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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by vegasgirl44

  1. vegasgirl44

    August Names???

    What about the August All-Stars? Ok, still bored...
  2. vegasgirl44

    August Names???

    I might be having surgery in August and I had fun playing with names. What about something like the the Triple AAAs-The August Affirmative Action or the August Absolute Achievers...some kind of play on the Triple AAA theme. Or I also thought about the August Aces, August Over-Achievers, August Adventurers, etc....ok, I have too much time on my hands. :biggrin2:
  3. vegasgirl44

    A thread for Single Bandsters

    Hi everyone, just wanted to say I'm single and new. Just had my psych eval and nutrition consult. Seeing my surgeon on the 15th and looking forward to my surgery soon after. A graduation gift to myself. So, hello, and if anyone is from Las Vegas, drop me a line! :redface:
  4. vegasgirl44

    preop-surgery-postop advice

    LateBloomer! I thoroughly enjoyed reading your post. I thought it was honest and entertaining. I think one of the great things about this site is that we get to read everyone's experiences before, during, and after the band. I just had my psych eval and nutrition visit today--surgeon appointment on the 15th, and God willing, I could have surgery in a few weeks. I have been reading everything I can, copying and pasting notes and lists of things to buy, and loving the whole thrilling process. I appreciate all posts, especially yours. The funny thing is when you talked about your period. I wondered the same thing and you answered the question for me. Many people would consider that TMI, but not me! LOL! I loved your post! Right up my alley, baby!
  5. vegasgirl44

    Let's be honest about exercise

    Susan, I was just going to say the same thing about using the computer and walking at the same time. When I walk on the treadmill, I need to use my arms to swing and can only concentrate on my IPod. That is amazing! But if it makes the time fly, great
  6. vegasgirl44

    Thoughts before Lap Band

    I agree with you guys. I have an 11--almost 12 yr old daughter in New Image Camp in California right now losing weight and exercising. When she comes back in August, I want to be able to do it with her, eat right, exercise, and set a good example for her, too. If I can turn down Oreos, then she won't eat them. I just figure this is a good way for my body to say "Enough now, you are done"...instead of keep plowing into the food because I'm too lazy being heavy to get up and move and do something besides sitting around watching American Idol. I want us to go bike riding and roller skating before she becomes a teenager too cool to hang around her mom. Bonnie
  7. Josh, for being so young, you have asked some really good questions. I would like to know the answers myself. I think it's natural to feel nerves, and I'm willing to bet some of those feelings are feelings of excitement. Being my age, I'm at that state that I just don't care anymore. I went to my doctor thinking that I was going with the bypass, and willing to lose my hair, and possibly look and be malnourished, and risk the complications because I wanted it so bad. When I found out about the lap band more, I knew it was right for me. I have no illnesses (knocking on wood) and I didn't want to risk being sick for the rest of my life because of surgery that wasn't medically necessary, so to speak. But anyway, I think if it's something you really want, you will be fine and the nerves are normal. I think the physical feelings that are going to be new, you will become adjusted to them. Just like when I put on a few lbs or lose a few lbs, I become adjusted to it. I many not like it at first, but I get used to it. I expect we will get used to the port inside and learn how to eat as we go along, with help from people here. The biggest thing I think that I am dealing with is that I just don't want anyone to know. I've told my Boyfriend, my daughter, and my mom, and that's all. I don't want anyone at work to know. I expect I'll have to tell my boss, but noone else. I don't want to have to explain myself, or hear advice, or have people say I cheated my way to losing weight. That's BS. Obviously, from the posts on this site, this is NOT an easy way out. It's hard work, but we will have a great tool. Do you think a butcher can carve a piece of meat with a better knife? Of course! Best of luck to you. You will be great! I envy you doing it so young. You have your whole life ahead of you. Just think of the possibilities!! Bonnie
  8. vegasgirl44

    Thoughts before Lap Band

    Hi, I'm also 47 and I lived in SA for 30 years before moving to Vegas....so hello! I was just wondering why it's slow for you since you are self pay? I just look at banding like a tool. People who are obese have bigger stomachs and need more food. So we eat more and our stomach stretches and so on. Banding is not a miracle cure. It's our weight loss tool that we are going to use to help us lose weight. We still have to eat right. We are going to make conscious decisions to eat veggies instead of milk shakes, right? I don't know much about it yet, but from what I've seen and heard, it's going to be a lifelong struggle and the band will be our weapon. I'm going for my consult on the 15th and having my psych and nutrition next week. I'm self pay also, and I'm hoping to have surgery in early September. Good luck to you!
  9. vegasgirl44

    Band Buddy wanted

    I'm waiting to have surgery in September because my last class is over on August 29th--getting my Masters--and so I wanted to concentrate on this. It's my present to myself.
  10. vegasgirl44

    Just getting started!

    MyMeshelle! I'm so excited to meet you. This site is overwhelming and I'm trying to soak it all in. I just went to the seminar Tuesday night. I scheduled my consult for July 15 and Tina said she would call if she had a cancellation. She called tonight, but I really can't go this Monday since I have an employee out that day already. So, I kept the 15th. I have psych on Tues and I'm calling Brandon for nutrition consult next week. I kind of wish I would have taken Monday, but I'm off that week of the 15th, so I think I'll keep that date. Plus, I don't think I can have surgery till Sept. I had no idea it would be that fast! I was thinking I was going to have to wait a while. I have one last class left that will be over Aug 29 to get my Masters and I don't know if I can study, write, AND recuperate. Congrats on your baby! That is amazing that you are having it done so soon. Are you not breastfeeding, I guess? Looking forward to chatting more.
  11. Hi, I am just beginning my journey! My doctor is Francis Teng, MD, out of Las Vegas, and I have been following his work for almost 6 years. I have my consultation on the 15th, seeing the psychologist and nutritionist next week. My insurance is not paying, so I'm doing it all myself, with a little help from my mother. LOL! But, I have a 12 year old daughter who is at weight loss camp now and she has been there 2 weeks and has lost over 13 lbs so far. I want to set a good example for her, because she is doing it for me. I have entertained the idea of weight loss surgery for years now. My brother had the bypass done last year and has lost over 150 lbs. He had so many health problems so the surgery probably saved his life. I was set on having the same surgery when I learned more about the lap band. I like the idea of losing slowly, no cutting, less complication/risk, among other things, so I decided to go this route. I have about 140-150 lbs to lose. I would be ecstatic with 100. I found this site yesterday and I'm looking forward to learning from everyone here.:thumbup:

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