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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Bratty_Nicole

  1. Bratty_Nicole

    2 year diet history?

    My insurance also required a 2 year supervised diet and after that I would have to pay all of the expenses out of pocket. After 2 years, if I lost weight and kept it off then and only then would they "reimburse" me... It was also for RNY and I am not interested in that type, so it wouldn't have mattered anyway. I too am doing self pay. Good luck!:thumbup:
  2. Bratty_Nicole

    October 3 - I'm a smashing pumpkin, baby!

    :thumbup:Hello all! I will be getting banded soon and think it will be in October. Well, good luck to everyone on their journey and I am sure I will see you all around.
  3. That sucks Rubberband! Even though it hasn't gone the way you have wanted it to go, 10 pounds is very good! It may take you longer to get to a place where you will start losing because everyone's journey is different, but the ending is the same. I wish you the best of luck and when you get down or feel sad, let it out here. We will be here to help you out.
  4. Bratty_Nicole

    Blood work question

    Yes, I am pretty sure that you have to fast for 12 hours before your appointment. I would call your doctor though and just explain the situation to them. Is there someplace that you can go to on Saturday to have your blood drawn? My husband had to have some tests ran and he works 12+ hours a day. Here in CO we have Qwest Diagnostics (they process all the blood samples that doctor offices pull patients blood for testing) and he just got a referral to them from the doctor, they took care of him early Saturday morning. Just a suggestion. :redface:
  5. Bratty_Nicole

    Has anyone tried Alli??

    I have heard that it does work short term. But long term it is like any other fad diet. The only thing I would question before taking it is what are the side affects (both short and long term) and how long are you going to have to take them? Like you already know, unless you are willing to make a lifelong committment, it usually isn't a long term result. I am not trying to be negative Nancy on here, but that is one that my surgeon pointed out in our WLS seminar. Places like WW, Jenny Craig, and diet pills don't want you to lose your weight long-term, they need your business. They help you to lose enough weight that you feel and look good and then when you gain all your weight back, you remember how much you lost with them and go back and spend more. It is a vicisous circle. Most people who follow diets or take diet pills have little to no success at 2 years out. Most people gain all their weight back, plus some (I have dieted my way up to 295 lbs..). So just make sure you understand what this pill is all about. The band isn't magic either and I am not saying that you should get it, but just research all aspects before deciding. :redface: P.S. Sorry if anything isn't spelled right on this message, the stupid spell check won't work.
  6. I am going to be getting the Realize band here shortly, just have to finish up the pulomnary stuff, etc... I think people just didn't notice the new forum, I didn't notice it until last night. Plus the FDA didn't actually approve the Realize band in America until December 2007, so anyone who had it placed before are probably from other countries or had to go to other countries. When did you have your Realize band placed? How have things gone so far?
  7. Bratty_Nicole

    Banded Today!

    Congrats!! I wish you all the best and a super speedy recovery! :biggrin2:
  8. Bratty_Nicole

    Revealing Band Surgery to Employer

    I agree with you, I don't think it is good to tell a flat out lie, but she really shouldn't be fired because of it. Now my question is if someone were having some sort of sex change operation, wanted to keep it quite, applied for that sort of fund that didn't require full disclosure of the medical condition, and was later found out about would they also be close to getting fired? They can't pick and choose what types of surgeries they will and won't cover in the fund because then it would violate the P.H.I. (personal health information) law. So they either need to accept EVERYTHING or get rid of it all together!
  9. Bratty_Nicole

    Revealing Band Surgery to Employer

    Oh my gosh, that is so sad!! :ihih: I told my boss about wanting to take 1-2 weeks off for the lap-band and also plan to tell the short term disability people about it as well. Just another example that honesty is always the way to go in life. :seeya:
  10. Bratty_Nicole

    Double Surgery

    How exciting! Congratulations to the both of you!! You are life partners and now band partners. :seeya:
  11. Bratty_Nicole

    Crying after apt today

    I think that which ever people feel more comfortable with is the best option for them. This is why they have different options to begin with, just like diets, WLS isn't a "one size fits all". I think you are both right. I want the band and am going to get the band, then again after research, the sleeve also sounds good. There are pros and cons to every WLS whether you are removing things from your body or adding things, there is always going to be a risk. I think it is good that we have a place like lapbandtalk.com to talk about our personal opinions and experiences. Sorry to sound cheesy here, but like I said I think you both have valid points and think it is awesome you are talking it out.<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" /><o:p></o:p> <o:p></o:p> Do what feels right to you and what you feel more comfortable with. You will be happier in the long run even if that means working harder to get there. We didn't gain this weight over night and whoever thought it would be easier to lose weight with WLS was dead on wrong. <o:p></o:p>
  12. Bratty_Nicole

