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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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  1. Like
    Aprice76 got a reaction from Greendragonfly in How can I update my surgery tab?   
    Thank you Starwarsandcupacakes, it worked!! I was able to update.
  2. Like
    Aprice76 reacted to SherrieLackings in May Surgeries - check in!   
    Hey All, I am 7-weeks post op. No complications, no issues, extreme energy.. the works. I hate that I waited so many years to finally have this procedure. One drawback for me has been that my taste buds are so different. NOTHING tastes good to me. NOTHING. I could no longer swallow the Protein Shakes so I began making my own from scratch. After only a few swallows my new stomach is full and I find myself rinsing the remainder down the sink. I have tried my favorite dishes and foods of the past but the textures and taste will keep me slim and trim for the remainder of my life. I look at it this way: I have consumed more than a small nation during my lifetime of eating! I will not miss anything at this point! I am happy and grateful and determined to have a healthy remainder of life. The best to all of you on this journey!
  3. Like
    Aprice76 reacted to BriarRose in Has anyone regretted getting the surgery?   
    I am over 10 years post gastric sleeve. I waited for my *** to do the sleeve vs an RNY because of medication I need to take orally and was not recommended to have the RNY.
    Weight loss surgery was the BEST THING I have ever done for myself. I was in my mid 50s. 5'3 and 320 pounds when I started. I lost a few pounds before I went in to start !!! I am now 65 years old. I lost 145 pounds. Yes, I am still overweight - but I lost 145 pounds. I work full time, have the same career for 40 years. I am active, I garden and keep chickens for fresh eggs, grow organic fruit and veggies. I rake and hoe and walk and am more active NOW at 65 then I was at 40.
    NOT one regret at all. Also, I eat beef on occasion; when I want to. And I eat chocolate every darn day. Mind you - not a lot. I have learned the value of a really good piece of chocolate. No hershey bars here. But a lovely piece of dove chocolate ? YUM. I re-learned how to feed my body. Protein and fresh veggies and fresh fruits. Healthy fats, and keep my carbs down. Instead of a "rice bowl" think of it as a chicken and veggie bowl. I might sprinkle rice on top as a garnish !!! Move your mindset to "HEALTHY". I went from a 4x plus size to wearing a 14/16 petite. I am thrilled. My doctors are thrilled. Find the RIGHT support team. Start with supportive doctors.
    Best Wishes.

  4. Like
    Aprice76 reacted to GummyBearQueen in Has anyone regretted getting the surgery?   
    I’m one week out from VSG so maybe a bit too early to weigh in (pun intended) but as my incisions heal and the surgical fluids are pretty much gone, my facial features are becoming more visible and I am thinking about my future.

    I’m 40 years old and very active but will be much more agile without 120+ pounds of extra weight. Snowboarding in Whistler? Yep! Riding any rollercoaster or amusement park ride I want? Yep! Staying covered up at the beach? Nope! With this surgery, I essentially traded crap food and bad eating habits for LIVING. For life!

    Find a supportive mental health team accustomed to working with bariatric patients, decide what’s most important to you, ask your doc a thousand questions, and pray/meditate/ponder over it.

    Whatever inconveniences this surgery may or may not bring are nothing compared to the health problems that usually accompany obesity. I was tired of digging my grave with a knife and fork.
  5. Like
    Aprice76 reacted to The Greater Fool in Guys - Calories Per Day?   
    I guess around your stage if I counted calories, which I didn't and haven't but once post-op, 8-900 would not have been a bad guess.
    As you heal and recover it will be easier to eat. It's will eventually be often up to you to stop before you feel full, which is why you have a meal plan.
    My plan was and has been 3oz Protein, 1oz veggies 3 times a day. Once, about 2 months post-op, I was curious about calories and it was about 1200 calories. Before and since I don't count anything but my previously mentioned meals.
    I either stop eating when my pouch says to stop or when I hit my previously defined meal size, whichever comes first. Exceeding either is ALWAYS a mistake I've learned through much discomfort to avoid.
    18 years later, my limits are pretty much where they were a couple months post-op, and sometimes as quixotic. I stick to my plan about 90% of the time. At this point I can handle most things to some extent. Moderation in all things, including moderation.
    If you don't push your limits your limits won't change much. At least mine haven't.
    Good luck,
  6. Like
    Aprice76 got a reaction from pk88 in June Surgeries   
    I had surgery on June second as well. The day of the surgery and the next day we're bad for me, nausea and gas pains. I noticed that walking helps me feel better little by little. Hang in there! You will start feeling better in no time.

