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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by vegasgirl44

  1. vegasgirl44

    I'm Baaaack!! WOO HOO!!!

    I felt pregnant for days after and the only thing that is supposed to help is walking. However, honestly, I didn't see any benefit of the walking. I don't feel really bloated anymore. I spent the last evening tooting and having a little diarrhea which must have relieved that. They also gave me this spirometer that I'm supposed to suck on to exercise my lungs and prevent pneumonia. I think you should concentrate on the walking and Water. I think the first week postop must be the hardest. My biggest incision is still kind of oozy and I put gauze on it and re-taped it. I'll take preop chicken breast and salad anyday of the week! I miss roasted chicken like crazy right now. I'm so tired of this liquid diet I could just die! Blech!
  2. vegasgirl44

    I cheated....now what?

    I wouldn't worry about it. Sounds like you've done great and chicken isn't bad. Just make sure your day before is nothing but liquid. My doc required a bowel cleanse and I'm glad I did because the last thing I needed was having to worry about wiping my behind after surgery. I did exactly what the doc told me and lost 21 lbs before surgery and he said my liver was still big. You should be fine.
  3. vegasgirl44

    I'm Baaaack!! WOO HOO!!!

    Welcome back! I was banded last Thursday and didn't have much shoulder pain and then BAM! today I felt like someone ripped my shoulder out of its socket! I got on the treadmill for 20 mts, took some Lortab, got my heating pad, and fell asleep. Feel much better now. Being on clear liquids suck! There is no flavor and meanwhile, I'm not starving, but I need flavor and something else. I feel like sucking on a chocolate bar. The first 6 weeks are gonna suck, especially when you gain 6 lbs like me since surgery day. Still can't wait for mashed potatoes! Whoohoo!
  4. vegasgirl44

    Off to a good start! Banded 8/11/08

    I was banded on the 14th and am only allowed liquids the first week, then thicker liquids like blended soups, V8, thicker protein drinks, and then the next 2 weeks I get mushies like mashed potatoes, etc. I think it's weird that docs require different things post-op. I was told that the band is to stretch slowly around the stomach and this is the reason for those stages. I sure wish I could have pudding right now. Man! I'm not really starving, but I sure could use some decent tasting food!
  5. Josie, I have 2 kinds of Isopure Protein Drink. One is a whey protein isolate in a big canister and comes in chocolate, vanilla, etc. The other is a clear, fruity, drink that I bought in glass bottles. I have 3. I've only tried the fruit punch and that is the one I'm drinking these last few days. I am only allowed clear fluids the first week, so this is the one I am drinking. I bought them at GNC.
  6. Peaches, I'm not sure who you were asking but I know that per my nutritionist, for the first week, I am to have 3 Tablespoons each of broth, Isopure, and jello for each meal. I can alternate and have crystal light. But I'm having such a hard time getting in 8 glasses of water a day that I can't hardly get in the other stuff. I have to admit, I could really eat right now. I even took a cashew and chewed it up and spit it out and it was sooooo good. But at this point, I'm concentrating on getting in the water and exercise. I could eat jello all day long though.
  7. Just water. Trying to drink as much as possible. 8 glasses is my goal, but I only got to 5 yesterday.
  8. Paula, can you believe I eat the same thing every day? For breakfast, lunch, and dinner. I eat 3 tablespoons of Isopure protein drink, 3 tablespoons of broth, and 3 tablespoons of jello. It's like not having anything at all. 59 calories a day. I have to keep this up till at least Wednesday when I go for my postop appt. I am dreaming of having mashed potatoes and I have never eaten mashed potatoes before surgery! Not really a fan!
  9. Thanks, Lindar. I will look forward to stepping on that scale in 2 weeks then.
  10. Hey Paula, I think this would be post-op day 3. I feel better today. I'm actually going to shower today. LOL! One thing though. I have gained 6 lbs since the morning of surgery!!! 4 of that was since yesterday! I'm eating about 60 calories a day, per the plan. I exercised on my treadmill 30 mts yesterday, and I was able to get down about 5 glasses of water. I am tooting good and have some diarrhea, so I'm wondering how in heck this is happening??!! Anybody else have this happen to them?
  11. vegasgirl44

    Let's Get This Party Started!

