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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by BroncosGalAndrea

  1. BroncosGalAndrea

    Need advice ~ PLEASE ~

    It's my port. You're right - i've never felt my band. I will be calling them in the morning. It is really so painful, any movement really hurts. I'm aware of the pain all the time. Thanks so much for your fast reply!
  2. I had a tt (and hernia repair) this past monday and came home from the hospital on tuesday. I was not given an abdominal band/belt thing to wear, did not get drains and now I'm wondering if that was right. I know it depends on the individual doctor, but I'm just concerned if anyone else has dealt with this..... I am in tremendous pain! I'm taking 2-5/325 percocets every 4 hours and that does not help a bunch with the pain, so I'm going to ask for a stronger perc... It HURTS everytime I get up to walk, when I go back to lie down, sitting up. Just everything. It hurts to cough and even blow my nose Also, since I didn't have the drains put in, I'm getting little pockets of clear Fluid around the incisions It really looks disgusting. I just feel like the insicions are going to tear open :scared2: Any advise or input would be so greatly appreciated. I do have a doctor's appointment later today, so I will be addressing these issues, but I was hoping for some personal experience. Thanks in advance. Andrea:frown::smile:
  3. BroncosGalAndrea

    slipped band and tricare HELP!!

    Hi there, I just had a tt (3 wks ago). I'd noticed this since before the surgery, but I am having symptoms of a slippage. I'll be calling tomorrow to make an appt w/my lap band surgeon. A couple of questions, however.....Anyone who has tri=care, have you had to have your band removed/replaced/repaired and did tri care pay for it? will there be an issue having the band redone (if necessary) after a tummy tuck? Any help would be so greatly appreciated. Thanks Andrea
  4. BroncosGalAndrea

    Niki's New tummy, boobies and thighs!

    Congrats niki! How are you feeling today, over a month after the surgery? Are you still having pain? I'm having my TT monday with an overnight stay (repairing a hernia while they are in there). You said you were given percocet for pain. Did they give you enough to sustain you for enough time? Did they help much? I know vicodin does absolutely nothing for me. Congrats to you!!!
  5. BroncosGalAndrea

    Tricare, Triwest???

    ***UPDATE**** TriCare FINALLY approved my tt (and subsequent hernia repair) and it was deemed medically necessary because of terrible and painful rash/irritation. Surgery is this coming Monday. Once tricare had all the paperwork, it only took like 48 hours for them to approve it and a week and a half for the surgery. You MUST start off with your PCM, have them ask for a referral to consult with the PS, then the PS submits the referral for the surgery/surgeries.
  6. It's finally here! Monday I'm getting my TT, some lipo around the hip-area (plus hernia repair). I am so excited I can't stand it. I do have a couple of questions I'd like to ask those who've had this done before. :biggrin: A couple I forgot to ask the PS. I'm sure each surgeon is different, but is the port something that is moved during PS? I'll have to try to remember to ask him on Monday. If they end up just leaving it where it is, is it something that I can get moved or replaced after the fact? I'm not concerned at all about scarring. I doubt i'll be wearing a bikini anytime soon. Next question - how long were you PHYSICALLY unable to get out of bed ( I mean except for the usual going potty, getting up to at least get some moving around done)? How was the weight loss after the TT and after the swelling went down? did the band feel tighter? Last question, but doesn't really have much to do with the surgery.....I've been having some pain in the area of my port and where I think the actual band is. Any clues as to what that might be? Will the port/band hurt more once the excess skin was removed? I apologize for all the questions. I greatly appreciate any help and advice i can get. Thank you. :wub: Andrea
  7. It seems to me that I find out more information on these boards than I do going to the doctor. I've been having severe to excruciating pain over the past month in the gall bladder area. The pain is all too familiar, because I had it when I had gall stones, so needless to say, it's not gall stones. But it IS the exact pain. Happens after I eat just about anything. Very frustrating. I've had CT's, xrays, 2 endoscopys and they cannot find anything. PLUS I'm severely anemic. Now they are talking colonoscopy. UGH! I dont know if that's a band slippage issue or not, but I do have another appointment on Tuesday. Anyone familiar with these issues? Help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.
  8. BroncosGalAndrea

