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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by BroncosGalAndrea

  1. BroncosGalAndrea

    Carb Blockers

    Has anyone tried these carb-blocker pills? Just need some opinions please. Thanks in advance. :thumbup:
  2. BroncosGalAndrea

    My First.......

    I had my first 'slime'! No pb-ing, but i got some food stuck, and was sliming quite a bit, then afterwards, got the hiccups. LOL. Food was stuck and took about 1/2 hr or so for that awful feeling to go away. I got banded about 2 months ago, and I finally feel like part of the 'group'. :biggrin:
  3. I used to work for the Navy about 17 yrs ago and I remember once when I went to buy a donut, apparently, some guy (who was a jerk that no one could stand anyway) made a comment to a few of the other sailors (who were all my friends and very protective) about there not being any left when I got done. I guess all these sailors really let him have it and told him they didn't appreciate them talking about me like that and he needed to apologize. I had no clue any of this had happened, until he came to my office with one of my friends and apologized. LOL I've been blessed with a wonderful husband who fell in love with me just how I was and now, 15 yrs and 4 beautiful kids later, he still feels the same and has been totally supportive of my decision to have the surgery (which i had on June 25). Never suggested I ever do anything. He loves me the way I am and will love me when I'm smaller, too.
  4. BroncosGalAndrea

    Curves anybody?

    I haven't been to curves in a while...What are the smart machines?
  5. BroncosGalAndrea

    Curves anybody?

    I joined curves about 2 years ago, then my husband went to Iraq, and with 4 kids, one at home and the rest in school, I wasn't able to continue going. Now he's home, kids will be in school and I will be working. I figured out that since I have about an hour to kill, i will be able to go after work and before picking kids up from school. PERFECT!! The fee here is $29 a month. I went a few times before husband left and I really LOVED it! I'm anxious! I will probably start next Mon or Wed. Good luck to everyone in their journeys!:whatchutalkingabout
  6. BroncosGalAndrea

    first fill tomorrow is it painful?

    I was banded on the 25th of June and had my first fill on August 7. It didn't hurt AT ALL. He numbed the area, which stung but didn't hurt. He put a pillow under my back to sort of 'push' the port up. He felt around for it then did the needle thing. He added 4cc's, although I don't know how big my band is. It was painless. I have some restriction. A whole lot more than before. I've lost 4 more lbs since my fill. Good luck!
  7. BroncosGalAndrea


    My surgeon told me that coffee counted as a clear liquid and I got some the morning after my surgery in the hospital.
  8. BroncosGalAndrea

    Heartburn and a Summer Cold

    Thanks a bunch. I was taking Nexium before my surgery and the surgeon told me to stop. I guess I will start up again. Probably need to call them but being a Saturday, not sure what kind of luck I will have.
  9. BroncosGalAndrea

    Heartburn and a Summer Cold

    Hi everyone, Well I am a month out from having been banded. I was told to be careful about throwing up because of the spasms it causes in my stomach. My wuestion is this: I have the worst summer cold/flu! I was up all night coughing up what seemed to be a lung!:tt2: Plus going crazy sneezing and blowing my nose. Will this affect my band in any way since my coughing is lasting a long time and it's just a dry but crazy hard hard cough. Also, I had an issue with heartburn and acid reflux before my surgery. Since then it went away, but over the past couple of days, it's come back and really bad! Is this something to be concerned about? I've read a couple of posts saying that heartburn isn't a good thing to have with the band. Thanks in advance for the wonderful advice I'm sure I will get here :biggrin2:
  10. BroncosGalAndrea

    Pre-Natal vs. Multi-Vitamin

    I was wondering if anyone has used or is using a prenatal Vitamin instead of a multi vitamin. I was looking online for capsule Vitamins and found that the prenatal vitamins cost alot less. Any opinions? Thanks in advance.
  11. BroncosGalAndrea

    So give me the scoop about staples.

