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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by vegasgirl44

  1. libguy! Welcome! Oh, how I wish I would have done this earlier in my life, but you know, I just wasn't ready. And that's ok. When you are ready, you will know. Do your research, go to a support group, and ask around. This site is HUGE! Don't miss out on life. It's so much easier now than it was when I was 21. And you have plenty of time to find yourself a hot, young thang, too. LOL! Good luck to you!

  2. So many new replies on this thread with some really great responses, and "straw stories" that probably ring a bell or 2 for all of us.

    I want to run again, like a kid. I want to run in the park, or run to the mailbox, or be able to run if someone is chasing me (unless he's cute and wants to ask me out--then it's ok, I'll stop. LOL!). But I feel all your pain because I think I've felt many of those things at least once in my life. I won't even put current pics of me on any of my sites I belong to because I don't know who that woman is! When I look in the mirror, I see a gorgeous, yet chubby hot chick. Then, I see a pic of me, and I don't recognize her. Who is that? It's not me. I can totally relate to all of you who posted about picture taking. I want to go to Glamour Shots again and actually fit into the costumes they have and not have to have them "shave" a few inches off my chin or put me in some contortionist position to hide some lbs. Sigh...

  3. jillbeme! We ALL love food, baby! That's how we got in this predicament! LOL! I'm scared too, but honestly, I'm more excited and I can't wait to find out today what my surgery date is. I'm an August All-Star in heart, but if I can get surgery in 2 weeks, I'm going, baby!

    If your doc says you don't need a liquid diet preop, be glad. My BMI is 50.1, so I think that's why. Your BMI must be lower.

    Food is good, and maybe after you have the band and you recuperate, you can still enjoy many of your old foods that you enjoy now, just not in gallon sizes. LOL! I think the band will remind you to stop. And it's important, I hear, (cuz I'm not an expert) to adhere to the food stages your surgeon gives you (ie, liquid, mushies, etc) so you don't stretch your stomach out prematurely. YOU CAN DO IT!

  4. Cutie, Sask, and all!

    I noticed in another posting somewhere that someone had used the same banner site and gotten STARS with the words! And I was like, how did they do that. So, I started playing around with the fonts and realized that only certain fonts allow asterisks and at least one of them puts them as real STARS. I forget which one, but if you are willing to change your font, put an asterisk before and after the name, you get real stars. And I used a - mark, but I think it came up as a star instead. Weird, but cool. Sask, welcome to the group. We've only been chatting a few days, but we are already tight and we don't even know each other's real names. LOL!

    Figpuddin, that is exactly the way I made my Protein smoothie last night, except I used Boston Cream Pie ff yogurt with chocolate mix. Hey! it's the only kind I had in the fridge. Wasn't too bad. LOL! Later!

  5. I actually started yesterday. I can't believe I lost 4 lbs in ONE day! And day before, I only had a steak dinner. I've been weighing the same for weeks and it only took 1 day. If I had known this, maybe I would have tried it sooner. I haven't really gotten hungry yet. What I'm scared of is if I get bored. But I was home all day yesterday and was determined. Today I was at work and busy and drank Water all day. For lunch, I just took a Slimfast low carb shake with 20 Proteins. I think it's definitely the high Protein that keeps me full. But I saw a commercial for some wheat bread, and then I kept dreaming of toasted wheat bread with lots of butter on it. LOL!:crying::smile2: Then I just think about why I'm doing this and I think, dang it!, I'm gonna do it, and so can you guys!:confused_smile:

  6. Clayverde, thanks for the tips. I was a little worried about the cappucino, and I thought if I hated it, I could always use half that and half vanilla and make sure I blend it up in the blender. I'll definitely follow the directions, though. And I have been mixing my proteint shakes with skim milk instead of Water. I can't wait to try the fruit punch mixed up, too. Just finishing my second day of Protein Drinks only, and doing well. Not too hungry yet. But I have been getting mild caffeine withdrawal headaches. This too shall pass, right?

  7. I'm not sure I had a "point" that made me want to do this...I have watched the reports on the lapband from the time it first became available. In February, when I learned that my insurance has started to cover it, my decision was made! It took several months to get approval squared away, but I'm 8 days from surgery!

