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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by vegasgirl44

  1. vegasgirl44

    Post OP Lifting

    DON'T DO IT! About 10 days out, I lifted a 35 lb cat litter off the Target shelf, didn't feel anything immediately, but the following day or so, I felt like I had had surgery all over again! It took me a WEEK extra to recover from that. The doc said I had probably pulled those muscles where the port is sewn into. We really don't realize how much we use our abdominal muscles. We take them for granted, big time! Be careful!
  2. vegasgirl44

    WHY are people voting for McCain?

    Have you seen the recent blog attributed to Bill Cosby? I'd vote for HIM if that was his platform. Jack, you are so right about Cosby! I like him because he just puts it out there like it really is and suggests the way things should be. I haven't read the blog, (although I will) but I remember visiting my mother several months back and her reading a speech he did and thinking now THAT was something I could sink my teeth into. I'm really liking this thread....learning a lot, actually.
  3. vegasgirl44

    WHY are people voting for McCain?

    For me, I might just go in the booth and spin around and tap my finger on screen and leave. I'm with you on this one. There are things about both of them that I don't like, so it's down to which of two evils do I go with? There are also points that I agree with on many of these posts. I'm not going to pinpoint parties, but there are people out there who DO want to feed on the American "tit," per se, and don't want to work. But I believe in a woman's right to choose. If it was a MAN'S choice we were talking about here?.....well...there wouldn't even BE an issue! I like the fact that Palin is radical, and I believe in God, but to believe in Creationism and abortion doesn't fit with my values. And honestly, I'm afraid OF Obama and FOR Obama. I don't think I like the people he hangs around with. And there are a lot of whackos out there...white supremists who would love to take him out. But then, with McCain, unless he's got age longevity like Reagan, we might just have a woman for President. Then what in heck would all those stout Republicans do? And just for the record, I'm a Democrat. But I will vote with the person who I believe closest resembles my values. Hard job!
  4. vegasgirl44


    Peg, you know, I don't think I've slimed yet, but I've gotten stuck a few times, and it's all been on chicken, and once on brisket. I get that feeling that it's not going down and then my esophagus and throat are in a battle to see where it's gonna go. I have to stand over the sink and lean over and I keep swallowing out of natural reflex to try to make it go down and some mild saliva comes up till the piece finally goes down. I don't think I've experienced a true slime or PB yet. I'm afraid, because the stuck feeling is bad enough to me!
  5. I would say I don't all excited thinking about them, to be quite honest with you. My BRAIN may anticipate it at first, but then I start thinking...and I think I crave sweets more. I think it all has to do with needing more flavor and breads just don't cut it. I think about a really flavorful cup of Soup...now THAT I like. Right now, I'm thinking about a Coke....a real one, and I sure could down one of those. So, I think you may have something there about the carbs and breads. They are just fillers and that is one thing we really don't want right now. We have been conditioned to want them, but flavor is much more appealing right now, even with little restriction.
  6. Yes, you will. Just wait another week or so and you should be ok. One thing that helped me transition to my side was shoving a nice big body pillow under my belly....it kind of holds everything up and keeps it from stretching.
  7. vegasgirl44

    pre-surgery appetite has returned

    Count me in....I'm there as well. I go back to see my surgeon on Oct 1st, so I've got a good almost 3 weeks to go to struggle to lose weight, let alone keeping off my weight loss so far. I'm going back to my morning protein shakes made with water only, chicken for lunch, and then trying to keep it light for dinner. And trying to step up the treadmill, but it's hard. I almost wish I felt like I did 2 weeks postop again!
  8. vegasgirl44

    Olive Garden NOT accomadating!!

    but what if a table of 10 bandsters orders a cup of soup each at $2.99, or even a bowl at $5.99, which are both legitimate entrees...or even one appetizer at $10 each to share between 2 people? Same amount of money spent on a table of adults. Then what?
  9. vegasgirl44

    Hernia Repair?

    I would ask my doc, but in the meantime, don't lift anything over 7-10 lbs...trust me, you will regret it! It took me till the end of week 3 to feel almost normal.
  10. vegasgirl44

    Olive Garden NOT accomadating!!

