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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by vegasgirl44

  1. vegasgirl44

    Teng Vs Atkinson?

    I'm asking all you bandsters from Las Vegas out there for your advice, please. I would like you to tell me who did your surgery of these two, if either, and tell me about your experience. I was happy with my decision and then decided to tell my hairdresser, who had one of these two do her bypass a couple of years ago, and now she has me re-thinking my decision. This is EXACTLY why I don't like telling anyone. I was perfectly happy with my surgeon and now I'm questioning my decision. I am more interested in aftercare, fills, and self-pay type experiences. Any information you can give would be appreciated. Thank you.
  2. vegasgirl44

    How the Lap-Band actually works, fills and refills

    After my last post, I decided to get back on LBT and get motivated. Thinking I had bombed over the holidays, I set out to try the 5 day pouch test diet posted on another thread, and stepped on the scale Tuesday morning and low and behold! I had lost 4 lbs in the last week! I have no idea how it happened and I had to step on and off the scale several times before I believed what I saw. So, I have lost about 9 lbs since Thanksgiving and I guess my band is making me feel fuller than I thought. I did start the pouch test diet for 2 days and then I decided to wait until after New Years, so on Monday, I will be starting it again. I'm just so glad that I came back to LBT and found two extremely useful threads with tons of great information and support on it.
  3. This is the least I've weighed since I moved out here 14 yrs ago. I go back for visit 3 late January. My goal is 170 and I weigh 273 now, but I don't ever remember weighing that little and I looked totally hot at 195 when I was on JC in 1993, so I wouldn't mind being at 200 if I had to for the rest of my life. I carry it all REALLY well. I'm lucky that way.

    I don't know if I should say anything, but I complained so much to Tina with facts and things, that when I went to pay for that visit in Nov, they charged me like $15!!! I wasn't going to complain. Tina said they just wanted their pts to be happy. That she knows people don't like her. The thing is...I have no idea WHAT they are going to charge me the next time I go!

  4. That's fantastic that you've lost that much weight! You've done better than me, not that I'm complaining. It's like this: Bef. surgery, I had about 3 wks to lose 5% of my weight and I did. I lost 21 before I went into surg. When I came out, I had gained 6 lbs! It took me over a wk to lose that, but up until the 1st fill, I lost about 13 lbs. Then after the 1st fill, I had lost 8. But I was disappted, cuz I told him I could really eat! And that loss was in 8 wks and all up front, so nothing for about 6 wks. Then 11/24, I had the 2nd, and I lost 7 the first wk. Then I stopped losing and stopped weighing myself, my mom came to town, Xmas and my Bday and I ate a lot...I thought. I came back here looking for inspiration, and went to the thread that BBKitty started about the 5 day pouch test and I decided to try it. That morning I stepped on scale and in actuality, I had lost 4 lbs more! But I did liquids for 3 days this week and I'm down another 3. In total, I've lost 48. Bef and aft surg.

  5. The last time I went to get a fill, I said it sure would be nice to weigh naked, and the assistant said, many people do. So, I dropped my drawers and was sitting in my undies when the doc came in.
  6. Laura, I could have written your posting. I had surgery Aug 14 and my 3rd fill is scheduled for the same day. I lost 7 lbs after the 2nd fill and I'm desperately trying to not gain them back. We can do it! Good luck to everyone!
  7. OMG! I'm so glad I found this thread! I'm starting tomorrow myself. I did water and tea all day today to purge myself (just a slider kind of weekend!) and I'm starting my protein day one tomorrow. Thanks BooBooKitty for starting this. I think it's just what I needed. Mnn2501: It's not a diet! It's a weight loss plan...just like what you are doing right now to have caused you to lose 6 lbs over the holidays. A "diet" is just what you eat. We are ALL on a weight loss plan. I hope your weight loss never stalls and you have to worry about what you are doing wrong and figure out how to help yourself. And play nice for Pete's sake!
  8. vegasgirl44

    How the Lap-Band actually works, fills and refills

    I'm so glad I found this thread. I've spent the past 2 days going through all the old posts and I'm up to page 17. I've decided to head to the last post and fill in the others later. I had my second fill the day before Thansgiving. I had told my doc that I was so unhappy because I had not lost in WEEKS after my first fill, even though I did lose about 7 lbs in the 8 weeks after the first fill. The loss was all up-front and then stayed the same for weeks after. Then after the 2nd fill, I thought this was it! For about 10 days after, I enjoyed the wonderful feeling of not just fullness, but downright not wanting to even eat! I lost 7 more lbs pronto! Now it's Christmas, and I think I've put back on almost all of those 7 lbs. Afraid to step on the scale. It's sooooo hard to eat chicken and turkey that I just avoid them altogether and end up eating junk food because I know it won't get stuck. I feel like I'm being so noncompliant right now. I know this is a tool, but I just don't want to feel any hunger at all.....ALL the time! I go for my 3rd fill in late January. The office assistant said that by the 3rd fill, patients can't even swallow their own spit. But for how long? After reading through this thread, I've found moments of hope and despair, realizing that it's individual to each person. I know I must swell after the fill, which to me is my sweet spot that doesn't last. Maybe I need a little fill every 2 weeks to keep losing and not gain. If I had read this thread before surgery, I'm wondering if I would have chosen the band over the bypass? I was self-pay so this route was cheaper and I liked that the complication rate was lower, but I really expected more steady results, even though I realize it's a longer process than the bypass. My brother had the bypass last April and has lost 170 and he looks great. I feel like a failure. I feel embarassed and I'm angry that I feel I may have wasted almost $20,000.
  9. vegasgirl44

    Fills --not losing!