    FINALLY! TT scheduled! Way toooo excited

    Went to my primary care doc to get treatments for these rashes (which they NEVER worked). My PCM sent in a request for authorization to VISIT with the plastic surgeon. That was approved within a week. Made the appt with the PS....he took photos, asked questions, told them what they were gonna do. Be sure and tell PS about how uncomfortable the rash is. Mine was even painful! PS faxed over report and request for approval to TRICARE. Tricare NEEDS to have records of prior treatments, so have your PCM fax that over with the req for the PS visit. I had an approval within a week of when Tricare had all the paperwork. My surgery is scheduled for the 26th of this month. Good luck.:thumbup:
  9. So, after losing my weight and dealing with nasty rashed and infections in my c-section area, I am finally getting a TT. I think the PS will be doing some lipo around the hip area. He said something about the way I was shaped. Also repairing a hernia. THANK GOD TriCare will be covering the procedure. I'm so excited I could burst! PS wanted to do it as an outpatient, but I was able to get him to ok an overnight stay. I think my husband is going to get me a chaise/lounger that has the knee area raised so I won't be confined to my bedroom. I'm also so glad we decided to pay a little extra for the recliner-like bed. :thumbup: The doc says recovery time is between 4-6 weeks. Is that about right? Any advise on this would be really greatly appreciated. And congrats to all you guys who have had it done! I'll bet you feel fantastic!
  10. BroncosGalAndrea

    Tricare, Triwest???

    I have tricare. They covered first the lap band (and all the subsequent visits since then) AND my breast reduction. I was having problems with my back. Went to see my PCM, she got approval for a consult with the plastic surgeon, who in turn, told tricare I was a perfect candidate for the reduction for various reasons including back pain and it would make the weight loss/lap band easier since with smaller boobs, i'd be able to do more exercises. I'm in the process of starting on an approval for the panni surgery. I get a terrible rash under the fold of the tummy. The creams they prescribe do not work. Now the rash/infection is starting to be quite painful! PLUS i have a hernia. MEdical reasons. So, yes, TriCare WILL cover some plastic surgeries, under the right circumstances. Hope this helps. PS - From the time I first went to see my PCM to my breast reduction surgery, the time frame was like 6 weeks. I'm hoping for the same result for the panni - i plan on seeing the same PS. Good luck to you!
  11. BroncosGalAndrea

    Tummy Tuck Scar Pictures

    This entire thread is so encouraging! I've been getting terrible rash under my 'belly'. I don't know if its because I've had 4 c-sections, but it is extremely painful at times! I've been to my PCM a few times and they've prescribed me some ointment that really doesn't do any good whatsoever. I'll be going back this week hopefully and try to get a referral to my PS that did my breast reduction. TriCare will pay for it if it's medically necessary. For those who've had the surgery, how long was your recovery time? I'd like to get out and get a job, but since this next surgery is something I'm hoping to get done, I'm just curious as to how long I'd be out of commission. BTW, those pics are FANTASTIC!
  12. BroncosGalAndrea

    Gallbladder/Stones pain, but no gallbladder.....

    SO I saw my lap band doc yesterday. I had an Upper GI with a barium swallow. Turns out that I have this lap band/pouch dilation issue. He took some of the Fluid out to lessen the restriction on the band and he said it would heal itself. He also said, however, he wasn't sure that was even the cause of the pain in my abdomen I've been getting. I guess I'm still in a wait-and-see situation, but I'm glad he found that. A bunch of polyps were found in my stomach, but still waiting for results from the endoscopy. *sigh* Playing the waiting game again. Thanks for the replies.
  13. BroncosGalAndrea

    Gallbladder/Stones pain, but no gallbladder.....

    That's what my doc told me. I wonder how they would see if there are stones in the duct? I've had a ct, xray and endoscopy. Maybe an ultrasound or xray with the barium swallow?
  14. BroncosGalAndrea

    Gallbladder/Stones pain, but no gallbladder.....

    Thanks, Mimi. I came across that condition when I first started looking up my symptoms, but never really pursued it since doctors were telling me 'bleeding ulcer' and now that maybe my band slipped. I'm going to print up an article and give to to ALL MY DOCS. Andrea
  15. BroncosGalAndrea

    Agnonizing stomach/back pain. Went to ER

    It seems to me that I find out more information on these boards than I do going to the doctor. I've been having severe to excruciating pain over the past month in the gall bladder area. The pain is all too familiar, because I had it when I had gall stones, so needless to say, it's not gall stones. But it IS the exact pain. Happens after I eat just about anything. Very frustrating. I've had CT's, xrays, 2 endoscopys and they cannot find anything. PLUS I'm severely anemic. Now they are talking colonoscopy. UGH! I dont know if that's a band slippage issue or not, but I do have another appointment on Tuesday. Anyone familiar with these issues? Help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.
  16. BroncosGalAndrea