    I'm so afraid to shower. I know I can but I just don't want to. How long does it take to get to the point where you feel like it's ok to sleep regular, like on your side? I'm just so ancy to feel physically normal again and it's only been about 3 days.
  12. Yes, I have been sipping water all day. I think I will be lucky to get in 2 bottles today. I feel like I have to have it sitting next to me all day. I don't want to sip too fast. But I feel great so far. Just soooo pregnant! LOL! I hope the gas goes away by Wed. Thanks!
  13. berties, I lost 21 lbs before surgery and my liver was still big. But it went well. My brother was 450+ and they were able to do his surgery laparoscopy, so I would just continue as you are doing, which seems to be good. Just make sure to do your preop cleansing and don't cheat then. I am just so glad that I didn't have to make any bowel movements. Also, I kept thinking that I was sooooo happy that I wasn't on my period during this whole thing. The timing was perfect. So, you will be great. Good luck!
  14. Ok, I'm back. I was banded on the 14th. Everything went great. I had lost 21 lbs by the morning of my surgery, and since surgery, I've gained 3 back. I think it's gas since my belly feels like it's about 7 mths pregnant. But I've been walking, outside and on my treadmill. I'm on liquids only. I take 3 TBSP for breakfast, lunch, and dinner each of Isopure drink, Broth, and Jello. That's it. 59 calories a day. Not hungry, but the Baconator commercials from Wendy's look darn good! I had a private room which was a surprise. My nurse was great, and then she left, and I got another girl who was very diligent, but not really any personality. I got Heparin shots 4 times a day, which I tolerated. I could have slept thru the night, but kept getting woke up by nursing for this and that med. A little shoulder pain the first day, but gone the second. The only pain I have is the incision pain from I suppose, the biggest hole. I have a little metal button bandage below my boob towards the left side of me, and I'm presuming that's the port. I'm itchy all over the front and I guess that means I'm healing. I have to take Zinc for healing and all my vitamins taste like crap. Yuk! I'm sooooooo glad I stayed overnight. I was in lala land that first day and feeling a little pain. I honestly don't know how anybody could go home that first day. And I had my surgery early. I think it should be a requirement to stay overnight. Anyway, I didn't get out till after 6pm the next evening. Late discharge waiting for the doctor. And with all that dieting and weight loss, he said my liver was still big. Dissapointing, but everything went well. So, I'm happy. My doc also sent me a dozen roses for the beginning of my new life. Very sweet. I never regretted my journey for one moment. :thumbup:
  15. I started my preop diet a month ago. I was to have a 1200 calorie a day diet to lose 5% of my body weight prior to surgery. I cheated a few times. If you can call it that. I stuck to the calorie count every day except once when I went to Claimjumper last week and had roasted chicken, veggies, and a huge corn muffin. But I went right back on track the next day. In a month, I've lost about 20 lbs and I'm having surgery tomorrow. I had to drink two bottles of Magnesium Citrate today with TONS of water to clean out my bowels. So, I'm thinking I may actually see the 200s for the first time in a long time the day of my surgery. I'm so excited!
  16. vegasgirl44

    banded in 9 hours!!!

    Samantha, I'll be banded tomorrow also. Good luck to you! I'm so excited.
  17. vegasgirl44

    Permanent Makeup

    Frangi, thanks! I'm going to go check it out. Thanks for the well wishes. I feel like I'm going on a really spectacular trip and I have to wake up early to catch the plane. LOL!
  18. vegasgirl44

