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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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  1. Like
    vikingbeast reacted to alf17 in What are you looking forward to ?   
    I am so looking forward to being able to sit comfortably and not live in fear that the chair is going to give out from under me.
    My BIL had RNY almost 3 years ago and lost 240 lbs. He broke many chairs in his heavy days, but he no longer has that fear and doesn't have to carry around his own chair anymore.
  2. Like
    vikingbeast reacted to Tony B - NJ in Approved! O frabjous day! Calloo! Callay!   
    I was thinking the same as you. I am retired military using Tricare (Human Military) and thought for sure they would say no. I was all ready to counter with all the useless surgeries they are making commonplace these days that are more socially accepted and have become the norm as of late. Luckily, they just approved me right away, the very next day. I am very relieved.
  3. Like
    vikingbeast got a reaction from catwoman7 in Husband refuses to drop me off or pick me up from the hospital. Now what?   
    I'm trying really hard to keep my opinions of your husband's total lack of support out of here, but I'm struggling... UGH.

    I think maybe you need to confide in a friend and have them do it. You're going to need someone to talk to ("why am I in a stall?" "omg if I look at another Protein Drink I'm going to scream!").

    And—tell your husband this isn't cheating. It's basically a stricter diet and exercise program than he's ever been on, and a physical restriction that FORCES you to behave and re-learn how to eat.
  4. Like
    vikingbeast got a reaction from catwoman7 in Husband refuses to drop me off or pick me up from the hospital. Now what?   
    I'm trying really hard to keep my opinions of your husband's total lack of support out of here, but I'm struggling... UGH.

    I think maybe you need to confide in a friend and have them do it. You're going to need someone to talk to ("why am I in a stall?" "omg if I look at another Protein Drink I'm going to scream!").

    And—tell your husband this isn't cheating. It's basically a stricter diet and exercise program than he's ever been on, and a physical restriction that FORCES you to behave and re-learn how to eat.
  5. Like
    vikingbeast got a reaction from Ready21 in Approved! O frabjous day! Calloo! Callay!   
    I've been reading so many stories on here about people having to go fight for their insurance to cover things. I even started taking notes about things people said to their insurance so that I could just be ready for what I thought was inevitable. I even got a letter from them saying they needed all these pieces of paper that I know were submitted (turned out to be a kink in their process).

    But CIGNA approved my pre-certification in THREE BUSINESS DAYS. I just got the notification! Now we just schedule a date, do all the pre-surgical testing, whatever they require for a pre-op diet (it looks like just one day of liquids, which is weird) and pray it doesn't get cancelled due to the Covid surge. My insurance coordinator at the bariatric clinic was 100 percent on top of things and had all my ducks in a row before I was even aware I needed ducks. 🤣

    This isn't a flex... I really, truly, was expecting to have to fight, and I'm so relieved I don't, that I feel like I lost thirty pounds already!
  6. Like
    vikingbeast got a reaction from Ready21 in Approved! O frabjous day! Calloo! Callay!   
    I've been reading so many stories on here about people having to go fight for their insurance to cover things. I even started taking notes about things people said to their insurance so that I could just be ready for what I thought was inevitable. I even got a letter from them saying they needed all these pieces of paper that I know were submitted (turned out to be a kink in their process).

    But CIGNA approved my pre-certification in THREE BUSINESS DAYS. I just got the notification! Now we just schedule a date, do all the pre-surgical testing, whatever they require for a pre-op diet (it looks like just one day of liquids, which is weird) and pray it doesn't get cancelled due to the Covid surge. My insurance coordinator at the bariatric clinic was 100 percent on top of things and had all my ducks in a row before I was even aware I needed ducks. 🤣

    This isn't a flex... I really, truly, was expecting to have to fight, and I'm so relieved I don't, that I feel like I lost thirty pounds already!
  7. Like
    vikingbeast got a reaction from Ready21 in Approved! O frabjous day! Calloo! Callay!   
    I've been reading so many stories on here about people having to go fight for their insurance to cover things. I even started taking notes about things people said to their insurance so that I could just be ready for what I thought was inevitable. I even got a letter from them saying they needed all these pieces of paper that I know were submitted (turned out to be a kink in their process).

