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Posts posted by vegasgirl44

  1. With all due respect, it sounds like you are rationalizing. I think eating cheeseburgers is part of what got us all in this mess. If I were you, I'd at least stock up on some Protein Drinks, chicken breast, some frozen South Beach TV dinners, and frozen veggies. That way, when you are chasing after the kids, you can fix yourself up something really quick. How did get out to get the cheeseburger? I don't remember my daughter eating cheeseburgers at one or two. Now, you've had several pep talks. Now, get out there and serve yourself proud. You will end up being a good example for your two young children. Better now than when they are older and acquire those cheeseburger habits.

  2. Interesting. I have a cardiac stress test on Tuesday in preparation for my surgery. I look forward to being in contact with you and I will send you good energy. Debbie


    My cardiologist wanted to give me a stress test after having discovered a slow heart beat on my ECG and an abnormal swishing sound in my neck. He asked me if I could walk fast. I wasn't sure how to take that. I can walk fast for ME. After a discussion about the possibility of not being able to do the stress test, that's when he recommended I have this CT Angio. I'm not looking forward to it. I don't want to have any more IVs than absolutely necessary (lapbandday) and also not looking forward to radiation, or the results of the test. What if it delays my surgery? I'm very apprehensive about the whole thing. Why are you having a stress test, if you don't mind me asking? Did you also have an abnormal ECG or did your doc decide to do it because of your weight? I guess I just want to feel better about this whole thing and need some encouraging words.

  3. I add SF syrups to my Protein drinks right now. Later I can add real berries to my drinks. I mostly add carmel and raspberry flavored Syrup to my protein drinks. Yes, I know making them sweet, but I liked them that way better.

    Im also just drinking plain ole skim milk to get protein. A couple of glasses a day. Some doctors allow skim milk as a clear liquid and some as a full liquid. It will also coat your stomach lining if you have gas.

    I bought a 4 pack of lite laughin cow cheese. lite string cheese and lite laughing cow are the only two cheese products that have enough protein for the amount of calories to be allowed on most low gi diets which Im sticking to. Laughing cow is 35 calories and has 2.5 grams of protein.

    I cant eat regular meat yet, Im still on mushies.

    flowers, how do you like the sugar free syrups? I was on vitalady.com last night and seriously thinking of ordering some caramel myself, plus some other trial samples of some nectar protein. The syrups only had one size for $7.49 so I was hesitant to try before I got some referrals.

  4. Hi everyone, I'm post op and expecting my surgery the end of August so I am posting this for a friend of mine. She had her surgery on Tuesday 7/22/08 and has tried the Unjury Protein but doesn't like it at all. Can you please give us some input as to what you all do to get you Proteins in daily. She is going to try some other types however she is afraid that she won't be able to tolerate any of them and wants some ideas of other things to try.

    Thanks all!!!

    I bought a ton of different stuff. I've tried GNC whey protein, Nature's Best Isopure, which isn't too bad, Nectar--I bought the Cherry, vanilla, and Cappucino--the cherry is very sweet. I also bought the Whey Protein Bullets from IDS Sports. Let me tell you. This has got to be the best way to get that protein in. I bought the fruit punch. Each bullet is about the size of a small cucumber (sorry, can't remember the ounces offhand) and packs a whopping 42 grams of protein and 176 calories, no carbs. What I did was add it to a fruit punch crystal light and it blends really well and not lumpy. I bought them because I figured after surgery, I wanted something concentrated in case I wasn't up to eating at all but needed to get the protein in. I think it's the best option so far. But nectar products are popular. Also, my brother was telling me about Matrix Orange Cream. He said he has tried everything and this was the absolute best tasting....just like a creamsicle. If I hadn't already spent a small fortune in protein mixes, I'd order some myself. Good luck!

  5. recommendation for anyone who is looking for a yummy and easy Protein smoothie -- try starbucks chocolate banana vivanno. it's about 220 calories for 16 oz. if you ask for non-fat milk. 3 grams of fat and 21 grams on Protein.

    i am not a Protein Drink fan nor a chocolate fan (i know, i'm a freak) but this is just damn tasty. and, as i am lazy, it's nice to know i can run out and pick up one instead of hauling out my blender.

    kristen, OMG! Starbucks has a protein smoothie? I'm so going tomorrow to check this out.

