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Status Updates posted by vegasgirl44

  1. This is the least I've weighed since I moved out here 14 yrs ago. I go back for visit 3 late January. My goal is 170 and I weigh 273 now, but I don't ever remember weighing that little and I looked totally hot at 195 when I was on JC in 1993, so I wouldn't mind being at 200 if I had to for the rest of my life. I carry it all REALLY well. I'm lucky that way.

    I don't know if I should say anything, but I complained so much to Tina with facts and things, that when I went to pay for that visit in Nov, they charged me like $15!!! I wasn't going to complain. Tina said they just wanted their pts to be happy. That she knows people don't like her. The thing is...I have no idea WHAT they are going to charge me the next time I go!

  2. That's fantastic that you've lost that much weight! You've done better than me, not that I'm complaining. It's like this: Bef. surgery, I had about 3 wks to lose 5% of my weight and I did. I lost 21 before I went into surg. When I came out, I had gained 6 lbs! It took me over a wk to lose that, but up until the 1st fill, I lost about 13 lbs. Then after the 1st fill, I had lost 8. But I was disappted, cuz I told him I could really eat! And that loss was in 8 wks and all up front, so nothing for about 6 wks. Then 11/24, I had the 2nd, and I lost 7 the first wk. Then I stopped losing and stopped weighing myself, my mom came to town, Xmas and my Bday and I ate a lot...I thought. I came back here looking for inspiration, and went to the thread that BBKitty started about the 5 day pouch test and I decided to try it. That morning I stepped on scale and in actuality, I had lost 4 lbs more! But I did liquids for 3 days this week and I'm down another 3. In total, I've lost 48. Bef and aft surg.

  3. I had my 2nd fill the day before Thanksg. It's a long round-about ordeal, but basically I was pissed because they were going to charge me that office visit and I complained like crazy! I said, "am I def. going to get a fill, cuz I'm not coming in and paying $110 for just an office visit!" It's ridiculous! I also like Dr. Teng and feel that he's just the doc who sees the pts and has no idea what's going on in the office. I had surgery 8-14. After I got the 2nd fill, I really felt it and lost 7 lbs that week. I don't know what it is, but the feeling lasts about 2 weeks and then I'm back to being able to eat more. How are you doing and how do your fills treat you? The reason I came back on the boards is cuz I want to know how fills work for everybody else. Tina said that after the 3rd fill, people can't even swallow their own spit! But for how long? It's so frustrating. I know it's just a tool, but I didn't pay $18,000 to be able to eat a lot and whatever I want. Thoughts?

  4. Yes, I just got a bill for $50 from the post upper GI they did the following morning....if that is required, then why isn't it included? I've tried emailing Tina twice with no response. I'm a little pissed. This is the second bill I've gotten aside from the total I paid. I hope there is nothing else...what is the OV $110 you talked about? How many fills have you had? I go back on Nov 19....I need it BAD!

  5. Hey Girl! I'm doing great! Thanks for asking. Been kind of busy with work. I go to my first real follow-up on Oct 1st. I'm not even sure if I'm going to get a fill, but I'm bringing my food diary. I can eat just about anything, and sometimes I do, but not as much as before. I don't have a lot of restriction yet (no fill), but I get full faster. I think I have lost almost 15 lbs or so since I last saw the doc the week after surgery...the weight stayed the same for so long, but now it seems to be coming off slowly and steadily, which is kind of nice. How are you doing? I just got on the board after almost a week off. LOL!

  6. Linda, I just posted a message on my board. For some reason, I've never gotten my board messages. I don't know why, but probably cuz I'm inexperienced with forums and this is so big that I still have trouble navigating. Thanks for your kind words and drop me a message anytime. I love to help the best way I can...that is, if I can even FIND the messages. LOL! Have a super day! Bonnie

  7. Hi Girl! I was just wondering how you're doing after your surgery? How was Dr. Teng and the whole experience? I'd love to hear details. Take care, Bonnie

  8. Hey Cutie! Thanks for asking about me! I'm still trying to navigate my way through the site, and just saw your message. The Angio I had today was fine. Not bad. I meet Friday with the Cardio doc to get the results from all my tests. I'll keep you posted. Hope you are doing great! Bonnie

  9. Hi, thanks for your kind words. I've never seen you online. I've only been a member for the past few weeks. Are you thinking about having surgery or have done it already?

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