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Everything posted by clusk

  1. Wow qouting the New York Times, is'nt that against your party. Why would you believe that liberal biased paper. When it comes in handy you righties go right to the source you hate. Did'nt he put a peroid after the first statement before stating the second. I have heard this debated on CNN and MSNBC and their are people who are not convinced he was talking about bombing. And before you state "Oh give me a break", the right is convinced of this not everyone.
  2. I with you on the two weeks. It cannot come fast enough for me. Just keep in mind, I am a 50 year old white women who lives in a white suburb. I put out my Obama sign weeks ago. In my cul de sac their are 4 McCain signs out. I have had 3 neighbors come up to me and said they liked my sign. We are out there. And we are looking for the change that Obama will bring!
  3. clusk

    WHY are people voting for McCain?

    Be afraid, be afraid. Obama will take all that is good from this country. He is evil, a muslim and hangs out with terroists. It's not working!!!!! This is all the right has left. Taxes and scaring into voting for their party.
  4. bjean There are many of us out there. The rights propaganda is not working any more. All they have is taxes, taxes taxes. No one is listening because they have lost the peoples trust. When Nov 4th comes and hopefully their day of reckoning they may finally look at what "W" has done to their party and this country. They are in denial.
  5. Ayers said he wished he had done more. Did more of what? Your assuming bombing. He may have meant all the non violent things he and other young people did in the 60's to try and stop the Vietnam war. He did not just bomb. He did not say he wished he did more bombing. Get it right if you are going to repeat it over and over and over and over again. It is the rights way of trying to stop Obama and it is not working. Thewatcher - you keep up the good fight - it looks like the world is going to chang for the better on Nov 2nd
  6. I love it, Bjean is filled with hate speak but the others on this thread with opposing views are just expressing themselves. Wake up and smell the coffee it goes both ways.
  7. Bjean you are not alone. There are many of us that agree with you. They call your a kool aide drinker and say you don't listen. That's the pot calling the kettle black
  8. Yada Yada Yada, Taxes Taxes Taxes That's all the Republicans have left. Bush lowered taxes and look at our country. The top 5% are the ones that got the biggest tax cuts from Bush and Obama wants to right the ship. Some of us are concerned about more than taxes in this country. I personally would not be surprised if the next president raised taxes on almost all of us. He will not have a choice. Remember Bush Sr. "read my lips no new taxes", he raised them anyway. Not to mentioned with Bush we tried trickle down, how's that working? I agree with Obama put the money in the middle and let it work it's way up.
  9. clusk

    WHY are people voting for McCain?

    OK this is rich. Anyone who watched the debate last night or TV this morning know who Joe the Plumber is. You know the plumber who does not like Obama's tax plan because it would hurt his future plumbing buisness. Well here are a few facts about Joe the Plumber that McCain could not stop talking about last night: Joe has not plumbing license He has a tax lien against him He is a register republican (although he says he does not know who he will vote for) He has had more press conferences then Palin John McCain sure can pick them.
  10. My 9 year old son was a McCain supporter until a couple of days ago. We were doing his homework and he told me he wanted Obama to win. I asked why and he said because he is winning. Don't you love kids?
  11. Right on Bjean. I thought the same thing about Palins pregant unwed teenage daughter. Remember when they had the press at the airport when the father of the baby flew in for the convention. Could you ever imagine Obama with his 17 year old unwed daughter and "the babies daddy" showing up. Can you imagine the out cry of it being condoned by the liberals. Can you imagine Fox News, Rush or Hannidy. The double standard is breath taking.
  12. howluckyami - it was not directed at you. As a whole the right is making a big deal about Acorn and igoring the voter purge and paper trail for electronic voting. It's all Acorn all the time on Fox and talk radio. I have only heard the voter purging yesterday on CNN. If the right in general was truly concerned about fair voting don't you think they would talk about more than just Acorn? I do watch all channels, read papers and investigate myself on the internet. My point was not to you personally but to the Republicans in generaly. People are more concerned about their 401K's and the stock market than Acorn. Like it or not.
  13. Why are you not as concerned about the voter purging going on as Acorn? What about a paper trail for voting machines? No Republicans are only worried about someone registering named Mickey Mouse who may or may not attempt to vote. The right is trying to make Acorn a big deal because they have very little else they can do at this point. If their true concern was a fair election day they would be pushing for investigations in Acorn, voter purging and a paper trail for electronic voting.
  14. So you don't believe in fairness like you said you did. If it is unfair for Acorn to register fake people (who still have not voted, right?), why is it fair for the Republicans to purge voters to keep the vote down. I understand Republicans are going to do anything they can at this point to slow down Obama. I watched Fox News and it is all Acorn all the time. And I agree anything can happen. But lets be honest if your counting on Acorn to derail Obama because he has some history with them it is not going to happen. Ayers, Wright and Acorn. All have been tried and the American people are not buying it.
  15. Will we be investigating all the voter purging going on in swing states by the Republicans to keep the vote down? If you believe in fairness both should be looked at. I like what Obama said yesterday, "We don't need Acorn".
  16. stevegoad - I totally agree. Also where is the talk about the voter purging going on in swing states by Republicans? I was watching CNN this evening and they were talking about ACORN and the voter purge happening.
  17. Months ago when I heard how many more new people Democrats had registered to vote than Republicans I new if the race was even close the Republicans would be screaming voter fraud. It's the only way on November 5th they can say they really did not lose and the country is still center right. The American people are not listening. They are mad as hell about the last 8 years and finally they are going to let everyone know.
  18. All this talk about voter fraud is a sign of how bad the Rebulicans think it is going to be on November 4th. They are already try to build a case of why Obama and the Democratic Congress did not really win. They have nothing left.
  19. Ok I'll go there. Has anyone checked any polls today. Go look at NBC, Fox, Real Clear Politics. They all have Obama leading and many have him leading over the marjin of error. They were taken after the VP debate and Obama is kicking as............ Check out how well he is doing in Florida, Virigina and Missouri for gods sake. This is why the Ayers and Wright issues are resurfacing. It's throw everything against the wall and see what sticks. Desperate times, desperate messures. Yahoo!!!!
  20. Oh ya and her shout out to her brothers third grade class. It was like she was running for President of her high school. This women could be a 72 year old heart beat away from the White House.
  21. I still cannot believe that people are defending Palins winking. This was not folksy she was using her sexuality to win over voters. She was flirting. I am a professional women who was taught in the day not to use your sexuality in business because it degrades you. I thought she was embarrassing.
  22. gagetlady premature and inacurrate. Keep praying
  23. gadgetlady go to voices.kansascity.com/node/2299 To see for yourself
  24. sorry CNN Biden 51 Palin 36 CBS Biden 46 Palin 21 FOX Biden 61 Palin 39 The truth hurts!
  25. She winked so much I thought she had something in her eye. I thought this women could to be leader of the free world and she winks on national TV. I husband thought she was too chirpy. Like a high school cheerleader. CNN

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