    Sent from my SM-N976V using BariatricPal mobile app

  7. Like
    Aprice76 reacted to MariaC6 in Weirdest None-Scale-Victory - I'll go first   
    Going to the beach and finally removing my coverup/moo moo/ 3XL tee shirt and just wearing a bathing suit like everyone else!
  8. Like
    Aprice76 reacted to chiquitatummy in Weirdest None-Scale-Victory - I'll go first   
    oh my goodness - yesterday was a big NSV for me - I went on a 10 mile bike ride! I still can't believe I rode that far! My legs were jelly at the end and I am sore today, but it was soooooo fun! Being on my bike makes me feel like a happy kid.
  9. Like
    Aprice76 reacted to Christina J. in Weirdest None-Scale-Victory - I'll go first   
    -Not worrying about the weight limit on my hammock
    -My bathrobe fully closing
    -Not having to be restricted to plus size only clothing
    -My leggings have become too loose
    -Not worrying about sitting on wicker furniture lol
  10. Like
    Aprice76 got a reaction from NewMe_2021 in June Surgeries   
    Wishing everyone a full and speedy recovery after surgery. Good luck everyone!
  11. Like
    Aprice76 got a reaction from NewMe_2021 in June Surgeries   
    Thank you! Good luck to you as well.
  12. Thanks
    Aprice76 reacted to JustSJ in June Surgeries   
    Sending good thoughts to all of us having our surgery this week! Please keep us posted!
    I'm scheduled for Thursday and am on Clear Liquids only today and tomorrow.
    Shell in Dallas
  13. Thanks
    Aprice76 reacted to Leafstrong in June Surgeries   
    Just wanted to say GOOD LUCK to EVERYBODY in June ... I was Scheduled for June 3rd ..but just got off the phone with my doctor I decided to not have surgery..
    Easy healing & prayers sent to everyone!!
  14. Like
    Aprice76 got a reaction from Greendragonfly in How can I update my surgery tab?   
    Thank you Starwarsandcupacakes, it worked!! I was able to update.
  15. Like
    Aprice76 reacted to Jay19 in Favorite Grocery Products   
    This BBQ Sauce hits the spot!!

  16. Like
    Aprice76 reacted to ChubRub in Favorite Grocery Products   
    Another fun condiment - Wasabi Sauce. I initially got it for ahi tuna, but now I put it on everything!

  17. Like
    Aprice76 reacted to WanderingHeart in HELP! Were/Are you a foodie pre-surgery (or post)? Husband very worried!   
    I love going out to eat. It’s different now. I was prepared for this and I looked at it as “I have had 35 years to eat so many delicious amazing things. I’ll still get to eat delicious foods again but the surgery gives me the chance to find other things to love in my life - new passions and experiences that I’ve been too preoccupied and overweight to explore.”

    I’m nearly 6 weeks out and we have “eaten out” 3 times. Once I got Soup, once I got a pulled pork kids meal, and once a chicken wrap, which I basically ate a few bites of chicken out of the wrap.
    My man is totally comfortable with enjoying his food and trusting that I’m eating what I need to eat. If you have co-dependent food enjoyment, that might be difficult. Yesterday he wanted ice cream and I went with him and didn’t have anything. I wasn’t interested after being off sugar for so long. I don’t tell myself “I can’t have xyz” because that will trigger me to want to binge. I tell myself “I’m choosing ..”
  18. Like
    Aprice76 reacted to blackcatsandbaddecisions in Weirdest None-Scale-Victory - I'll go first   
    I love these lists! I’m still 52 lbs from goal, but so far I have a whole list:
    1. Not feeling like I have to rush home to get into pajamas because it’s the only thing that doesn’t feel like it’s strangling me. Bras just fit better when you arent as fat, who knew.
    2. Chairs! Chairs with arms! Flimsy looking chairs! Patio chairs!
    3. So much variety in clothes, and I can wear styles I like instead of huge frumpy cardigans over everything. I can thrift now, and shop in pretty much any store.
    4. I feel like I have energy and interest in doing things again. I don’t just want to hide out at home and eat all weekend long.
    5. Not being terrified of running into someone I knew 10+ years ago in public because of how fat I’d gotten.
    6. I can go up the stairs and not die. I can exercise and not feel like I might die. Amazing.
    7. I wore a pair of shorts yesterday and they weren’t Bermuda length! And my thighs didn’t start a small fire.
    8. I like my facial features so much better now. My eyes look bigger, my jawline actually exists, and I look more like myself.
    9. At my heaviest my arms stuck out weird because of the fat, and my legs were always at a weird angle because of fat as well. I can rest my arms by my sides and stand with my feet together.

  19. Like
    Aprice76 reacted to ms.sss in Weirdest None-Scale-Victory - I'll go first   
    It's been a while since I did an inventory of my NSV's.
    I'm 2.5 years post op, but I can still appreciate all the little things:
    Not only fitting into regular-width tall boots, but wearing jeans with knee-high woollen socks over them while wearing said boots AND still have room to spare. I used to hate it whenever Mr. tried to pick me up - as in lift up off the ground, not hit on at the bar! - (dude, I'm 235 lbs, you will embarrass both you AND me in your attempts)...now I find any excuse for him to do it...including jumping onto him at random moments. Sharing (and fitting into) the often fought-over arm chair in the house with the Kid at the same time quite comfortably. Feeling 110% confident in walking around buck naked (in front of Mr. lol). No more quick dashes to my closet after showers (i do a slow catwalk now...lol), no more towels or sheets or strategically placed hands to cover myself. The lights are ON alot during sexy-times hahahahahhaha. Seemingly endless amounts of energy, a perpetually good mood, and an overall attitude of "Sure, let's do it" (whatever it may be)....vs. being tired all the time, cranky and annoyed alot, and saying NO to most things. oh, and ...CLOTHES.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
