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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by sfsugrl26

  1. Hey everyone I was recently banded August 21st of 2008 and I am experiencing a little problem. I was on liquids for 3 weeks and everything was fine with the exception of 1 slip up that happened at a wedding where I had a glass of wine a lemon drop and some chicken tenders. I know stupid but that was only once,and after reading a little more I realized why and felt really bad and had a slight freak out because I thought my band had slipped and I busted my stiches. Thankfully it did'nt but now I am aloud to go to purees or food that doesnt need to be chewed. What in the world can I eat?? what have other people eatten? I hate mashed potatoes so I dont want to eat that and i tried Peanut Butter but too fatty. Any suggestions? ALso if some one could let me know how to do one of those weight loss tickers that would be great too. july 12 starting weight 286 Aug 21st surgery date weight 267 Sept 10th post surgery weight 253:w00t:
  2. sfsugrl26

    What can I eat???

    Thank you everyone for all the responses I have a chopper and a blender so the beans and cheese with salsa blended up sounds great I actually love beans I was thinking about that but I knid of just had a complete blank and couldnt think of anything and the salmon also sounds like an option after the 2 week period I gotta go threw I dont want to risk anything but thanks for all the rplys it defenitly helped me out and and i am extremely excited about being able to eat something tonight. YEA!!!!! NO more protein shake all day and sugar free jello woo hoo
  3. hey I just wanted you to know that 30lbs is a godd amount of weight and just try to focus on the positive and thats that you lost 30lbs if ya want to try to lose a little more i suggest cutting calories and going to the gym I only eat around 1000 calories a day and I go to the gym and burn around 600 and also try to walk around at work and I was banded in aug the 21st and have lost 14 lbs so far Another thing you might want to consider is maybe your weight loss has pleatued<----not to sure if that is even a word but basically its stopped and you might have to do somethng to get it jump started again ut keep up the good work and focus on the good
  4. Hi I just saw your post and wanted to respond I can certainly relate to your situation I have always been a little over weight about 20lbs or so but within the past 4 yrs I have packed on a ridiculous amount of weight and pretty much became a hermit in my home I was sick tired unhappy constantly hideing from the camera and shutting out everyone in my life friends and family I did do exercise occasionally but who wants to go to the gym and see a bunch of healthy people when you feel absolutely terrible inside and out and I also too had a problem with portion control. SO I looked in to the lap band and gastric and felt lap band would be my best option. I was banded Aug 21st of 08 and at first wanted the band removed immediatley but after 3 weeks almost 4 I have adjusted to it and have lost 13 lbs which is great becasue my doctor said right now isnt really the time I should be loseing weight its just time for healing. The band helps with portion control and also with the total weight lost of 30 lbs 17 pre op and now 13 post op I feel alot more energetic and willing to do more things so all I can say if you are considering the lap band surgery and you want to make a change for the better health wise I think it would be a great decision I do not regret it and am so glad I have gotten it done if ya want some more opinions check out you tube and search lap band before and after in addition to lap band journeys that is what motivated me to get the procedure done in addition to realizing I was not happy with my life good luck oh and I am not too sure about your paticular insurance but i know with mine after i jumped threw all the hoops the approval process was quick 3 maybe 4 days at most but took me 6 months to do all the things required of me by my insurance company which is aetna
  5. sfsugrl26

    my band was put in on 5/20/08

    well i dont live in the area but I know I saw your post and wanted to respond I got banded on Aug 21st of 08 and have only lost 14 lbs so far but with my pre op I am around a 30 lb weight loss so far. I have experienced the hunger pains and I am still in the no real food stage or at least no solids so I defenitely feel your pain, some things I do to keep my mind off the hunger and to quiet it down a bit is drink water or chocolate soy milk mainly just put liquids in and that tends to help out I also just try to keep myself busy hoping I dont realize how hungry I am. Good luck I know its not exactly what ya were looking for for an answer but I just wanted to drop ya a line let ya know dont get discouraged and 40lbs is alot so keep up the good work and focus on how much weight you have lost so far without the lap band ya probably wouldnt have lost so much. So keep working out at the gym and loesing that weight you seem to be doing a geat job so far
  6. sfsugrl26

    A little bragging

    COngrats on the weight loss I was recently banded as of August 21st and have gone from 286 to 252 I am still morbidly obese becasue I am super short but it is progress I used to have to use my cpap every night and now I never use It I know it feels great to lose the 1st 30 so congrats on the weight loss again and keep it up
  7. sfsugrl26

    what ya think

    I agree with everyone else you need to smile and next time threw some model poses up in there lol
  8. sfsugrl26