    Pain after eating

    Over the past few weeks, I've noticed I've been getting pain in my upper right abdomen, between my breastbone and to my back. It was off and on, but since Sunday, it's happening after I eat ANYTHING! I went to the ER yesterday, but was told my xrays came back good and my port is in tact. The pain I am getting is EXACTLY like the pain I got when I had gall stones - 15 years ago - but I no longer have a gall bladder. I'm afraid to eat anything now because I know within a half an hour I'll be in pain. It ranges from moderate to severe and Sunday was excruciating! I have a CT scan with dye scheduled, and hopefully that will show more than an xray, but I'm just frustrated and, well, in pain! Any help or advice would be greatly appreciated. Thank you in advance. Andrea:frown:
  17. BroncosGalAndrea

    panniculectomy and tricare

    First off, thank you for those of you who helped with my previous question/concern..... Second - has anyone had tricare pay for their panniculectomy? I'm going to start with my primary care doc for rash/infection issues. Also, I have a hernia, so that could also be a factor in trying to get tricare to pay for this. Thanks in advance. Andrea
  18. OK, so I've had 4 c-sections over the past 15 years. My last one was October 2003. Got a really bad infection after my first one. I had my lap-band surgery done in June of 2008. Since then, I've dropped 70lbs. Unfortunately, I am left with nothing but extra skin around my stomach area. The issue I've been having for quite some time now is this......I seem to be getting this crazy foul odor under the fold of my stomach where the c-section incisions are - and now it is beginning to actually be painful. When I dry myself after a shower, it almost feels as if it's pulling. HURTS. I'm not sure which route to go - my primary care doc? OB/GYN? Lap Band surgeon? Could I have an infection in the c-sec incision? just a regular old yeast infection? HELP! Any advice would be so greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance. Andrea :biggrin:
  19. BroncosGalAndrea

    Random pain at port site

    I got banded in June of 08. I'm down 65lbs and had a breast reduction about a month ago. Lately, however, I have been having just random pain at the port site. Any clues as to why? I'm sure I need to call my doc, but I'm just curious if anyone ever just gets random pain? Thank you in advance! Andrea:frown:
  20. Hello everyone, I've lost about 50lbs since my surgery. It came off everywhere except on top. I've been large all along, now i'm just large, droopy and disproportionate. The worst part is that now my back has been bothering me, along with my neck and shoulders and exercising is a challenge and uncomfortable. My primary doc was able to get my insurance to approve an initial consult with a plastic surgeon, who in turn, said I am a perfect candidate for surgery and for insurance to pay for it. I have tri-care and really don't see a problem with them approving this. They've been very easy for me to work with (it's a civilian doc, since there are no military facilities close by). I guess my question is......anyone here who's had the breast reduction and tri care paid for it......how long did the approval take? When I had my lap band done, the gastric surgeon scheduled my surgery THEN did the insurance stuff. The plastic surgeon is doing it the other way. Just curious if anyone knows... Thanks in advance. Andrea~~
  21. BroncosGalAndrea

    Breast Reduction Surgery and Tri-Care

    Thanks Karen, Any word yet from TriCare? My facebook pg is facebook.com/andrea.anderson68 Looked for you but could not find you.
  22. BroncosGalAndrea

    Breast Reduction Surgery and Tri-Care

    Hey Nazzy, I have tri-care. I had to start with my primary care doc. Told her all the ailments that go along with being "blessed". She noted them and had to submit a referral to be able to see the plastic surgeon for a consult. Once that was approved, I went to the ps and he measured, took pictures, the whole works. Said I was a perfect candidate for the surgery, so they submitted THEIR referral to insurance. Once they faxed all their info, it took less than a week to get the approval. They called me and we scheduled a surgery date, which was the following week. For me (through tricare) the total from my very first visit to PCM to the surgery was about a month. And insurance covered 100%. You have different insurance, so you'll have to see what their requirements are. I'd bet, however, that you will need to start with your PCM. Also, I'd only lost about 50lbs from the lapband surgery. The PS said the breast reduction will help jump start the weight loss again because I'll be more comfortable doing more exercises. He was right. I've lost 15 more lbs since surgery (only 5 of that was the breast reduction). He reduced and lifted them. The nipple had to be removed and re-attached. Didn't get implants, but whatever. I'm good with how they turned out. Good luck to you.
  23. BroncosGalAndrea

    Breast Reduction Surgery and Tri-Care

    Hey Karen, More questions for you. OK, so I'm about 5 weeks out from my surgery. Healing nicely, but since the left had the slight infection, it's taking longer to heal. Therefore, I'm still feeling pain, still cannot sleep on that side and if I lift my arm up too high, it feels like it's gonna rip open. Did you feel that? It just doesn't seem right or normal. At my last appointment, i felt these things, but was told "it's all normal". I'm not convinced, but I feel like this doc doesn't really care to hear what I have to say at this point. Also, I'm getting shooting pains (still). He says its the nerves trying to connect again, but MAN they HURT! I know everyone is different, but did this kind of thing happen to you? How long were you taking pain meds? GRRRR. Thank you for being so willing to help and being patient with all my questions.
  24. BroncosGalAndrea

    Breast Reduction Surgery and Tri-Care

    My facebook link is facebook.com/andrea.anderson68 I'll look for you tho. Good luck with tri-care.
  25. BroncosGalAndrea

    Breast Reduction Surgery and Tri-Care

    Hey Karen, Just checking in to see if you've heard anything from ins. about your lapband. Keep me posted and good luck to you. Do you have a facebook page?

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