    I just logged onto this site after months of being away. I went in for my second fill the day before Thanksgiving. I had complained to the doc that I could eat almost anything in unlimited quantities. I had lost 7 lbs from my first fill to my second. After the second fill, I was ecstatic. For about 10 days, I always felt full even if I didn't eat. I thought, great! this is where I want to be all the time. I kept thinking I was on my way now! Well, it's been about 4 weeks since that second fill and I can eat just about like I ate before that fill. What happened???!!! That's the thing I want to know. I couldn't eat but very little that first 10 days, and now I put more food away these last 2 days that I'm afraid to step on the scale. And today is my birthday and my family is taking me out to eat, and I keep thinking I shouldn't even be able to eat! Does the band stretch? I got stuck about 5 times on turkey and chicken after that second fill. I'm thinking I stretched out the band or something? I know I eat too fast and don't take small bites. I'm not very compliant there. I'm just being honest. I live a fast-paced life and I just don't think I can eat slow, especially after all these years of eating like a fat person. I, too, lost the most of my weight on the preop diet. I don't think I have the strength to do the whole protein shake thing again right now. Yuk! I want to know your thoughts about why we don't feel full after fills. My doc's office assistant told me that most people, by the 3rd fill, can't even swallow their own spit! But for how long and why does it happen that I can eat more as time goes on? Why can't I sustain that feeling for a longer period of time? :hurray:
  10. I had my 2nd fill the day before Thanksg. It's a long round-about ordeal, but basically I was pissed because they were going to charge me that office visit and I complained like crazy! I said, "am I def. going to get a fill, cuz I'm not coming in and paying $110 for just an office visit!" It's ridiculous! I also like Dr. Teng and feel that he's just the doc who sees the pts and has no idea what's going on in the office. I had surgery 8-14. After I got the 2nd fill, I really felt it and lost 7 lbs that week. I don't know what it is, but the feeling lasts about 2 weeks and then I'm back to being able to eat more. How are you doing and how do your fills treat you? The reason I came back on the boards is cuz I want to know how fills work for everybody else. Tina said that after the 3rd fill, people can't even swallow their own spit! But for how long? It's so frustrating. I know it's just a tool, but I didn't pay $18,000 to be able to eat a lot and whatever I want. Thoughts?

  11. Yes, I just got a bill for $50 from the post upper GI they did the following morning....if that is required, then why isn't it included? I've tried emailing Tina twice with no response. I'm a little pissed. This is the second bill I've gotten aside from the total I paid. I hope there is nothing else...what is the OV $110 you talked about? How many fills have you had? I go back on Nov 19....I need it BAD!

  12. vegasgirl44

    WHY are people voting for McCain?

    It's people like you I fear the most in this world.
  13. vegasgirl44

    I CAN'T STOP EATING!! Scared...

    I know that my doc discourages the use of protein drinks unless he says to use them because liquids go right through the band, and solid protein is the best option. But I do like being able to have one once in a while to get back on track. Maybe that's what I better do. At least for a day or two.
  14. vegasgirl44

    Who can still eat whatever they want?

    Chicken breast is really tough to eat unless it's in chicken salad or something where it's cut up and lubricated with mayo or something. I can eat bread, but I usually go for the crust if it's like in a restaurant, and I don't do it often. I got stuck on melba toast once. Go figure. I can't wait for my second fill which doesn't happen till Nov 19th! I think I'm going to have to go back to basics in order to survive until then. Lord help me!
  15. vegasgirl44

    WHY are people voting for McCain?

    You are ****MODERATED EDIT due to personal insult
  16. vegasgirl44

    I CAN'T STOP EATING!! Scared...