  6. Thanks for your kind wishes. (Man! I don't know what's been going on with me getting on this site, but everytime I click on one of my subscribed threads, it's been shutting me down.)

    Anyway, I had an ultrasound of my heart and carotids on Thursday, and this Tuesday, I have a CT Angiography....I am NOT looking forward to THAT! Has anybody ever had one of those?

    I'm freaking out because what if they not only find something, but they find something that needs to be fixed before lapband?

    Has that ever happened to anyone? Do you think bradycardia or some carotid artery stenosis would prevent me from getting surgery? Maybe I only have a little problem or maybe I don't even HAVE a problem, and I'm over-reacting. Who knows? I'm just freaking out. BooHoo....but I've lost 13 lbs! :confused2:

  7. Hi Everyone...I had my pre-op yesterday!

    I got my test results back from my blood work and I'm so happy that I'm still in good health. I been worried that maybe because of my weight I was borderline pre-diabetic or something....but I'm not!!!:thumbup:

    I hope everyone's doing better than I am on your pre-op diets...thank god my doctor only wants be to lose 3 more pds!


    That is so great! What great news you have been given. I'm so envious.

    I went for a cardiology consult today, and discovered I have bradycardia, a heart murmur, and "swooshing" in my neck (I'm guessing they are going to rule me out for carotid artery disease tomorrow as I have an echocardiogram of my neck tomorrow). THEN, double YUK!, on July 29th, I have to go for a CT angiogroaphy. I am so not looking forward to that. Has anybody ever had one? I could use some pep talks because someone told me at work today that it is not pleasant! I have heart disease in my family and sometimes get numbness in my arms and dizziness when I climb stairs, but I just thought it was because I was F-A-T! Bummer....

  8. getthin, thank you for your reply. I'm still sweating it out and sticking to the plan and today, I was running to the bathroom every 10 mts, so I'm confident that something good is going on. LOL! I'm going to be patient, try to keep the sodium low, and wait till next week. I don't have to see the surgeon for a couple of weeks, so I'll hope for the best. Thanks!

  9. Hi there, I'm on two weeks of Optifast (doctors orders) and have been logging my progress on my blog www.melaniematters.blogspot.com instead of complaining to my husband and kids. I'm averaging about 800 cals a day. Some days are better than others and there's only 7 days left! I've been waking up at 1am every night in bed with a growly stomach - a new sensation - that makes it hard to get back to sleep - I craved toasted cheese sandwiches, juicy steak and a glass of vino.... just gotta keep focused on the wider pic. Good luck all.

    Melanie, how are you doing going into your second week of liquids? I'm on my 10th day, and after 10 lbs lost as of Saturday, my scale hasn't budged. Do you think I need to exercise? Blech!

  10. To Bonni and Cami,

    I am okay! Feeling pretty sore and sorry for myself, but taking it easy.

    It's a bit hard to explain all the feelings going through my head right now, but I hope to get there at some point. Until then I am cheering you all on and working out this new path too!



    Glad you are doing ok. I'm sure you are just having some post-surgery blues, whatever those are. I have no idea what they are, but it sounds like a good excuse. You need cheering, too. You will be fine. Everything will work itself out, I'm sure. Keep us posted. Bonnie

  11. oh I just realized I never updated this thread... ok you wont believe it but you know what was making my stomach hurt? My Rx that the doctor gave me for acid reflux. Its Prilocec or omeprazole. I noticed the next day I didnt take it and I was fine so I asked the dr and he said to quit taking it and no more pain :unsure:

    Emily, that's great! At least you figured out what it was and it wasn't serious.

  12. Andrea,

    thanks for the reply. No, I'm not exercising. Girl! One thing at a time, ok? LOL! I gave up Starbucks Frappacinos and bread, and that is hard enough. I have been moving more and I do plan to incorporate exercise soon, but I feel so bloated and yucky now. I think I am going to add a chicken breast or something each day. I think I need food. And I just need to stay off the scale till next week, but it's soooo hard, especially when I know that I'm on my best behavior. Thanks for your advice and concern.