    I look forward to so many things. Shoes are a big one, for sure, but I also want to be able to roll over in bed in one motion. Now, it's almost easier to get out of bed and start over!

    I look forward to climbing a flight of stairs without getting out of breath. To being able to take my dog for a walk, instead of sitting on the porch throwing a frisbee for him. To having enough lap for grandkids to feel like they can have me hold them. To being hugged by my sweet husband and be able to get close enough to really be in his arms again, instead of him needing to lean forward to be able to put his arms around me. To be able to fit in an airline seat, or a ferris wheel seat, or the exam chair in my dentist's office - next time, I won't have to cross my arms across my tummy to keep them from falling off the sides of the chair! I look forward to going clothes shopping with my girls, and being able to enjoy it because I can find things that fit! I look forward to being able to give up some of the many medications that I take - high blood pressure, high cholesterol, anti-inflammatory for joint pain, meds for depression. It will also be nice to go into the doctor's office and have the nurse be able to take my blood pressure with a regular cuff, instead of trying to put that one around my arm, and then having to go get a bigger one!

    These things have gradually added up over the years, and I kept trying to ignore them by....any guesses? You're right! By finding something to eat! I can now be honest with myself, and others, and start being the person I've buried under multiple layers of fat.

    OMG! That was so real to me, I had to respond. Except for the medication part, everything you said was stuff I think about and don't look forward to. Good Post!

  8. you know, several people who have the gastric bypass lose hair. I think it's the lack of nutrients--you can't get as much in, or they just don't follow diet exactly. Not sure, but my hairdresser did lose some of her hair. I figured with the band, it wouldn't be that bad. However, I have heard of some people getting thin hair. I hope it doesn't happen to me, but if it does, I guess it's just a good excuse to go shopping and buy a hairpiece or wig! I'd rather wear a cute hairpiece than be fat, and that's the decision I made.

  9. linksmom! that is too funny! I'm just finishing my 1st day of preop liquids...so far, so good, but peeing a LOT at the end of this day. Are you saying the diet is giving you diarrhea? What are you eating? I'm curious.

    You know, one funny thing. I supervise a medical records dept and the other day, I had to bend over to pick something up and farted. In front of 2 staff. It was embarrasing, but oh well....that happens....and lately to me a LOT!

  10. I don't even know what it's like to be thin, except for 1993 when I went on Jenny Craig and lost 80 lbs, down to 200. I think I even went under to 198 for about a week. I worked out incessantly. I think I was addicted to exercise and was solid muscle. I don't even know what a good goal weight is for me. I'm tall and have very compact fat as opposed to fluffy fat. My mom compares me to a pillowcase. Imagine packing cotton in a pillowcase until it's so firm. The pillowcase hasn't gotten any bigger, but it's hard as a rock. I'm big, no lie. But people think I weigh less than what I do. I'm now 320 and some lady at my lapband seminar said I looked really good. I carry it well. Shoot! I don't want to carry it, PERIOD! You know? I've never been a cheerleader and don't even know what it's like to be "normal," if that's ok to say.

    The straw was a really bad PMS episode a few weeks ago. Mixed with personal problems, kid away at camp, boyfriend pissed me off, and can't even think about going to this work seminar in October because they might make me buy an extra seat on the plane. Screw that! I've had enough, you know? I want to be FEARLESS and FABULOUS at 50 in a couple of years. My life is just beginning. And you ladies who haven't reached your 40s yet. Just wait! If I had been banded 10 years ago, nothing would have stopped me. You are sooooo lucky. Being 40 is downright the best decade of your life, and being banded is going to make it freakin' awesome! WhoooHoo!:unsure:

  11. losingit! My nutritionist suggested another plan that actually had some real food on it, but since I have to lose 16 lbs and want surgery soon, he suggested I do the Liquid Protein.< /p>

    And yes, I also got the Isopure Fruit Drinks yesterday. I bought 3 different flavors, but haven't tried them yet. I know they pack a whopping 40 grams Protein per bottle, but I'm worried about actually getting TOO much protein. I'm supposed to have 60 per day. How do you take the Isopure? Straight from the bottle? I heard another lady say that she mixes half a bottle with crystal light or something to that effect. I'm interested in how you and other people balance out their protein. I did stock up on sugar free Jello and popsicles for a switch. Thanks!