    Kat, I tend to agree with you. (However, I do believe the food on most kids' menus are not very good). How many times do customers say something like "can I get that without the ---- and instead, get it with ---- instead?" Or, "can I substitute the ---- for the ----?" When substitutions are not mentioned on the menu, people ask all the time because they are on low-salt diets, or they just don't like the sauce because they are trying to cut down. It all boils down to the restaurants wanting more money. Are they going to toss out a person who only wants a cup of soup and water? Because that was me last night. And the answer is no. What if there are two people at the table and only one orders? Does it take more effort on the part of the restaurant to serve a kid's entree? No. I can only understand this kind of action at a buffet....and here in Vegas, we have buffets all over the place. Even pre-banding, I could only eat one plateful of food with maybe salad and dessert, but I paid full price, where there were others who eat MANY plates of food. But that is understood and it's a buffet. So, yes, I agree. Restaurants want to stay in business and part of doing so is pleasing their customers. It's not like we are going to eat more than we are getting and paying for.
  11. vegasgirl44

    Hernia Repair?

    I had hiatal hernia repair and I think it prolonged the healing period. It was hard to breathe in completely for a while. I had also pulled an abdominal muscle, so it took about 3 weeks to feel almost normal. The days will pass quickly. You will be fine. Just don't lift anything.
  12. A little over a week after surgery, I lifted a 35 lb cat litter off the store shelf and a few days later, I felt the worst pain. It was like surgery day all over but worse. It was hard to get in and out of my car and bed. It took a good week to 10 for me to feel completely normal again. The port is sewn into those abdominal muscles that run horizontal, so when you lift, it pulls them. Good luck to you!
  13. vegasgirl44

    Let's Get This Party Started!

    cutiew! How did your fill go today? I'm so curious. My appetite is returning with a vengeance, especially since I'm a little premenstrual. I go back to see my surgeon on Oct 1st, but he didn't say anything about a fill. I'm guessing he will evaluate whether I need a fill or not? But I certainly hope I can get one right then and there. I think I may call the office to find out what to expect.
  14. vegasgirl44

    Let's Get This Party Started!

    I think there is hope for all of us, then. That's great! I would think that as long as you just eat till you are satisfied and eat slowly, that the restriction will last a good time because you are not stretching out your stomach and band too much. Makes sense, right?
  15. vegasgirl44

    Let's Get This Party Started!

    I have dissolvable stitches with steri-strips on top. When are these darn steri-strips gonna fall off?
  16. vegasgirl44

    Lap band - don't do it!! Scarred for life

    I totally agree. Your posts are perfection.
  17. vegasgirl44

    lapband=deceit and bullsh**t

    I guess you aren't cleaning teeth no more, huh?
  18. vegasgirl44

    Olive Garden NOT accomadating!!

    I like the idea of being able to order off of the kids' menu, but most of that stuff has no quality or taste to it or it's all fried kid-style. But I agree that it's so ridiculous. What is the difference if you order a $6 kid's item, a $6 appetizer, or just say you want to have a coke only?
  19. vegasgirl44

    lapband=deceit and bullsh**t

    yeah, I think we got a hot tot on our hands here. I think Monkey is right....time for beddy bye, wittle baby! I would think that since school is in session, the kids would have something better to do, but I guess not.
  20. vegasgirl44

    lapband=deceit and bullsh**t

    Now, THAT post was WAY funnier than mine. LOL!
  21. vegasgirl44

    Lap band - don't do it!! Scarred for life

    OH, shinyhappymommy! I know of someone who had the mini-gastric bypass here in Henderson Nevada, only one doc does it in town. What is it anyway, if you don't mind me asking? What is the difference? Thanks!
  22. vegasgirl44

    Lap band - don't do it!! Scarred for life

    I thought you had a "life."
  23. vegasgirl44

    Lap band - don't do it!! Scarred for life

    OMG! Is this the "dentist" from the other post? I think a moderator needs to step in here. I have a feeling that whomever is doing these posts is just a troublemaker with nothing better to do.
  24. vegasgirl44

    lapband=deceit and bullsh**t

    I'm guessing he somehow conveniently skipped all that unnecessary preop stuff and just got the band thinking he was going to lose it easy....probably just plunked down some money and said "give it to me."
  25. vegasgirl44

    lapband=deceit and bullsh**t

    OMG! I LOVE your signature! How did you do that? It's awesome! And yes, I agree with your statements about the troll. I just don't appreciate "educated" professionals who can't spell. Get a life, you old complainy fart! This is a SUPPORT forum, not a cheese and whine session!

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