  13. I copied this list from another thread a couple of weeks ago. I think the numbers indicate prices she paid and of course, some of the things you may not need, but I think it's a great list to copy, paste, and modify to your needs. I think it has everything on there you could possibly need think of. Here it is:



    BBQ or Toilet tongs, for a good reach in the r.r.


    Heating pad(12inx24in)


    Flexible ice pack (hot/cold 12inx16in)


    A few books or movies(your choice, I spent about 70.00us)


    Squishy pillow for car ride for seatbelt (shoulder pad)


    Make sure you have a good blender


    Kitchen timer (first few days, sip every 15 mins)(analog)


    Kitchen timer (digital – better for travelling)


    Pedo-meter(depending on the one you get – don’t forget to adjust to your stride)



    Liquid Tylenol/Motrin (Check early in case pharmacy needs to order in advance)


    Chewable or liquid gas-x(I got strips, you will pay more than shown here)


    Gauze Pads 4x4


    Paper/bandage tape


    Wet Wipes


    Pill crusher


    Chewable vitamins


    Hospital Medicine cups (I got 3oz/88ml cups – 100ct)


    Cough Drops(Halls big box)


    Stool Softener (Dr. asked me not to get this, if needed talk to him)


    Moist and nice tasting Lip Balm(got chapstick – cherry – 2for deal)



    Protein shakes(these vary from 22 – 55 dollars depending on quality and quantity)


    Plenty of water(bottled Water for me 3cases 16oz. bottles 10.00)


    Broth or stuff to make broth(several flavors but all about the same cost)


    Sugar free popsicles


    Sugar free jello


    Sugar free breath mints (chewable)


    Crystal Light "On the GO" assorted flavors(I don’t like CL so I got store brand/price per box)


    Bouillon(several flavors but all about the same cost)


    Cream of Wheat or Cream of Rice


    Creamy soups




    FAT FREE yogurt


    Soup-at-Hand - Soups - for creamy stage(on sale)


    Pudding cups (SF/FF) - helps w/ taking meds(got instant, more flavors, price per box)


    Sugar free hot cocoa


    Decaf tea(got regular, Decaf is a little more in cost)



    Loose fitting, easily removable(one size larger than I wear, sweats, top and bottom)


    Buttons downs or pullover(sale rack found $5.00 per, one size larger)


    Thong shoes/slip-on so no bending and tying(make sure they are a good pair)


    Sports Bra! Sutures will be hurt by under wires(I have a daughter and wife that helped here)


  14. Ok, if you get offended by that time of the month talk, I apologize, and please read no further. HOWEVER, if you are intrigued, please continue.

    I am on day 9 of my preop diet of Protein Shakes. I am supposed to stay under 1200 calories per day and have actually been hovering around 600-700 per day. Saturday night I ate a package of turkey bacon. Sunday morning, I gained 1 lb and today, I woke up and gained another half lb. I simply cannot tell you how discouraging this is. I'm supposed to get my period next Monday (I think this diet has thrown me off schedule) but I'm already bloated and cramping. Maybe I'm starting sooner, but I'm still pissed off that my scale is not going in the right direction. I have not had anything except that damn bacon, and I still came in under 1200 calories that day.

    I think I just need encouragement and a similar story...yeah, that would help. My scale is going to go down a lot after my period comes, right? I'm 47 years old. I should know this by now, but I need a hug. :unsure: Or just some cheese with the wine. :eek:

  15. What a cool name!

    You are quite welcome and thanks for the kind words. I think what happens is that we are all so wrapped up in our own situations (not that we don't care about others' situations), that we sometimes forget to make comments on what others say, etc. But when we read something in another's post that relates so closely to what we have gone through or are going through at that precise moment, we jump on it like it was a lifeline. It feels so real, but we are all here for a reason. And if somebody doesn't relate to your post, then someone else surely will. It seems like everyone on here is pretty cool and quite happy to have other people to talk to about the same problem.

    I just so related to your story about toast because early last week, that is exactly what I wanted. But the way you told your story was so much funnier than the way I could have told it. :teeth_smile:

    I know for a fact that there are people who visit this site and hardly ever, if ever, even post at all. They are happy to just read the postings and be incognito. And that's cool. But if just one great post encourages a person to come out and talk to others, it was a good day. :thumbup: The best of luck on your surgery today. Let us know how you are doing. Bonnie:wink_smile:

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