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Posts posted by vegasgirl44

  1. Dr bajaj found my hiatal hernia too. I actually had two endos in which they found a small cyst in my duodenum as well. It was biopsied and its ok. It may be your hernia.

    I had surgery on 8-14, went for my post-op appt today, and my doc showed me pics of a giant hiatal hernia he fixed while in there. To say I was stunned is putting it mildly. I had no symptoms of any kind.....ever. But he said it's pretty common and I suppose a large population has them, especially if you're obese, tend to lie down after eating, burp a lot, etc....And it can get worse. So, hiatal hernia gone. Learn something new everyday, I suppose.

  2. ***raises hand*** I'm on Day 7 of post op Clear liquids. Between the gas rumbling and hunger rumbling, it's like a symphony in my belly!

    I've been surviving on Jello, popsicles, broth, fruit juice, and Water. I tried the IDS orange Protein bullet-yuck!! I have three other flavors to try and see if I can get one down.

    I have 4 more days of this...I can't wait for Sunday when I can have an Atkins shake, sf pudding, yogurt and soup!!!!....ahhhh, that sounds heavenly!!! I just have to survive til then...........................................ugh!!

    Charlie, try the fruit punch bullet and mix it with some Crystal Light fruit punch and it's pretty good. I've never tried the other flavors. Good luck.

  3. Paula, I'm right there with you. I actually cheated yesterday and had cream of chicken Soup 3 days early, but I'm back to clear liquids. I would suggest taking in more Protein. Get those IDS bullets, mix half a tube with crystal light and sip it for a while. You need protein to keep you full. Yesterday, I was starving. Hence the soup. Today, I'm upping my protein and I actually feel ok....less weak also. Good luck!

  4. I actually gained 7 lbs while in the hospital overnight!!! I am hoping it's just Water weight do to the IV.

    Did this happen to anyone else?

    littlefroggy, you must be talkin' to me! I gained 6 lbs in surgery and it's taken me since last Thursday to take it off. I think I've just about lost it all. Now, I'm back to my preop weight loss of 21 lbs. I saw a post of someone who lost 17 lbs in 5 days! I thought I was gonna cry!

    I think it's fluids and gas. My tummy looks like it's about 7 months pregnant. Don't be surprised if yours stays bloated for a while. Someone else had surgery on July 29th and she said her tummy is just now going down. I had to go back to my fat jeans for today. It's kind of discouraging, but just know that there are other people in your boat with you. Good luck! You will be fine.

  5. Hello Everyone

    I started reading all of these stories, but there are so many here and it is going to take me all nite. But I decided to write now. I am having my banding tomorrow, aug 21. I am nervous but excited at the same time. I have been on slimfast and clear liquids since friday.(doc said to shrink the liver and some belly fat) I am losing weight already but I am HUNGRY!!!! ( have not cheated once)

    I wanted to talk about the first few pages on here. I have been on 18 cruises so I know those who are going will have (or had) a great time. I just want to know how you get those weight loss trackers on here and also the August All Star thingie.



    PS I may not be back online till after surgery! Please wish me luck and keep me in your thoughts!

    Yikes! I forgot to say good luck to you tomorrow. You will be great!


  6. Hello Everyone

    I started reading all of these stories, but there are so many here and it is going to take me all nite. But I decided to write now. I am having my banding tomorrow, aug 21. I am nervous but excited at the same time. I have been on slimfast and clear liquids since friday.(doc said to shrink the liver and some belly fat) I am losing weight already but I am HUNGRY!!!! ( have not cheated once)

    I wanted to talk about the first few pages on here. I have been on 18 cruises so I know those who are going will have (or had) a great time. I just want to know how you get those weight loss trackers on here and also the August All Star thingie.



    PS I may not be back online till after surgery! Please wish me luck and keep me in your thoughts!