    Crying after apt today

    Doctors usually recommend the gastric sleeve when patients have a BMI of 50 or higher. It is just because they run a higher risk of complications by getting either gastric bypass or lap band. It is sort of similar to the gastric bypass, except they reduce the size of your stomach by cutting it. They don't re-route things or mess with anything like they do with the bypass, so your stomach maintains normal function, just at a smaller size. If your BMI is below 50, I would do what everyone else on here is saying and get a 2nd opinion. It might not hurt to do it regardless. I am sorry that you were so let down today, I will keep you in my thoughts. :biggrin2:
  13. Hello everyone! I just signed up with LBT and thought I would properly introduce myself. I am interested in getting banded and am scheduled for a one on one consultation with a Lap Band surgeon July 29th. I am trying to remain patient until then, but I am just so dang excited to meet with him! I have been researching WLS for the last 3 years and have finally had enough of following the fad diet, losing weight, then gaining it back plus some! I picked the band because it was more versatile then RNY and you lose at a better rate (then just WOOOOSH!). Anyway, I am here and ready to learn!
  14. Bratty_Nicole

    Dr. Kirshenbaum's Happy Bandsters~

    Hi Cris3! I too am a lurker! I check this thread and the other Dr. K thread pretty regularly, but rarely say much. I haven't been banded yet and maybe that is why. I hope to be soon, so I can be on the loser's bench with you and all the others! :biggrin: Well, see you around fellow lurker! ~ Nicole
  15. Hey All! What are steel cut oats? I've only had instant oatmeal and I really don't like it. Maybe I would like that better... Do you buy it at the regular stores near the oatmeal? How was everyone's 4th of July?
  16. Bratty_Nicole

    Dr. Kirshenbaum's Happy Bandsters~

    A new meeting place! Hopefully this one won't have as many problems. I hope everyone has had a great 4th of July!!! :thumbup:
  17. I keep having the same problems! After the 3rd time of trying it finally let me on. I thought it was just my computer!
  18. Bratty_Nicole

    I lost something very important today

    Hey Musicman! How are you doing now? It is ok to greive and you should. Just know that we are all thinking about you and Pedro. RIP Pedro...
  19. Yes, I agree! Keep us posted on everything. How excited are you right now? I know you are probably nervous, but you have nothing to worry about! Here's to new beginnings! :thumbup:
  20. Bratty_Nicole

    Need a Doctor!!

    I am not for sure about that. I don't see why not since you were banded in the US. Then again, don't listen to me since I haven't talked with him yet. Oh yeah, by the way ~ I just sent you a reply email and didn't realize that you are already banded, sorry about that! I am not yet banded, but hope to be soon. :thumbup:
  21. Welcome!!! I don't have the band yet, so I can't help you there, but the ladies on here are REALLY nice and I am sure they will let you know. I just wanted to say welcome!!! :biggrin2:
  22. Thanks! I was wondering if anyone would be able to tell it was Jack and Sally. I love that movie and I LOVE Halloween! :thumbup:
  23. Bratty_Nicole

    Hi from Colorado!

    Wow! I've heard that torn ACL surgery is the WORST knee surgery you can have and you had it twice?! Yikes! Well, you have put my mind at ease that it won't be comfortable (of course!) but it also isn't so bad. I think it is all how you look at it, temporary pain for permanent success! :thumbup:
  24. Thanks for the welcomes Anita, you can't get much better than TWO welcome messages! I feel loved! Thank you everyone else for the warm welcome, it definitely feels like this is a very supportive place and I have nothing but love for you caring ladies!! deboregon~ I applied for my loan last night thru surgeryloans.com and got approved last night. They gave me a pretty good interest rate, so I was happy about that too. I am trying to get my ducks in a row as well so everything can run as smoothly and quickly as possible! When did you have your consultation with Dr. K? What tests if any did you get done? I’ll talk more later, hope everyone had a good day! :thumbup: ~Nicole
  25. Bratty_Nicole

    Need a Doctor!!

    I live in CO and am considering Dr. Kirshenbaum. Everything I have heard about him is all positive. Go to the "Considering Dr. Kirshenbaum" feed and you can see how great he is. They talk about their experiences and are just helpful in general. Hope this helps somehow! :thumbup:

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