    Permanent Makeup

    Re pics: I'm waiting for my photographer (DH) to take several pics for me (including updated PS pics). He's slow, but he's free, and as they say, you get what you pay for........ Pardon my ignorance, but what does DH mean? I've seen it in several posts and it sounds like it refers to a person. Pray tell!
  19. Well, it is considered outpatient, but I stay overnight. The difference is that my work is not making me take my PaidTimeOff hours. Some doctors like to make sure that everything is working ok before you take off. The first several hours are very important. I know the following morning I have to have an upper GI done so they test the band before I leave. It's just all precautionary. I'm taking a book and a couple magazines. My slippers and robe. I think I'll take my heating pad because I heard that really helps with pain and my makeup, cellphone, and eyeglasses. I'm leaving all my jewelry off and my purse at home. My boyfriend is like, don't you need your drivers license? and I'm like NOPE! The doctor's office just called to see how I was doing and if I was excited and I was like Heck, Yea! I feel like I'm going on a trip tomorrow to some fantastic place and I have to get up early to catch the plane! LOL! Bonnie
  20. Paula, yippee! You will be going in before me due to the time difference. I'm 2 hours behind you. By the way, I lived in San Antonio for 30 years. I'm not sure where Lufkin is. What are you taking to the hospital with you?
  21. JJSmiles, I am reading the book right now, "Weight Loss Surgery with the Adjustable Gastric Band" by Robert Sewell. It is a good read for anyone thinking about having surgery or going through it right now. It's funny that just as I read your post, I was reading a section that stated how this woman had to work so hard before at being cute and fun. She was the best friend, the funny girl, had to worry about hygiene and dressing so much, shopping at fat stores, and all that just to be appealing. So much work just to be TOLERATED. Now, she finds herself saying NO more and people don't mind. The funny thing is that this describes me. I grew up with a big boobed, blonde, tan, cheerleader for a sister. She got all the guys. In order for me to fit in with her friends as we are similar in age, I had to be funny and vulgar. So I learned to swear. I'm still trying to break that habit to this day. But it just goes to show how thin people have to work so much less hard to make it in life sometimes. I'm not saying it's all the time in every circumstance, but we spend most of our lives being avoided due to some preconceived notion of how fat people are. At my highest weight, 330, I still showered every day, got manicures and pedicures, hair styles, spent tons of money on clothes, and took special care of the cracks and crevices associated with obesity. I even took special care of my feet because I wear open shoes all the time and I didn't want those nasty crusty feet. I joined a BBW group. You wanna hear what this woman said to me when I was discussing career options with her? She is a professional peer and I work at one of her hospitals doing coding. I let it slip that I was getting banded, and she said, "But you won't be a BBW anymore. You had so much fun being a BBW!" Jealous Bitch. She is a few years older than me and a redhead, with a career more spectacular than mine at this point, and she felt compelled to bring me down. Jealousy!
  22. Paula, I started protein shakes about July 10th or so. I started out with the shakes, and then I would have baked chicken breast and salads. I lost a lot at first and then had a 2 week period with no weight loss. My goal was 16 lbs according to my doc. 5% of my body weight. I think that time of the month had a lot to do with it. I have really bad PMDD. Then last week, BAM!, I started losing again. The night after my last surgeon consult, I went to Claimjumper and had roasted chicken, veggies, and a huge corn muffin. It was awesome! Then I went back on plan the next day and the weight started to come off again. I think the biggest thing to remember is that when you hit a plateau, to keep on keepin' on, because eventually, it's going to fall off. You can't go hog-wild and eat all kinds of crap just because you've decided you are not losing. That has always been my downfall. And I was terrified of not following plan and the surgeon having to go in and do it open. I am self pay and I don't need any more expenses. I go in at 8:30 am and surgery at 10am. Good luck to you. I'm so excited. I feel like I'm going on a trip. At least, I'm packing like I am. LOL!
  23. vegasgirl44

    I need all of your help...PLEASE

    That was a great post! I believe all those things are important when trying to break a plateau. On my preop diet, I lost 13 lbs right away, like in a week and a half, and then for over 2 weeks, I didn't lose one pound. I even gained. And I was drinking protein shakes. Then after I got that time of the month and had a nice chicken dinner with veggies, my scale just started dropping again. So, yes, I believe shaking up your menu and hormones have a lot to do with plateaus. Good luck!
  24. vegasgirl44

    Let's Get This Party Started!

    Oh, thanks you guys! I'm staying home today drinking my magcit. No action yet, but I'm getting a lot of schoolwork done. LOL! My little bag is packed and ready to go. Did any of you take your heating pad to the hospital with you or just use it at home? The nurse yesterday just said to keep it simple and bring my makeup bag and cell phone. I'm like, you're kidding, right? When I travel, I pack like I'm leaving for a month and it's only one night! LOL!
  25. I think this entire thread is why we are to go through psych counseling before surgery. How are we going to handle our changing bodies? And not only that, but how are we going to handle the reactions of OTHERS? Either those in our lives or those we pass by in the streets. I know that my whole day can be devastated by a perfect stranger on the road. A couple of years ago, I had lost about 55 lbs on WW, and although I had a while to go, I felt so sexy and I had a sexy Italian boyfriend, and life couldn't be much better. And then after dropping my daughter off of school, I was waiting at a light, and some guy in a truck made some fat joke in passing. I mean, for crying out loud, I was in my car and I thought I looked spectacular! My point is that my whole day was ruined. I was no longer sexy and spectacular. The reactions we get from others unfortunately can change how we feel about ourselves. It can shape us. It's up to us to have our inspiration come from within other than letting change come from the outside. Believe in yourself, be comfortable with who you are, and be happy for others. Just remember that they may feel jealous and insecure that you are moving in a great new direction. And also remember that the band is just a TOOL and it can fail like any other tool out there. So, again, the change comes from within ourselves.

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