    Debbie, just put your cursor over the graphic of one that you like. For instance, many people use different sites for different graphics. So, for the ticker, put your mouse over the ticker graphic, click on it, and it will take you to a site where you create a user and password and you can create your own ticker. It takes a little getting used to. I had to do it a couple of times before I got it right. Then when you are done, you have to copy and paste your code onto your signature line in your User Control Panel. Then pick any graphic you like for the August Allstars, and you pretty much do the same.

  7. Vegasgirl, my doctor recommends 40-60 g of Protein a day. I get that with Muscle Milk, Lean Body by Labrada, and Protein Blitz by Designer Whey drinks. That's what I'm living on, aside from a cup of broth each day and Water, of course. (oh and 4 ounces of Starbucks Iced Green Tea lol). I've finally settled into a routine with those and my daily totals are 64 g protein, 64 or more ounces of Fluid (including the protein drinks) and just under 500 calories. I haven't noticed any Hair loss, thank goodness.

    I'm hungry most of the time, but it's usually just vague and not really that bad. If I space everything out during the day I do fine. But guess what I've learned? Being a little hungry is not going to kill me! :)

    Misty, I can't even have my regular Protein Drinks until next week. I have to have clear liquids now and so I have to get that by my IDS protein bullets and Isopure. I just crave something will some real flavor and substance to it. Hence, the cream of chicken fiasco.

  8. I'm not much of a cook but I'm finding creative ways to do many things as I wait to start eating solid food again. But I have a question.

    I know most foods freeze well and will start doing that when I get the go ahead. But in the meantime...does anyone know if tuna, egg, and chicken salad can be frozen? I have no problem with having a serving or two in my fridge to eat a day or so later.

    But if I made enough say for a week, could I freeze it?? I'm all about making things as easy as possible for myself, especially now with going back to school, working full time and having three crafts shows coming down the pike. I don't want to sabotage myself in anyway just because my time might be limited. I figure the more armed I am...the more I can stick to eating the right food in the right amount. Thanks!!!:thumbup:

    I'd be interested in the chicken salad freezing thing. I LUV chicken salad and if I could make a bunch and freeze it, that would be awesome. Keep us posted!

  9. Ok I just checked it out. Not too bad! For four grilled chicken breast strips....180 cal, 2 Fat, 3 carbs, 2 sugar gms, & 37 gms of Protein.< /div>

    Cutie, I'm so jealous that you can have real food so soon after surgery. It just amazes me how all these docs are so different. I won't be eating real food till probably the end of September sometime. Geez! I'm still on Clear Liquids, but last night I got RAVENOUS and needed something with flavor so I made a can of special request Cream of Chicken Soup and sucked it down. It was sooooo good. I feel like I cheated and I kept thinking "OMG! I hope I didn't ruin my band healing!"

    I do know I need more protein, so I'm gonna start sucking on those whey Protein Bullets I bought, I guess. I don't need my damn hair falling out! Sheeeeeet! LOL!

  10. I'm just so amazed at all the people who've lost so much weight since the surgery!!! I've still got about 1 lb to take off to get back to the morning of my surgery. But I lost 21 lbs postop.

    I know I'm losing, but I'm just so mad that I put on that much weight having surgery. Grrrr!!

    Yjgirl...did you lose any before surgery? I just find it astounding that you've lost that much weight in less than a week. Wow!

  11. I'm right with you, banded on the 12th and still have my puffed up whoopee cushion belly. scale has only moved one pound too, I'm about to punch the wall.

    Lauralee, I know how you feel....I'm just trying to get the 6 lbs LOST that I GAINED the day of surgery! I am frustrated too, and can't imagine having to wait the 3 weeks that Mommymj had to wait for the swelling to go down or the MONTH for Hilda. Wow! I dread going back to work on Thursday. The people I told will wonder what happened and the people I DID NOT tell will just think I'm PREGNANT! It's funny because I just haven't read many posts talking about this particular problem, so I feel so isolated. I'm glad (but sorry for you guys, too) that there are other people who feel like I do. Thanks everybody!

