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Everything posted by clusk

  1. clusk

    Obama's birth. is he a U.S. citizen?

    wasabubblebutt I love a reasonable Republican. If there had been a Democratic in office the last eight years the Reps would have impeached him already. We welcome the support of the many Republicans that have openly stated their support for Obama. The tide is turning for this country and I could not be happier.
  2. I just voted for Obama. I am a permanent absentee voter because I travel for work and never know if I will be in town during an election. Usually I vote earlier and mail my ballot in. This year I am so excited I made sure I am in town and will be taking my ballot in myself. I wish today were election day!
  3. clusk

    WHY are people voting for McCain?

    Just as I thought right wing propaganda. Anyone can cut footage to say anything they like. It just took over 6 minutes of my life - Ugh! - what a waste of time
  4. clusk

    WHY are people voting for McCain?

    from Foxnews, please! They are bash Obama and or Dems all the time
  5. clusk

    Gadgetlady, The Watcher, and all in between...

    Most americans are open to some type of Universal Health Care. Something like Medicare. Hopefully we might see it in the next 4 years.
  6. Bjean - you rock! Republicans have been trying to convince americans that Dems cannot not be of faith, love their county and support the military. Watching Obama has been a wake up to the country that he is all that and a bag of chips too. I cannot wait to cast my vote for Senator Obama. I have been voting for 32 years, have not missed an election. I am more enthusiastic about this vote than any before!
  7. It is foolish to blame both parties equally. The Reps have had the White House for 8 years and the Congress for 6 and it's is both parties blame equally? Really? Take your partisan glasses off. I never said the Dems had no part in it. What happened to the party of personal responsiblity? Even McCain is blaming Bush for gods sake. chat with you later, I have to get back to my life.
  8. To try and put the last eights years on both parties equally is dishonest. I did not say the Dems did not have a part in it I said the Reps are mostly responsible. They have had the White House for 8 years and the Congress for 6. What happened to the party of personal resposiblity? The Reps have taken NO responsibility for the last 8 years, NONE. The Reps are trying desperatly to have the country blame it on both parties. It is not working.
  9. clusk

    Obama's birth. is he a U.S. citizen?

    No personal attacks. And I agree ignorance must be bliss!
  10. We have not had a Democratic congress for 4 years. They were elected in 2006. It has been about 18 months. The Dems shoved the 700 billion sham down our throats? Oh you mean the one the Bush Admin wrote and most Repubs supported. I will agree that there are corupt individuals in both parties. I am not happy with all Dems. But to say the mess we are in after 8 years of Bush and 6 years of a Rep congress is shared equally by both parties is bull. That's why the Rep's are loosing. The people have lost confidence in the Rep party. Honestly I think Bush reunioned your party.
  11. clusk

    Obama's birth. is he a U.S. citizen?

    I love all you open minded people on the right that just want to know the truth. You don't care about the truth, it is all about taking Obama down. That's what it has always been about. The good news is you are falling like flies for Obama.
  12. Oh please Bush took us on a slow boat? Does anyone remember we had a surplus before he got into the White House. Repulicans cannot put their 8 years of incompetence and say the Dems are worse. It is not going to work any more. You have lost the people.
  13. clusk

    Obama's birth. is he a U.S. citizen?

    Sorry to break all the Republicans heart on this thread that were hoping it was true. Go to newsmax.com. A conservative site. "Friday night, US District Judge R. Barclay Surrick sided w/Democratic National Committe with a 34 page memo". He said the the claim was "ridiculous" and "patently false". OK, now it's time to discuss how a Democratic put the judge in office.
  14. clusk

    Gadgetlady, The Watcher, and all in between...

    Stevegoad Great Question! I think if the polls stay as they are to election day showing Obama with a distint advantage and he looses, it is going to get ugly. The left is not going to hand this one over.
  15. I think cultural issues are finally going to take a welcomed back seat at this election. The economy is trumping abortion, taxes, religion and the wars. And as I remember Bush had 80% of the country behind him after 9/11 (and this was after an election the Supreme Court gave to him). He screwed it up and has no one to blame. Bethfromva You sure have the talking points down. The problem is no one is listening!
  16. clusk

    WHY are people voting for McCain?

    If she is elected VP she thinks she is going to be the leader of the Senate. She thinks she well help with legislation. Please, she is an embarassment!
  17. clusk

    WHY are people voting for McCain?

    If she is elected VP she thinks she is going to be the leader of the Senate. She thinks she well help with legislation. Please, she is an embarassment!
  18. I do think it will be close but I just checked Fox.com. Second leading story "Obama Grabs 9 point lead with likely voters" I just saying......................
  19. clusk

    WHY are people voting for McCain?

    The Bush Admistration opened the socialist door by giving Wall Street 700 billion dollars of American taxpayers money. At this point Republicans have lost the debate about where tax dollars go.
  20. I too believe it will be close. There are many more polls that show Obama ahead. Just to keep perspective at realclearpolitics.com (which is a conservative site), they state the following: National Average Obama +7 Colorado/Obama +5.4 Ohio/Obama +2.5 Florida/Obama +1.5 Nevada /Obama +3.3 Missouri/Obama +2.7 North Carolina/Obama 2.0 Virgina/Obama +7.0
  21. clusk

    WHY are people voting for McCain?

    luluc Abortion is a distraction so we do not discuss the topic of the thread. Voting for McCain. From what I can see from the fresh polls that came out today McCain needs all the distractions he can get. Did I change the subject?
  22. clusk

    WHY are people voting for McCain?

    The above is my attempt a sarcasim.
  23. Ok I am going to say something nice about Palin. She was very funny on SNL this weekend. But she is hurting her ticket because people have decided she is not ready to be president. And as Powell said this weekend that is the only qualification a VP needs.
  24. I was also thrilled to see Powell support Obama. I watched the entire "Meet the Press" show yesterday. I was very impressed with Powells thought out reasoning for supporting Obama but that did not stop Rush from stating this morning is was only because he was black. Powell was the darling of the right when he support "W" for president and when he went to the UN to support the war. Now they will either ignore him or try and tear him down. I don't know about you but I am enjoying watching the flail about not knowing what to do when their Rovian tacktics don't work any more.
  25. That's thewatcher I have come to know and love!

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