    But CIGNA approved my pre-certification in THREE BUSINESS DAYS. I just got the notification! Now we just schedule a date, do all the pre-surgical testing, whatever they require for a pre-op diet (it looks like just one day of liquids, which is weird) and pray it doesn't get cancelled due to the Covid surge. My insurance coordinator at the bariatric clinic was 100 percent on top of things and had all my ducks in a row before I was even aware I needed ducks. 🤣

    This isn't a flex... I really, truly, was expecting to have to fight, and I'm so relieved I don't, that I feel like I lost thirty pounds already!
  8. Like
    vikingbeast got a reaction from catwoman7 in Husband refuses to drop me off or pick me up from the hospital. Now what?   
    I'm trying really hard to keep my opinions of your husband's total lack of support out of here, but I'm struggling... UGH.

    I think maybe you need to confide in a friend and have them do it. You're going to need someone to talk to ("why am I in a stall?" "omg if I look at another Protein Drink I'm going to scream!").

    And—tell your husband this isn't cheating. It's basically a stricter diet and exercise program than he's ever been on, and a physical restriction that FORCES you to behave and re-learn how to eat.
  9. Haha
    vikingbeast got a reaction from Je$$ica36 in Too much??   
    I'm "takes a photo of the label with his phone and pinches waaaaaaay out" years old... join the club 🤣
  10. Like
    vikingbeast got a reaction from Ready21 in Approved! O frabjous day! Calloo! Callay!   
    I've been reading so many stories on here about people having to go fight for their insurance to cover things. I even started taking notes about things people said to their insurance so that I could just be ready for what I thought was inevitable. I even got a letter from them saying they needed all these pieces of paper that I know were submitted (turned out to be a kink in their process).

    But CIGNA approved my pre-certification in THREE BUSINESS DAYS. I just got the notification! Now we just schedule a date, do all the pre-surgical testing, whatever they require for a pre-op diet (it looks like just one day of liquids, which is weird) and pray it doesn't get cancelled due to the Covid surge. My insurance coordinator at the bariatric clinic was 100 percent on top of things and had all my ducks in a row before I was even aware I needed ducks. 🤣

    This isn't a flex... I really, truly, was expecting to have to fight, and I'm so relieved I don't, that I feel like I lost thirty pounds already!
  11. Like
    vikingbeast got a reaction from Ready21 in Approved! O frabjous day! Calloo! Callay!   
    I've been reading so many stories on here about people having to go fight for their insurance to cover things. I even started taking notes about things people said to their insurance so that I could just be ready for what I thought was inevitable. I even got a letter from them saying they needed all these pieces of paper that I know were submitted (turned out to be a kink in their process).

    But CIGNA approved my pre-certification in THREE BUSINESS DAYS. I just got the notification! Now we just schedule a date, do all the pre-surgical testing, whatever they require for a pre-op diet (it looks like just one day of liquids, which is weird) and pray it doesn't get cancelled due to the Covid surge. My insurance coordinator at the bariatric clinic was 100 percent on top of things and had all my ducks in a row before I was even aware I needed ducks. 🤣

    This isn't a flex... I really, truly, was expecting to have to fight, and I'm so relieved I don't, that I feel like I lost thirty pounds already!
  12. Like
    vikingbeast got a reaction from lizonaplane in Surgery Tomorrow and The Anxiety is Kicking in   
    I have these thoughts too (I'm pre-op) so what I have is a list of things I want to experience in various places through my house. Sitting in a chair without having to do mental physics first. Not having to ask for a table instead of a booth. Being able to fly coach and not say a prayer to whoever the patron saint of obesity is that the seatbelt will just close. Being able to run more than 400 m without dying.

