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La Guerita

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About La Guerita

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  1. La Guerita

    9 years post OP and cant eat

    Yes I do live in a very small town in TN. I'm going to the city today to see a specialist.
  2. La Guerita

    9 years post OP and cant eat

    I have been seeing the GI and he did the endoscopy and told me to drink boost and go to the Bariatric dr. I went to 3 ERs and got fluids and sent home and told to see GI or Bariatric dr.
  3. La Guerita

    9 years post OP and cant eat

    No. That has been the problem. These doctors keep putting me off and giving me no advice other than drink boost/ensure and keep trying to eat. I eat all the time but withing minutes it's right back out. I keep trying though. I refuse to give up I have 3 kids to take care of. It's so hard on them to watch me like this.
  4. I am 9 years post op and about a year ago I started vomiting after I ate a few times a week. About 4 months ago I started vomiting everything I ate. I've lost so much weight I look like death. I had an endoscopy done and they said my pouch was almost completely closed and they ballooned it to open it. It was better for 2 weeks and then I started vomiting again. In 4 months I have went from 175 to 120. I have had to leave work and can barely walk around I'm so weak. Has anyone else dealt with this? I finally found a bariatric specialist and will see her soon. But it's killing me that my kids are literally watching me die. I'm so malnourished its crazy

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