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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by BroncosGalAndrea

  1. BroncosGalAndrea

    Breast Reduction Surgery and Tri-Care

    Well i think that's what's happening to me. it's the right side seems to be healing great, but the left is taking forever. I have another appt with the plastic surgeon on monday, but it really still hurts! I feel like the top part of my ribs are bruised, but I'm sure it all has to do with the surgery and slow healing. Still taking vicodin, but that barely scratches the surface of the pain. *sigh* I really appreciate your sharing your experience with me. It's been quite helpful. BTW, do you have a surgery date for the lapband yet?:sad:
  2. BroncosGalAndrea

    Breast Reduction Surgery and Tri-Care

    Karen, did you finally heal on your own? Were you still in pain? I think I'll go to my primary doc on monday, if i can stand it that long. otherwise, urgent care tomorrow. Thanks for the help you've given me.
  3. BroncosGalAndrea

    Breast Reduction Surgery and Tri-Care

    Hey Karen, I'm close to 3 weeks past my surgery.....did everything heal ok for you? I have some yellow/pus-like discharge coming out of one of the incisions on the left. Doc said it looked like it was healing ok (yesterday), but it just looks off to me. Maybe i should get a 2nd opinion from my primary doc? i was told not to put anything on it (ie antibiotic stuff) until 3 weeks out, which is wed. any thoughts? Thanks in advance.
  4. BroncosGalAndrea

    Had a tummy tuck today

    :thumbup:Coloring books and crayons
  5. BroncosGalAndrea

    Breast Reduction Surgery and Tri-Care

    Hey Karen, You're right - VERY PAINFUL!!! UGH! Changed my meds to percocet. Works TONS better than vicodin. They took out my drains. Worst pain I've EVER FELT. I'd go through 30 hrs of labor again before I did something like that again. That being said, I can't wait for all this swelling to go down so I won't look so much like a mutant :/
  6. BroncosGalAndrea

    Breast Reduction Surgery and Tri-Care

    I just got home from the hospital yesterday (Thursday). I gotta tell ya....it's quite PAINFUL!!!!! I got vicodin for pain, but even that's not really cutting it. May have to call surgeon for something stronger! That being said.....I would definitely do it again.
  7. BroncosGalAndrea

    Breast Reduction Surgery and Tri-Care

    Hey Karen, How long were you in surgery? I'm so excited I can hardly stand it! I can't believe how fast tri-care came back with an approval! it was 6 days from when the surgeon faxed over the paperwork.
  8. BroncosGalAndrea

    Breast Reduction Surgery and Tri-Care

    EVEN BETTER NEWS.......Tricare is covering the surgery 100%!!! My only cost is $25 for hospital stay and prescriptions ($3 for generics). Surgery is scheduled for this coming Wednesday, July 29th at 9am! SOOOOO EXCITED!!!
  9. BroncosGalAndrea

    Breast Reduction Surgery and Tri-Care

    FABULOUS NEWS!!!!!!! I just checked my tricare insurance authorization online and i was APPROVED!!!! LESS THAN ONE WEEK after the surgeon's office submitted the paperwork! YAY!!! I am beyond excited! Now I'll be calling the surgeon's office bright and early tomorrow to schedule surgery and get this ball rolling! Thanks for all your help. GodBless!!!
  10. BroncosGalAndrea

    Breast Reduction Surgery and Tri-Care

    It's funny how different doctors come up with different reasons for recommending/not recommending things to insurance. Mine said if/when I have the reduction and after healing, I'll be able to jump start the weight loss again because there will be a lot more exercises, running, etc. that I will be able to do since it's uncomfortable doing them now. It's all in the perception i guess. Still waiting for surgeon to submit/fax paperwork to tricare for approval. Over a week now with Friday off for Independence day. Thank you everyone for your help. God Bless Our Troops - PAST AND PRESENT
  11. So i've noticed that when I eat too much or too fast or something I'm not supposed to, when i get stuck and go through that lovely hour or so of pain in my breast bone, it seems to aggravate my left kidney, which I have a 6 year history of kidney stones and 4 surgeries because of them. I am in a ton of pain there (as well as the breast bone, in my back, all that). I'm wondering if anyone else has had this same problem. I'll be going to my doctors (don't even know which one to start with) but I thought I'd check to see if anyone is familiar with what I'm talking about. Thanks in advance.
  12. BroncosGalAndrea

    Do you need to lose those pounds you've gained?

    I'm truly grateful that I came across this thread.....I was banded last June and have lost 50 lbs. I'm at the lowest I've been in my entire 16 yr marriage. It's awesome, however I seem to have reached a plateau - haven't lost anything in a few weeks. I keep going up and down the same 2 or 3 lbs, but can't seem to break that 50lb mark. It's frustrating. ALTHOUGH, I must admit, it's my own fault...i eat stuff i absolutely KNOW I shouldn't. I do not allow myself to stop when my band says STOP ALREADY. I feel like I need to 'start all over' so to speak. As if it was my first days and weeks immediately after my surgery. I need a jump-start again and I need to re-program my brain, I think. I've said this before, but the encouragement on these boards is overwhelming and fabulous! Thank you everyone for those encouraging words.
  13. BroncosGalAndrea

    Band erosion and Caffine...

