it? I was told it’s a little more expensive.

    Thanks as always!

  4. On 10/01/2021 at 17:07, GreenTealael said:

    Finally remembered to log a meal (in the middle of eating)! It feels like a burden even though it’s easy 🤦🏾‍♀️

    Egg in a basket


    iDK what I’ll do if they stop making this bread. It’s so good and basically all Fiber.

    Oh my goodness - I am so craving this right now! Start soft foods next week - wed - can’t wait. Might be a bit longer before I can this though.

    Ps absolutely loving this thread - thank you!

  5. On 09/18/2021 at 15:48, lizonaplane said:

    Thanks! This is the first day I'm back on my computer. I am slowly feeling less pain, although it's still more pain that I expected (whoever described this as "discomfort" was either joking or a masochist). It hurts unless I am lying down. I have more hunger than I expected and I'm taking the omeprazole as directed. I finally had a BM after a week!!! It took four different types of laxatives. My surgery was Monday and I took my last opiod on Thursday. I think I took three total after coming home from the hospital.

    What did you try for Constipation? The hospital gave me lactulose which doesn’t seem to be doing much, it’s day 5 for me today. The pain for me seems to be in two places - in the middle of my chest and after I’ve had a drink and it lands in my stomach. Hoping it starts to get easier as this is pretty rough.

  6. A little update. Sleeved on 15. Rough first few days. Slept most of 15th when not being sick, managed some Water and a few licks of yoghurt today. Mainly gas pain and bloating. Ended up with water tebtion after surgery so had to be catheterd, sent me home with one until Monday. Completely wiped out and emotional. Rollercoaster day. Hoping things start to improve as the week goes on. Bonus - an not hungry!

  7. On 09/07/2021 at 17:20, lizonaplane said:

    I was nauseous and exhausted last week after starting my preop diet (low carb, low fat, high protein). I felt better by Friday, then over the weekend I wasn't exactly perfect because I was with friends over the weekend and we ate out a few times so I'm not exactly sure how much oil my vegetables or meat was cooked in. I cooked most of the meals and know what was in them, but twice we went out and I know it had more oil than I use at home.

    Now I'm back to being nauseous and exhausted. I'm worried because my friends always get together at restaurants, rarely at people's houses. Most of them don't cook at all, and my apartment is too small to have people over now that I had to turn my dining room into a home office. Plus, I travel for work a lot, so I feel like I'm going to have to navigate restaurants all. the. time.

    I am not telling anyone (other than my sister and husband ) so no idea how I’ll navigate restaurants. The no drinking with meal will be hard - suspect I’ll probably avoid restaurants until I know what to expect, am scared I’ll cave and eat something that will be make sick or worse run to the toilet - and there being a queu 😱 good luck!! I am hoping even with a little cheat all will be well.. x

  8. On 09/07/2021 at 16:50, Kenda0928 said:

    I just started my 14 day liquid diet today, surgery on 9/21. I'm not so much worried about liver size; as long as you are in ketosis and at a calorie deficit, your liver will shrink, which is why the pre-op diet varies so wildly from surgeon to surgeon. But I am worried about the mental piece of it. I feel like if I can't "hack it" without cheating, then I'll fail at surgery, too. What if its too hard? What if this is just like every ding dang time before? I'm having to literally take it minute by minute and remind myself that this is a long haul change, that surgery is a tool, and that the pre-op diet is just a step along the way. Good luck on your surgery! I'm sure you're going to do great! WE CAN DO THIS!

    Thank you. I know what you mean though, it’s a constant conversation I am having with self, what if I fail here too, this last resort station I need to not fudge this up. It’s just so blooming hard when everyone around me is eating - I am not even hungry just a ‘want/need’ to eat. Maybe it’s head hunger I don’t know. But yes, if I am struggling with 2 weeks of milk and yoghurt, how the fudge will I cope after surgery. Need to find me a hubby - won’t be able to eat (at least not much, won’t be able to smoke( not that I do now) or drink by the sounds of it… all will be well!! Good luck with your 2 weeks abs look forward to hearing how you got on x

  9. On 08/30/2021 at 14:03, lizonaplane said:

    I just started this morning. Enjoying my first shake. I get to have real food too, but low fat, super low carb, lots of veggies, and high Protein. I had so many food funerals this weekend I am actually relieved!

    Mine is now on 15th and start my pre op diet on Wed. A few too many food funerals this end too! Good luck and see you on the otherside!

  10. On 08/20/2021 at 23:00, BretBMF said:

    So I just got a call from the surgeon’s office and they have to reschedule. Unfortunately there was an error and whoever scheduled (not just me, every surgery on my same day) didn’t realize that the doctor was out of town that day. They don’t know when my new surgery date will be - which is probably the most frustrating part. I’ll know more on Monday, but I’m going to stay with the pre-op diet as they said there is a possibility it could be earlier than originally expected. Ugh.

    Same here! Boooooo. Just cancelled mine awaiting a new date. Was due to start my 2 week diet today. So disappointing.

  11. On 08/05/2021 at 16:22, fourmonthspreop said:

    Chiming in here. I knew it was time to consider it after I put on almost 100 lbs in the last 2 years. I lost about 70 lbs before and felt the best I had in my entire life. Sadly, I had my stints of gaining a little bit back and then losing it and then gaining more back. However I realized in the grand scheme of things, I was overall gaining more weight than I'd lose during crash diets. Fast forward and I did a diet bet with some friends of mine realizing I ballooned past 310 lbs and feeling completely out of control, especially in contrast with friends who's weights felt normal to me.

    I then injured my knee pretty bad the beginning of 2021 and now have immense pain when doing any weight baring activities, even going up the stairs. I gained 20 lbs after injuring my knee as I couldn't do my walks for a bit. I felt so tired and sick. My legs were burning when I'd walk less than a mile. I got super depressed feeling like not too long ago I was running 2 miles a day during my big weight loss journey. Feeling like I have a useless body and 0 control has really been the lowest of the low.

    I've had wls in my mind for most of my adult life but was too afraid. It's bittersweet that I needed to hit a rock bottom to go up but in a screwed up way, I'm glad I took a lot of time to think about it. I realized the pain and unhappiness I feel being uncomfortable in my own skin is much worse than a surgery and I view it as regardless of surgery or non surgical weight loss methods, changing how and when I eat will always be a part of the equation. The surgery is just the tool I've needed.. I just see all the pros greatly outweigh the cons.

    There was a response in this thread that says nothing was harder than being 400 lbs. I'm feeling the exact same. I had my first consultation last month. I have my dietician and testing tomorrow morning and If I'm successful with my treatment plan, I'll be able to get the surgery after October 2021.

    I'm scared SHITLESS (excuse my language) but I know this is the right thing for me. I'm ready to win the war now.

    Sent from my SM-G975U using BariatricPal mobile app

    Being uncomfortable in my own skin is the shittiest feeling. Can’t wait to feel ‘normal’ and not constantly have to hide away. Looking forward to that the most. Just being comfortable and not constantly having my weight in front and centre of every decision I make. Thank you for sharing and good luck. Let the war commence!

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