I am 7 days out from a sleeve and feeling well overall. I am able to drink multiple gulps of broth, water and non protein liquid without difficulty at all. I feel a mild sense of fullness after, but that’s it.
I think I have no problem meeting my liquid quota, just a little short on the protein.
I am worried that this ability to drink a lot of liquid at one time means my sleeve is not small enough or that they didn’t take enough and that I won’t be as successful in my journey. Other thoughts include, “does this ability to drinking so much liquid without difficulties mean my sleeve will stretch?”
I am neither hungry nor thirsty. However, there is a deep dry mouth and dry esophagus (I think) feeling that is compelling me to drink/gulp a lot of fluids at once.
Seems silly to ask this. However, I have been a little worried and I am wondering if there is anyone in my boat or anyone that had no problem drinking in the early phase that was successful overall?
Thanks for reading 🙏🏽