See I am in Australia and insurance doesnt play a part in if you choose the sleeve or the band or any other form of weight loss surgery. So I dont have any knowledge on that sorry.
You are on the right track! the Sleeve Gastrectomy removes the majority of your stomach, in fact up to 80% of it. In removing this, they are taking away the stomach tissue that creates a hormone called Grehlin. Now, Grehlin is the 'hungry' hormone, so when you have such a big stomach from over eating, or for whatever reason, all of that stomach is creating this hormone that seems to make you want to eat all the time, and never satisfied. When this is removed, so is the hunger, and that is why you might hear some Sleevers saying they need to remind themselves to eat, and it does take some getting used to!!
I totally agree with any healthy positive way to lose weight. Whether its the gastric bypass, the balloon (which is so ancient now!), the band or the sleeve.
Asnewme1, make sure you do all the research, then you will know for sure if the sleeve is the best thing for you to choose. You may find another way that you think is better!! Dont just do whatever the doctor said sounds good to him/her, do your homework, then when you make your decision, you will feel confident that you have chosen it for you and only you. Thankyou for your email, I will keep in touch.