    And honestly? When the "what are you even DOING right now" feeling gets overwhelming, I come here and just lurk. Y'all have no idea how many times you've kept me from canceling things... thank you.
  13. Like
    vikingbeast got a reaction from Arabesque in What are you looking forward to ?   
    I have an entire list.
    - Go off all my meds (BP meds, hormone meds, etc.)
    - Maybe lose my CPAP.
    - Fit in a kayak.
    - Run a sub-10 mile.
    - Do a pull-up.
    - Go back to being able to ride horses.
    - No more seatbelt extenders on airplanes.
    - No more sitting down gingerly to see if the chair will hold me.
    - Increased mobility (palms on floor)
    - No more "we'd like a table, not a booth, please"
    There's more but that's the big stuff.
  14. Like
    vikingbeast got a reaction from Arabesque in What are you looking forward to ?   
    I have an entire list.
    - Go off all my meds (BP meds, hormone meds, etc.)
    - Maybe lose my CPAP.
    - Fit in a kayak.
    - Run a sub-10 mile.
    - Do a pull-up.
    - Go back to being able to ride horses.
    - No more seatbelt extenders on airplanes.
    - No more sitting down gingerly to see if the chair will hold me.
    - Increased mobility (palms on floor)
    - No more "we'd like a table, not a booth, please"
    There's more but that's the big stuff.
  15. Like
    vikingbeast got a reaction from lizonaplane in Really Need Some Help   
    I'm sorry for the loss of your father. I lost my mother during the pandemic and I know exactly the mental state.

    But give yourself some grace. The weight gain isn't who you are, it's something that happened in response to some insanely tough stressors. Anyone who judges you doesn't deserve your company—people who truly love you just go, "That's my friend Thunder7, he's awesome," not some Mean Girls "zomg did you see Thunder7?".

    You know what you need to do to lose it, because you did it once before, and you've already started. Just know it isn't going to happen in two months, and it's gonna take work. Get the beer out the house right now, and don't go to bars. (Probably sage advice anyway in much of the country given the spread of the virus...)

    As for the loneliness factor... I get that too. I joined a small gym where everyone is very friendly and made friends there. Or if you're into singing (or anything else), just join activities and friendships will follow.
  16. Like
    vikingbeast got a reaction from Arabesque in What are you looking forward to ?   
    I have an entire list.
    - Go off all my meds (BP meds, hormone meds, etc.)
    - Maybe lose my CPAP.
    - Fit in a kayak.
    - Run a sub-10 mile.
    - Do a pull-up.
    - Go back to being able to ride horses.
    - No more seatbelt extenders on airplanes.
    - No more sitting down gingerly to see if the chair will hold me.
    - Increased mobility (palms on floor)
    - No more "we'd like a table, not a booth, please"
    There's more but that's the big stuff.
  17. Like
    vikingbeast got a reaction from Arabesque in What are you looking forward to ?   
    I have an entire list.
    - Go off all my meds (BP meds, hormone meds, etc.)
    - Maybe lose my CPAP.
    - Fit in a kayak.
    - Run a sub-10 mile.
    - Do a pull-up.
    - Go back to being able to ride horses.
    - No more seatbelt extenders on airplanes.
    - No more sitting down gingerly to see if the chair will hold me.
    - Increased mobility (palms on floor)
    - No more "we'd like a table, not a booth, please"
    There's more but that's the big stuff.
  18. Like
    vikingbeast got a reaction from Arabesque in What are you looking forward to ?   
    I have an entire list.
    - Go off all my meds (BP meds, hormone meds, etc.)
    - Maybe lose my CPAP.
    - Fit in a kayak.
    - Run a sub-10 mile.
    - Do a pull-up.
    - Go back to being able to ride horses.
    - No more seatbelt extenders on airplanes.
    - No more sitting down gingerly to see if the chair will hold me.
    - Increased mobility (palms on floor)
    - No more "we'd like a table, not a booth, please"
    There's more but that's the big stuff.
  19. Like
    vikingbeast got a reaction from lizonaplane in Really Need Some Help   
    I'm sorry for the loss of your father. I lost my mother during the pandemic and I know exactly the mental state.