    I was able to have coffee in the hospital after my surgery as soon as I was able to drink :smile:)
  14. ....with God, ALL things are possible. Matthew 19:26
  15. BroncosGalAndrea

    Band Slipping???

    For those of you who have had your band slip - what were your symptoms? What prompted you to go see your doctor to verify if this has happened? I'm feeling really uncomfortable lately after I eat - pretty much almost anything I eat.....I get the lovely PBing usually within 15 minutes, i get pain between my ribs in front and it seems to make my kidney stone pain act up, tho I am not sure if one has to do with the other. Any help is so greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance. :biggrin:
  16. BroncosGalAndrea

    Tri-care and breast reduction

    I read on a thread here that most insurances would pay for a breast reduction. I'm wondering if anyone is aware if this is something Tri-care has paid for or pays for. Any help would be so greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance.
  17. BroncosGalAndrea

    Tri-care and breast reduction

    I've lost about 45lbs and my boobs haven't shrunk too much.... i have pain in my back, more so now since the surgery and weight loss. Where do I start about the back issue? My regular doctor? The Gastric doc? Thanks for all the help and advice. :thumbup:
  18. OK, so I was banded back on June 25. Everything seems to be going just fine, however, I noticed today that I'm getting a pain in one of my incisions. Not even the one where the port is. One of the smaller ones on the right. Any clues? It's not red or hot so I don't think it's infected. Just odd.....:eek: Thanks in advance everyone
  19. BroncosGalAndrea

    Need some advice, please...

    I had my surgery on the 25th of June and my first fill on about August 7th. He put 4cc's in a 10cc band. I definitely notice a big difference in what I can eat now compared to before the fill. I went in 2 weeks ago for a 2nd fill and I was down like 10 lbs from my post op, about a month before. Well, he told me that was great and that's where he'd like me to be - losing 2-3 lbs a week. FINE. I get it. Slow and steady and all that stuff. So he didn't fill me. Well, I've lost about 4 bls since then (about 2 weeks ago) but still feel like I can eat way more than I should be able to. I called and made an appt for this Tuesday to see if he'll give me a fill. But I'm just wondering if I'm doing the right thing......Maybe I really don't need this fill. But being able to eat more than I should makes it easy to eat stuff I shouldn't. I was just wondering if anyone has any suggestions.....Thank you in advance :wink_smile::teeth_smile:
  20. BroncosGalAndrea

    Need some advice, please...

    Wow, Restless Monkey, you are absolutely right! I am definitely consistently losing at least 2 lbs a week. Some weeks it's been 3. I'm sure once I get started on Curves, that will really get my metabolism going. I think I was getting in to that "quick fix" mode. I truly appreciate what you had to say. I'm not gaining OR standing still. I need to hear (in this case SEE :teeth_smile: ) those exact words, cuz I think I knew that all along. Like I said QUICK FIX mentality getting the better of me. I have a regular appointment on the 21st of October. I think I will just hold out until then and see how it goes. Thank you, EVERYONE, for your kind words and responses. I knew there was a reason I love this board! God Bless! Andrea
  21. BroncosGalAndrea

    Need some advice, please...

    Thanks for that.....I'm just feeling like, I don't know. I'm sure 2-3 lbs a week is best, healthiest and will help with excess skin in the long run, but like I said before, I just feel like I can eat more than I should be able to. I joined Curves, but I am looking for time to go. I work from 9am-2pm. Perfect when it comes to dropping off and picking up my 4 kids from school, but doesn't leave much time. I think they're open on Saturdays. I should start going then or before they close. I think I'm going to have to literally put it in my calendar and make tie to go. Still hoping I get this fill, though.
  22. BroncosGalAndrea


    Did everyone here have (or going to have) their surgery covered by Tricare? When I read that they were finally covering the lap band procedure, i jumped on it! It was the easiest process I've ever had to go through with them. In fact, my surgeon's office told me tri care was the easiest insurance they've ever had to deal with. I had my procedure scheduled and done within around 6 weeks of my initial consult - psych and nutritionist appts included! :party:
  23. BroncosGalAndrea

    I'll go first

    Yahoo!:biggrin: Military spouses thread! YAY US! thank you moderators for this. God Bless our TROOPS!:mad:
  24. BroncosGalAndrea

    craving coffee...i'm gonna die!

    WOW! All surgeons really DO have different rules. My doc counted coffee as a clear liquid and I got to have some the morning after my surgery (with splenda, of course).
  25. BroncosGalAndrea


    I'm just curious as to what everyone here Snacks on? I mean, to get rid of that 'hunger' or 'craving' that one can get in between meals.....I was thinking something like a few cubes of cheese or string cheese, a small yogurt, but I'm looking for healthy, quick and convenient ideas, if everyone would be so kind as to share. Thanks in advance! :laugh: Oh, and have i told everyone that I LOVE THIS SITE? All the support, ideas and just uplifting words! Thank you everyone! :thumbup:

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