    35 pounds lighter.banded on 7-21-08

    Congrats on ya 1st 35 I know you dont know me but I saw ya pix and had to show you some love I just lost my first 35 lbs too but I got alot more to go than you COngrats
  9. Hey I just got you r message and after about an hour trying to figure out how I send messages I finally realized that I wasnt even signed in :P I am a complete blonde sometimes. Any wayz thanks for the response and thank you for saying I look young. Your my new best friend. LOL any wayz you are verry pretty and oh so young. I love ya pics with you poseing you need 2 apply to ANTM and show Tyra what a sexy plus size woman really looks like. But it is so funny that you sent me a message because I was trying to send you one a weeka ago and I just gave up, but I will defenitely be adding you to my frineds list and p.s I love the pix in the orange dress and the blue shirt you look so cute!!! ANd congrats on the surgery I hope your weight loss is going well and your recovery

  10. sfsugrl26

    Eating too much post op???!

    oh you guys are so lucky i have been dying to eat real food but I have to stay on liquids untill July 9th which is really starting to get on my nerves I got banded Aug 21st and I want food I have not broken from my diet much(alchohol) but I have turned alot of things they should not be a liquid into a liquid like soups I just blend them up add water and there goes my liquid I can drink alot though like 1 cup of soup could everyone else also do this? Also after surgery I was loseing a lb a day now I have stayed at my current weight is this normal should i still be loesing any one know?
  11. sfsugrl26

    "chugging" soup and drinks

    I am having the same problem too I was banded Aug 21st and at 1st I could hardly drink a thing but now I can drink soup and drinks with no real restriction. I guess since everyone is saying this is okay I am not worried any more but I was loseing weight like a lb a day and it has seriously stalled and remaind at the same 8 lbs since surgery any ideas on how to jump start my weight loss again?
  12. sfsugrl26


    pics of me before surgery
  13. sfsugrl26


    From the album: me

  14. sfsugrl26


    From the album: me

  15. sfsugrl26

    Banded Aug 21st Idaho

    oh thank you i was just responding to one of your threads congrats on your weight loss also and keep up the good work and thank you for responding I was terrified I know my dr is gettign annoyed with me I called him twice yesterday just to make sure it was okay that i am loseing weight so fast
  16. sfsugrl26

    Banded Aug 21st Idaho

    Hey whats up everyone my name is Thasha and I was just banded on the 21st of Aug and am really glad i did it. So far i have lost 27 lbs from pre op to now 8 days after surgery I started at 287 and am now at 260 which is awesome since surgery i have lost 7 lbs going to 8 it seems like i lose a lb a day i hope this is normal and would appreciate it if some one could give me so answers on there weight loss to after surgery. I think its okay for me to return to the gym so today will be my first day back with a lite work out hey any one in Idaho get banded this month if so get back to me I am from Boise and would to share experiences and try to motivate one another to keep loseing the weight. Also does anyone have soreness where the port is at? I am not in pain just discomfort and was wondering when that is going to go away. I think I finally got all the gas out which my fiance was not to happy about but anywho just a little rant and rave if you want respond back i love to here from other people and to read about there experiences. ALso I absolutley love my surgeon and recomend him to anyone in Idaho Dr. Cahn awesome doctor check him out :thumbup:
  17. sfsugrl26

    I guess im a baby!

    Your not a baby I am the same way
  18. Hey everyone I have been searching like crazy to get some info on people who have gotten banded and the surgery experience. I have never had a surgery so I am freaking out about the whole thing. Is this normal did every one else get the pre surgery jitters I am extremely excited about getting it and have been looking forward to the surgery for like a yr but now that it is literally hours away i am freaking out and wondering do i really want to get this done? I have always been a big baby about things but I am honestly so scared and just hope i wake up after surgery and i cant feel anything while in surgery.If any one has any advice please get back to me asap and also please pray for me. SCary kat Thasha:sad:
  19. Hi I was just wondering if anyone had aetna insurance its a ppo and I have the Aetna select plan where I can only go to in network providers. I am in the process of getting a network deficiency because there is no doctors in network that perform the sugery in my state at all, so my question is how is aetna it has been a nightmare so far trying to deal with them. How long does it take for them to approve and also does anyone know if I went to the doctor every month sometimes 2 times a month for 7 months and got my vitals taken and was put on weightloss pills if this would qualify for a medically supervised diet I also have gym logs to confirm I was working out.
  20. sfsugrl26

    Aetna Insurance

    well once all my info was sent into aetna they approved my band in 4 days it was ridiculously fast and after i spoke to the right people it was seriously smooth sailing now today is surgery date and of course i have the pre surgery jitters and all but I know afterwards this will be the best thing for me but i am still terrified about the whole anethesia and slicing my body open deal
  21. sfsugrl26

    Aetna Insurance

    Thank you both for responding this defenitely helped me out I have been trying to get this surgery for the past yr and was planning on getting it on united health care which is alot easier but my fiance switched jobs and now I am stuck with my aetna it has been really difficult trying to find out what I needed to do but your information helped alot because aetna has not been very helpful and I continue to hear different stories from them on what I need to do so I appreciate you both :biggrin2:

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
