I had VSG surgery 5/2020, I stopped completely losing weight in November 2020, and I have not lost any since. I have been put on Saxenda, and Phenteramine (at different times). I fluctuate between 165-170. my height is 5'2. I stated at 210, so I have successfully lost 40 # but thats it. I am NO WHERE near where I thought the surgery would allow me to lose. I feel like a failure. I only consume about 1000 calories a day. I started CROSSFIT but have stopped since about a month ago. I'm just over it. I'm over trying I'm over the whole thing. I'm so frustrated and mad at myself for even allowing myself to have the surgery.
So my question is has anyone else been through this and if so what did you do about it and get successful results. I don't know whether I need to do a VSG to RNY conversion. I don't know if I even have that option to be honest.
For my height to be at a normal weight I would need to be at 135 but I would love to lose another 20 lbs.