    Stace, I haven't been on the board for a few weeks, and tonight I decide to get on and your message is the first thing I see. I was drawn to your post immediately. I can almost completely relate to what you are going through. Except I have had my first fill, where my doctor said he filled me up about 25% full. I was nauseous that first day, and then after a couple of days, I was able to eat almost back to the way I did before the band. I guess I'm doing ok in that I've lost 40 lbs total, but just today, I've had too many calories, and I can eat and eat if I let myself. I'm surviving on 25% band and 75% willpower right now. So, to answer your post, (or not), I don't know how you can tell if the pouch stretches. I think I would be more worried if I was stretching it AFTER being completely filled. I am so curious to hear from some people who have found success with their fills and give me some encouragement as to when I can expect to feel full. When I saw my doc for my first fill, he asked me was I measuring my portions....uh, no. Was I exercising...uh, no. But I'm not snacking. I just want to feel some dang restriction and don't go back to the doc till November 19th. I can't believe you haven't had a fill yet. I know that some of my crazy eating days have been spurred on by hormones, but today, I just went crazy for no reason. I can eat just about everything in large quantities. I think the thing we need to remember is that protein fills us up sooner whether we have been banded or not, so I think we both need to eat pure solid protein first and foremost. I know that after eating chicken breast, I am full very fast. My doctor also recommends HALF cup serviings...not the cup and a half that you mentioned. And that is hard also. I feel for you because I know where you are coming from. I wish you luck and look forward to other responses. Bonnie
  17. I had my first fill last Wed. He numbed the area with a tiny shot of novacaine....did not hurt, and then the big needle. He said he filled my band 25%. I felt nauseous the first day, and on liquids. I feel a little of a tight feeling all around the area, but I can still pretty much eat anything. I have problem with chicken breast. He did get mad at me because I don't measure real well, and I have not been exercising much. He says, "do you want to have success 5 years down the road?" And I'm thinking, if he only knew how fast I still eat. LOL! I just can't seem to slow down, and I have problems not drinking when I eat. But I'm losing steadily, and eating less, I guess, so I can't complain.
  18. vegasgirl44

    I had my first fill TODAY.

    Are you kidding me? LOL! My appetite completely returned to normal weeks ago, although I do feel like I fill up faster, and I think that is only due to my stomach having shrunk from all the preop and postop weeks of eating little. Plus chicken is hard to eat. However, I would think that most docs would require 6 weeks postop healing, not for the stitches, but for the inside. The stomach has to have time to heal and form around the band. So yes, I'm flying solo on this....25% restriction from pure band, and 75% from sheer willpower. Trust me...I would love to eat chocolate cake and garlic fries from Red Robin and a multitude of other naughties, but I try to refrain till I start getting fills.
  19. vegasgirl44

    I had my first fill TODAY.

    Wow! I would think that many people get hungry 3 hours after a meal. It's just about time for the next meal. That's amazing that you are getting filled so soon after surgery. Did he give you guidelines about what to eat for the next day or so?
  20. vegasgirl44

    Im stuck

    I've gotten stuck about 4 times since my surgery. All on chicken breast. I know it's because I need to take smaller bites and chew. It is NOT a good feeling. I go to the sink and hover bent over it as saliva builds in my mouth, just like the other poster said like when you are getting ready to throw up. The food is stuck right in the middle of my esophagus and I keep swallowing (instinctively) to try to make it go down. I have never had it come back up and I do NOT want to vomit it back up. Trust me, after that happens to you and you experience the agony, you don't want to eat that item again. Then it's like childbirth...you forget the pain, and go right back at it another day, hoping it won't happen again. I usually just end up making chicken salad out of it. I haven't even tried bread yet. Cornbread is good to go.
  21. Hey Girl! I'm doing great! Thanks for asking. Been kind of busy with work. I go to my first real follow-up on Oct 1st. I'm not even sure if I'm going to get a fill, but I'm bringing my food diary. I can eat just about anything, and sometimes I do, but not as much as before. I don't have a lot of restriction yet (no fill), but I get full faster. I think I have lost almost 15 lbs or so since I last saw the doc the week after surgery...the weight stayed the same for so long, but now it seems to be coming off slowly and steadily, which is kind of nice. How are you doing? I just got on the board after almost a week off. LOL!

  22. yes, that's the book. it really has a lot of information about the entire journey. great book.
  23. vegasgirl44

    Drinking while eating??

    Yeah, it's hard for me, too. It's no fun to go out to eat anymore. One of the reasons I love going out is for the iced tea, especially at Red Robin...it's great there! That with a bowl of chicken tortilla soup. Yummy! I mean, it's like I have to do either one or the other. Eat or drink iced tea. Boohoo!
  24. vegasgirl44

    Would you get breast implant.....??

    Me too....the last time I lost a ton of weight, I went from DD to C, so I think I looked good. HOWEVER, if they start hanging, as I'm sure they will since I'm heading into my 50s in a coupla years here, I will most certainly be getting it done if I can afford it. Right along with a tummy tuck! My boobs are my girls! It's all I got! I'm single...I need something to haul the guys in! LOL!
  25. I work in psych and can't tell you how many times I see a patient come in who's here for abuse/dependence of alcohol and/or drugs, and guess what!?? They've had gastric surgery in general. Because many people who have addictions of ANY kind are more prone to substituting one thing for another....you miss food, you start smoking, drinking, gambling, etc.... I know that is one reason for sure. Another thing I read is in a book called Losing Weight with the Adj Gastric Band, (I think that's the name...excellent book), and in there, it states about 6 qualities in a person that have indicated success with the band. Offhand, I can't name them all, but being female is one, having overcome some tragedy in life such as divorce or death of a loved one and surviving is two, etc...From what I can remember, many qualities of the typical driven, OCD woman...well, that puts it harshly and I certainly don't mean that, but it described me to a T. So, I'm running with it. But check out the book. It's excellent!

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