Why am I fat? Hmm, part genetics, my mom was overweight for many years. She had GBS last year. My sister grew up big. She also had GBS about two years ago. I have become less and less active over the years, due to poor self esteem because I have gained so much weight. Does that contradict itself? It sure doesn't help that I am married to a very physically fit man who is damn sexy to boot! lol :biggrin1: I have tried in vain to put meat on his bones, but it only ends up on me. He is in the Army so of course he has to stay fit. My road to obesity started in 1996. I weighted 143 lbs at 5'6", the day I found out I was going to have a baby. By the time I had her, I was 215 lbs. I had gone from running 5 to 10 miles a day (in the Army) to practically nothing when I got out during that pregnancy. We lived in the desert at the time, I over heated too easily so I didn't go out much. Bad idea. I dropped 40 of it immediately. By the time I got preggo with my second 18 months later I started at 205 lb. With this weight gain also came VERY large breasts. I had a reduction thinking it would help me with exercising. Very glad I did that, but it didn't improve my motivation to exercise. What it did do was help my back problems and showed me just how HUGE my tummy really was. :omg: So, now I just had my third baby, luckily I only gained 20 lbs wiht him and dropped it all within the last month without trying. That is a good thing, but my husband is deployed at the moment and well, to compensate for him not being here, what do I want to do? Eat, but not at home. I just eat out WAY TOO MUCH! This is just not good for me, let alone my kids! I have researched GBS and now lap band for a while. It looks like this may be my savior, KWIM? So, we shall see. It will be so nice if I could just lose even 20 by the time my husband comes home for R&R in June!