  12. I was banded August 12th, and I too have a pregnant stomach. It's discouraging because the scale is moving but my pants still feel tight. It's like I'm involuntarily sticking my stomach out as far as I can. I hope someone can let us know when to expect the "baby" to be born.

    cakegal, I guess you can be glad your scale is moving. I gained 6 lbs WITH the surgery and have finally just about lost it as of this morning. It's so frustrating. And I DO feel like I have a baby in there. Today will be the first day I wear my regular clothes to take my daughter to a doc appt and I'm afraid of how they will fit. It's not like I can suck it in. Grrr!!

  13. Vegas I would wonder if the metal snap button you are talking about could be a stick on pad from some type of monitor. When I had my EKG done I found a round patch with a metal snap on it under my left breast when I got home. My port is just below the largest incision about an inch.

    You know, you could be right! I would think that before I left, they would have told me about it. But most likely, they forget to take it off. And that's exactly where it was on me. So, my port site should be around that biggest incision then. I just can't feel it at all. See, Trish, that should make you feel better already. LOL!

  14. I think that's normal. I have 6 holes. 5 of them are practically healed. The biggest one down closer to my waistline hurts the most and pulls when I get up. The funny thing is that I have no idea where my port is??? I don't know if that big one is the incision or not because when I got home, there was a strange metal button snap pad under my left breast off to the side. I wondered if this was the location of the port? Does the port location require stitches on the outside or just the inside? So see. Don't feel stupid. My questions are weird too, which I hope to get answered when I see the surgeon on Wednesday.

  15. Wow! I can't believe you are home 4 hours after surgery! I know you feel great now and everything, but just take it easy. Sometimes day 2 can be worse than the op day. You don't want to overdo it.

    And I don't know about the dehydration thing. I was hooked up to an IV for over 24 hours. Good luck!

  16. I am starving. I am one week after surgery. I have a little pain around my port site but all in all I feel fine. I go back to the doctor today for my-post op visit. I have lots of questions. I was put on a diet of Clear Liquids the first week after surgery - - then liquids for another week and then - - puree. I want to go to the puree today. I can't drink large amounts of Water but cold water does affect me. Very difficult getting the Protein down - it tastes awful. I would rather eat a an egg. If I could go to puree I think I could do it but need help with this. Hope the doctor has some give.

    Jenbug, I hear ya! I could eat an entire rotisserie chicken right now. I have no idea why chicken, but it just sounds so good. I see my doc on Wed, and then I begin my second week postop of cream liquids. Not even mushies yet. Today is the first day I feel weak. I had gained 6 lbs postop and finally lost 3 of that yesterday, but today I feel like I need some real food. Trying to get the protein in with the Isopure drink. It tastes a little like weak KoolAid to me. And forget the 3 Tablespoons of this and that. I have been eating 2 Jello cups at a sitting, 1 cup of chicken broth, 1/2 cup Isopure, etc.

    I know the reason for the initial liquids is to help the stomach form around the band, but how could sucking on a chocolate bar prevent that from happening? LOL!

  17. THis is crazy, but I feel so frustrated. If I was just on a high Protein diet like my boyfriend, and I had a craving, I would just submit to it. But now that I have the band, I simply CAN'T cheat. It's not even an option like it is for him. I know that's the point. But for crying out loud! What I would do for a roasted chicken and chocolate bar right now. And I'm sitting here trying to figure out if I'm really hungry. I don't think I am, but the point is that I'm not satisfied. I just hope that in a few weeks when I start eating real food, I can be satisfied again.

  18. I was also banded on Aug 13th. Yet I am in pain. I too am on this liquid diet...which is getting very old very fast. I feel really bloated and the gas is awful. Am I the only one going through this? I am so uncomfortable that it actually takes my breath away! I just want to make sure that there isn't anything wrong with my band...or if I may have done something wrong?! Any ideas?


    I felt pregnant for days after and the only thing that is supposed to help is walking. However, honestly, I didn't see any benefit of the walking. I don't feel really bloated anymore. I spent the last evening tooting and having a little diarrhea which must have relieved that. They also gave me this spirometer that I'm supposed to suck on to exercise my lungs and prevent pneumonia. I think you should concentrate on the walking and Water. I think the first week postop must be the hardest. My biggest incision is still kind of oozy and I put gauze on it and re-taped it.