    But give yourself some grace. The weight gain isn't who you are, it's something that happened in response to some insanely tough stressors. Anyone who judges you doesn't deserve your company—people who truly love you just go, "That's my friend Thunder7, he's awesome," not some Mean Girls "zomg did you see Thunder7?".

    You know what you need to do to lose it, because you did it once before, and you've already started. Just know it isn't going to happen in two months, and it's gonna take work. Get the beer out the house right now, and don't go to bars. (Probably sage advice anyway in much of the country given the spread of the virus...)

    As for the loneliness factor... I get that too. I joined a small gym where everyone is very friendly and made friends there. Or if you're into singing (or anything else), just join activities and friendships will follow.
  20. Haha
    vikingbeast got a reaction from SummerTimeGirl in Update On Me (Surgery: 5/19/21)   
    This was so comforting to read, I can't even tell you... because I know my brain will overanalyze everything! But if they tell me I can't touch a barbell until 3 months I think I'm gonna have a meltdown right in the surgeon's office... that's my therapy!
  21. Like
    vikingbeast got a reaction from lizonaplane in Surgery Tomorrow and The Anxiety is Kicking in   
    I have these thoughts too (I'm pre-op) so what I have is a list of things I want to experience in various places through my house. Sitting in a chair without having to do mental physics first. Not having to ask for a table instead of a booth. Being able to fly coach and not say a prayer to whoever the patron saint of obesity is that the seatbelt will just close. Being able to run more than 400 m without dying.

    And honestly? When the "what are you even DOING right now" feeling gets overwhelming, I come here and just lurk. Y'all have no idea how many times you've kept me from canceling things... thank you.
  22. Like
    vikingbeast got a reaction from mswillis5 in Thank you from a lurker   
    I just wanted to say thank you to all y'all. I found this site a while ago and have been lurking and reading and learning.

    The honest talk helped me with a lot of the anxiety I was having about surgery. The photos inspired me so much—so many of you changed your lives and kept them changed. The folks who are really into exercise reassured me that it isn't over (I love my CrossFit, and I can't wait until my weight isn't the limiting factor). And just the fact that so many people's lives improved finally got me over the "shame hump".

    I called for a referral, had my initial consultation last week, and am tentatively scheduled for VSG in late August. (My insurance has been frankly amazing. So few roadblocks that I kept checking to make sure they were talking about bariatric surgery.) To say I can't wait for this is an understatement.

    I just want y'all to know you're changing lives for me and for other lurkers who haven't clicked that "sign up" button yet. Thank you.
  23. Like
    vikingbeast got a reaction from mswillis5 in Thank you from a lurker   
    I just wanted to say thank you to all y'all. I found this site a while ago and have been lurking and reading and learning.

    The honest talk helped me with a lot of the anxiety I was having about surgery. The photos inspired me so much—so many of you changed your lives and kept them changed. The folks who are really into exercise reassured me that it isn't over (I love my CrossFit, and I can't wait until my weight isn't the limiting factor). And just the fact that so many people's lives improved finally got me over the "shame hump".

    I called for a referral, had my initial consultation last week, and am tentatively scheduled for VSG in late August. (My insurance has been frankly amazing. So few roadblocks that I kept checking to make sure they were talking about bariatric surgery.) To say I can't wait for this is an understatement.

    I just want y'all to know you're changing lives for me and for other lurkers who haven't clicked that "sign up" button yet. Thank you.
  24. Thanks
    vikingbeast reacted to WanderingHeart in Thank you from a lurker   
  25. Thanks
    vikingbeast reacted to BDL58 in Thank you from a lurker   
    Best wishes to you! I too “lurked” awhile preop. I am 5 weeks post DS and what I’ve learned from this site both before surgery and am still learning post op has been and still is invaluable!

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