  12. islandgurl, it sounds as though you are not sure this is something you want. You have to be absolutely certain that this is what you want, or you won't even enjoy the entire process. Let me tell you, I went to my first seminar 10 years ago at 36. I decided I wasn't ready to lose all my hair and give up Coke. Then last year, I scheduled 2 times to go to the seminar and backed out twice because something "more important" came up. Then in December, I visited my family in Oklahoma, and my brother had had surgery last April 07. He had several co-morbidities and weighed about 450 lbs. It probably saved his life. I sat there at 320 and felt like a failure in the room, but still not ready to take the plunge. Then a few weeks ago, I just had that straw that broke the camels back, went to the seminar, and never looked back. And now weeks later, I'm still gung-ho and I won't find out my surgery date until this Tuesday. I went to that seminar ready to have my hair fall out and give up Coke, and then was excited at the prospect of having the LapBand. It felt so right to me. I never felt more sure about anything in my entire life. And that's what you need to feel. That you don't care anymore about what anybody thinks about you but YOU! Because deep inside, it's all about YOU, not anybody else. Your mother has given you a gift. A wonderful gift. If you decide to take the gift, then that is your decision. She is not going to make you take the gift. I know that if I had a daughter, I would do the same thing if I could. She won't stop loving you if you decide not to do it. And, if you decide not to, don't worry. Revisit the idea a little down the road, and in the meantime, go to some support groups. I believe they will help you put things into perspective better for you. By the way, I would not be able to do this if I had not asked my mother to cosign my loan, as I am self pay, a single mother, and just finished school with a $40,000 school loan under my belt. I am so grateful that she will do this for me. Be happy and good luck to you! Bonnie

  13. Well, I just had my first Protein Shake with the Isopure chocolate mix-1 scoop, skim milk, and ice. I'm thinking for lunch, I should add half a banana or some cottage cheese to give it some substance and body. The hard thing is going to be getting down the Water. I don't even know my surgery date yet, but I figure it's going to take a while to lose 16 lbs, so I better start now. I can feel caffeine withdrawal on the horizon. :party:

  14. I asked a lot of questions regarding what to bring with me--what to expect when I woke up. Clothes, walking, time in the hospital. . .

    It was also concluded that I have to take my nails off and remove my nose ring. We also chatted about my pre-op diet, and how much she expected me to lose in a month.

    Best wishes to you--I'm having surgery on the 24th, so if you get your date--we'll be right on the same track!

    meganmatters, what do you mean you had to take off your nails? Yikes!

  15. I asked my HR lady a few days ago about that. I didn't want to tell her what I was doing either, but I told her that I was going to be having surgery and if I could use my extended illness bank or my paid time off. I would rather use my EIB, since I have tons of hours built up and it's never really used unless you are out sick for a while. Anyway, she said as long as I am an inpatient as opposed to being an OUTpatient, admitted overnight, then my EIB would pay after 5 days. Honestly, if I take 5 days off, I'm still confused as to where the days would come from. And is it up to the doctor to tell you how long to take off? I guess I will find out on Tuesday when I go for my surgeon consultation and find out my surgery date. By the way, I am self pay.

  16. Hi, I'm just like you! We could almost be band buddies. I will find out Tuesday when my surgery is and I have to lose 5% of my body weight, which is 16 lbs. So, tomorrow, I'm starting my liquid diet. I've stocked up on all kinds of goodies (:biggrin:) for the start of my diet. I've got Isopure in Dutch chocolate, as well as the Flavored Protein Drinks. I've ordered some of those whey Protein bullets I've heard so much about, as well as some vanilla and cappucino protein mix isolate. I've also got myself covered in the sugar free Jello and popsicle department. I'm psyched up and ready to go! My dietician recommended I start soon, so I am. I'm hoping that I can surgery the first couple days of August. Let's keep in touch. Bonnie:wink_smile:

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