    I got superglued for my lap band, but had staples with my c-sections. Didn't hurt. Pinched some but not painful. Just don't look :blink:I always turn my head whenever things like that are being done. Somehow makes it hurt less lol:redface:
  12. BroncosGalAndrea

    Pre-Natal vs. Multi-Vitamin

    Thanks ladies! I think I'll go with the prenatals, even though my baby having days are over (4 was enough to make our family perfect:scared2: )
  13. BroncosGalAndrea


    OK, so I'm taking the children's chewable multi vitamins with iron. I'm wondering if there is a multi-vitamin in a liquid or capsule form.
  14. BroncosGalAndrea


    I guess it's an active ingredient found in Green Tea. I saw a report on it the other day about how it was helping a couple with their kids' ADHD. It's supposed to have a calming effect. I ordered some capsules and noticed it's marketed as a dietary supplement. I'm wondering if anyone has heard of it or used it and if so, what are their experiences. Thanks in advance. :scared2:
  15. BroncosGalAndrea


    So is pizza ok to have? Thin crust with veggies or something? I was told by my doc that thinks like toast, crackers are ok - so that's why I'm opting for thin crust...Any opinions?:party:
  16. BroncosGalAndrea

    FREE Sample of Kay's Natural Protein Chips

    Thanks a bunch! Has anyone ever tried any of their products?
  17. BroncosGalAndrea

    Energy Drink

    Wondering if anyone drinks energy drinks for their 64+oz of liquids every day. I have these energy drinks that I got (non-carbonated) that have 1gm carbs, 1.5gm protein, but lots of the B vitamins, especially B12 (LOTS OF B12). I took one in and showed it to my surgeon and he ok'd it, but just wondering if anyone drinks any kind of energy drinks.
  18. BroncosGalAndrea

    Acid reflux pills every day?

    I have been on Nexium for a couple of years....When I went in for my surgery, my surgeon told me that I didn't have to take them anymore. I'm almost 3 wks post op and it's been pretty good without them, although once in a while I get some heartburn. Not sure if it's my normal issue or just what I ate that day or that I ate too late. I guess the true test will come after my first fill in 3 weeks.:cursing:
  19. BroncosGalAndrea

    I'll go first

    Hi Gina! I'm will now act like I own this thread LOL. Welcome to Military Spouses Unite! I am a stay at home mom of 4 - My son is 13, and 3 girls ages 10, 7 and 4. My husband is retired Navy of 20 years. We live in Colorado and it is absolutely BEAUTIFUL here, but definitely a civilian town. We've been here since 2002. Civilian life takes some getting used to.
  20. BroncosGalAndrea

    Two Great Tips---Thanks!!

    Where do you get the protein shots? Are they pricey?
  21. BroncosGalAndrea

    are you a military spouse?? Moderators please look to.

    My husband retired from the Navy 3 yrs ago. Can I join??
  22. BroncosGalAndrea

    Emotional Hunger

    OK, having emotional hunger right now. It's past suppertime, and right now, I feel absolutely no 'physical' hunger. I KNOW that I am satisfied, however, I feel like I need to eat! I KNOW it's an emotional thing....How do you get past this emotional hunger??:cool:
  23. Hi there~~~ I was wondering ~ I was told to take 1500 mg of calcium every day and was wondering if tums counts? Also, does anyone here use wii fit as part of their exercise routine? Thanks for any advice.
  24. BroncosGalAndrea

    Calcium and Wii Fit

    I'm in a catch 22 with the whole calcium-thing...I know I need calcium, but I have a history of kidney stones (calcium ones, of course) so as it is, I have a higher risk of stones cuz of possibly not being able to drink as much as I'm supposed to, PLUS NOW I'm supposed to have extra calcium and my urologist wanted me to try to cuz down on calcium. *sigh* It'll all work out fine I'm sure. Thanks for your response :cool:
  25. BroncosGalAndrea

    To all the MOMMIES!

    I was banded 2 1/2 wks ago and husband has been having to take care of 4, 7 10 yr old girls plus a 13 yr old pre-pubescent boy. LOL WELCOME TO DADDYHOOD! My husband was on subs until he retired in 05. I did about 7 deployments (2 1/2 months each every 5 months) with 2 kids then 3, and one of them was a newborn the last deployment. PLUS he was in IRAQ recently for a year and a half. SO it's his turn. MR MOMMY!! He's been very good and attentive all the while still managing to take care of me, too. (He's probably wishing for those submarine days right about now). ALTHOUGH the shape of my poor house leaves a little to be desired *sigh* :cool:

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