    I'll take preop chicken breast and salad anyday of the week! I miss roasted chicken like crazy right now. I'm so tired of this liquid diet I could just die! Blech!

  19. I wouldn't worry about it. Sounds like you've done great and chicken isn't bad. Just make sure your day before is nothing but liquid. My doc required a bowel cleanse and I'm glad I did because the last thing I needed was having to worry about wiping my behind after surgery. I did exactly what the doc told me and lost 21 lbs before surgery and he said my liver was still big. You should be fine.

  20. Welcome back! I was banded last Thursday and didn't have much shoulder pain and then BAM! today I felt like someone ripped my shoulder out of its socket! I got on the treadmill for 20 mts, took some Lortab, got my heating pad, and fell asleep. Feel much better now.

    Being on clear liquids suck! There is no flavor and meanwhile, I'm not starving, but I need flavor and something else. I feel like sucking on a chocolate bar. The first 6 weeks are gonna suck, especially when you gain 6 lbs like me since surgery day. Still can't wait for mashed potatoes! Whoohoo!

  21. Hi Dancin bear.....I too was banded on 8/11... 6 days lata im feelin a little hungry so I hard boiled two eggs and pureed them I ate them and it totally satisfied me, and I tolerated it as well... ate it very slowly like a tip of a teaspoon every 10 mins had about half of it and the hunger went away....I have a very good support system so stay strong and try and keep busy....

    Good Luck....

    I was banded on the 14th and am only allowed liquids the first week, then thicker liquids like blended Soups, V8, thicker Protein Drinks, and then the next 2 weeks I get mushies like mashed potatoes, etc. I think it's weird that docs require different things post-op. I was told that the band is to stretch slowly around the stomach and this is the reason for those stages. I sure wish I could have pudding right now. Man! I'm not really starving, but I sure could use some decent tasting food!

  22. I am sitting here reading all the last few threads eating my Jello and drinking my clear liquids... I have surgery tomorrow at 10am...Nervous but really excited...

    Hey does anyone know about Isopure Protein drink????

    Josie, I have 2 kinds of Isopure Protein Drink. One is a whey Protein isolate in a big canister and comes in chocolate, vanilla, etc. The other is a clear, fruity, drink that I bought in glass bottles. I have 3. I've only tried the fruit punch and that is the one I'm drinking these last few days. I am only allowed clear fluids the first week, so this is the one I am drinking. I bought them at GNC.

  23. What do you mean am I able to keep liquids down? Are yours coming up? I have not vomitted since right after surgery when I had to drink some stuff and they x-rayed me. I am drinking Protein Shakes, Proteins shots, Water, tea, Vitamin water. I am not doing 3 table spoons of this, 4 tablespoons of that...I am not sure if I need to keep up with everything like that. I don't feel like my instructions were to do that. ?? How are you? I am going to have my husband remove my onQ pump today so i can shower.

    Peaches, I'm not sure who you were asking but I know that per my nutritionist, for the first week, I am to have 3 Tablespoons each of broth, Isopure, and Jello for each meal. I can alternate and have crystal light. But I'm having such a hard time getting in 8 glasses of water a day that I can't hardly get in the other stuff. I have to admit, I could really eat right now. I even took a cashew and chewed it up and spit it out and it was sooooo good. But at this point, I'm concentrating on getting in the water and exercise. I could eat jello all day long though.

  24. vegasgirl, me too LOL. I did eat some Jello yesterday too. I forgot about that. I need to get myself into the 3 meal schedule. I'm really bad about just eating at random times right now, but once I get back to school I will be on more of a schedule. I think I am getting a lot more calories than you are. My Protein drinks have 150 calories per 8 oz. and I'm drink 2 of those a day. I'm not sure how many calories the jello and broth have.

    How much other Fluid are you drinking in between meals?

    Just Water. Trying to drink as much as possible. 8 glasses is my goal, but I only got to 5 yesterday.

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